The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results
The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
*May 30, 2007 Gastonia 3-12 L 3 10 2/12 12 4 9 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Hodges, C. (L 0-1) 478 2:49
*May 31, 2007 at Gastonia W 12-6 12 12 1/ 6 13 3 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Curles, W. (W 1-0) 415 3:00
*Jun 01, 2007 Martinsville 0-5 L 0 4 2/ 5 7 1 9 1- 2- 0 1- 2- 0 Patton, S. (L 0-1) 402 2:23
*Jun 02, 2007 at Asheboro Copperheads W 7-0 7 8 0/ 0 5 2 9 2- 2- 0 2- 2- 0 Pitts, C. (W 1-0) 1012 1:52
*Jun 04, 2007 Asheboro W 8-2 8 9 3/ 2 4 2 9 3- 2- 0 3- 2- 0 Hodges, C. (W 1-1) 398 2:45
*Jun 06, 2007 Thomasville 2-3 L 2 6 1/ 3 7 2 9 3- 3- 0 3- 3- 0 Serber, J. (L 1-1) 356 2:43
*Jun 07, 2007 at Martinsville 1-4 L 1 8 1/ 4 8 1 9 3- 4- 0 3- 4- 0 Patton, S. (L 0-2) 1142 2:23
*Jun 08, 2007 Gastonia W 9-8 9 15 1/ 8 13 0 (11) 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Schlanger, M (W 1-0) 374 2:59
*Jun 09, 2007 at Gastonia W 8-6 8 8 3/ 6 8 1 9 5- 4- 0 5- 4- 0 Hodges, C. (W 2-1) 1346 2:56
*Jun 11, 2007 Wilmington W 6-5 6 11 3/ 5 9 1 9 6- 4- 0 6- 4- 0 Bullard, A. (W 1-0) 330 2:39
*Jun 12, 2007 New Bern W 3-0 3 8 0/ 0 2 2 9 7- 4- 0 7- 4- 0 Patton, S. (W 1-2) 830 1:50
*Jun 13, 2007 at Outer Banks W 3-2 3 5 1/ 2 6 3 9 8- 4- 0 8- 4- 0 Serber, J. (W 1-0) 563 2:18
*Jun 14, 2007 at Edenton W 3-0 3 7 0/ 0 3 3 9 9- 4- 0 9- 4- 0 Coker, J. (W 1-0) 667 2:34
*Jun 15, 2007 at Wilson 2-4 L 2 7 3/ 4 5 1 9 9- 5- 0 9- 5- 0 Bullard, A. (L 1-1) 1388 2:20
*Jun 16, 2007 Gastonia W 11-4 11 11 3/ 4 7 2 9 10- 5- 0 10- 5- 0 Curles, W. (W 2-0) 557 2:36
*Jun 17, 2007 at Thomasville 2-10 L 2 4 1/10 11 1 9 10- 6- 0 10- 6- 0 Patton, S. (L 1-3) 958 2:08
*Jun 18, 2007 Martinsville W 9-3 9 11 1/ 3 8 6 9 11- 6- 0 11- 6- 0 Brannon, P. (W 1-0) 385 2:24
*Jun 21, 2007 Florence W 4-3 4 9 3/ 3 5 1 9 12- 6- 0 12- 6- 0 Crum, K. (W 1-0) 438 2:31
*Jun 22, 2007 Petersburg W 11-7 11 17 0/ 7 12 2 9 13- 6- 0 13- 6- 0 Curles, W. (W 3-0) 419 2:40
*Jun 24, 2007 at Thomasville 1-3 L 1 8 0/ 3 6 0 9 13- 7- 0 13- 7- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-1) 1241 2:02
*Jun 25, 2007 at Columbia W 7-1 7 11 2/ 1 10 3 9 14- 7- 0 14- 7- 0 Brannon, P. (W 2-0) 592 2:35
*Jun 26, 2007 Peninsula 2-3 L 2 8 0/ 3 9 0 9 14- 8- 0 14- 8- 0 Patton, S. (L 1-4) 380 3:12
*Jun 27, 2007 at Asheboro 6-7 L 6 12 5/ 7 8 2 9 14- 9- 0 14- 9- 0 Schlecht, R. (L 0-1) 525 2:34
*Jun 28, 2007 at Gastonia 0-2 L 0 6 0/ 2 5 1 9 14-10- 0 14-10- 0 Curles, W. (L 3-1) 557 2:15
*Jun 29, 2007 Thomasville 2-11 L 2 8 0/11 13 0 9 14-11- 0 14-11- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-2) 612 2:34
*Jun 30, 2007 Fayetteville 3-7 L 3 5 4/ 7 10 5 9 14-12- 0 14-12- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-1) 380 2:18
*Jul 02, 2007 Asheboro W 3-2 3 8 1/ 2 6 0 9 15-12- 0 15-12- 0 Patton, S. (W 2-4) 400 2:12
*Jul 03, 2007 Asheboro W 6-5 6 8 2/ 5 7 3 9 16-12- 0 16-12- 0 Hodges, C. (W 3-1) 0 2:22
*Jul 04, 2007 at Thomasville 2-5 L 2 5 1/ 5 9 1 9 16-13- 0 16-13- 0 Curles, W. (L 3-2) 2826 2:14
*Jul 07, 2007 Martinsville 0-6 L 0 4 8/ 6 9 1 9 16-14- 0 16-14- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-3) 482 2:45
*Jul 09, 2007 at Petersburg 4-5 L 4 6 4/ 5 10 3 9 16-15- 0 16-15- 0 Crum, K. (L 1-1) 411 2:49
*Jul 10, 2007 at Peninsula 0-1 L 0 3 0/ 1 6 1 9 16-16- 0 16-16- 0 Bullard, A. (L 1-2) 498 2:29
*Jul 11, 2007 Columbia W 3-2 3 8 1/ 2 7 1 9 17-16- 0 17-16- 0 Hodges, C. (W 4-1) 490 2:26
*Jul 12, 2007 at Gastonia W 6-3 6 10 0/ 3 6 1 9 18-16- 0 18-16- 0 Curles, W. (W 4-2) 344 2:30
*Jul 13, 2007 Gastonia W 6-5 6 10 1/ 5 9 2 9 19-16- 0 19-16- 0 Coker, J. (W 2-3) 593 2:29
*Jul 18, 2007 Asheboro W 7-2 7 13 1/ 2 3 2 9 20-16- 0 20-16- 0 Patton, S. (W 3-4) 352 2:36
*Jul 19, 2007 at Martinsville W 4-1 4 8 0/ 1 10 2 ( 8) 21-16- 0 21-16- 0 Schlecht, R. (W 1-1) - 2:15
*Jul 19, 2007 at Martinsville W 1-0 1 7 1/ 0 2 0 7 22-16- 0 22-16- 0 Coker, J. (W 3-3) 2333 1:53
*Jul 20, 2007 Gastonia 0-6 L 0 5 1/ 6 11 1 9 22-17- 0 22-17- 0 Hodges, C. (L 4-2) 514 2;15
*Jul 21, 2007 at Thomasville 0-3 L 0 2 1/ 3 7 1 9 22-18- 0 22-18- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-2) 966 2:10
*Jul 23, 2007 Thomasville W 4-2 4 7 2/ 2 4 0 7 23-18- 0 23-18- 0 Patton, S. (W 4-4) - 1:49
*Jul 23, 2007 Thomasville 2-9 L 2 5 0/ 9 10 2 7 23-19- 0 23-19- 0 Schlecht, R. (L 1-2) 446 2:12
*Jul 24, 2007 Martinsville W 15-3 15 16 2/ 3 8 1 9 24-19- 0 24-19- 0 Curles, W. (W 5-2) 659 2:50
*Jul 25, 2007 at Florence W 13-12 13 15 3/12 15 4 9 25-19- 0 25-19- 0 Serber, J. (W 2-1) 905 3:40
*Jul 26, 2007 at Asheboro W 6-5 6 11 0/ 5 10 3 (10) 26-19- 0 26-19- 0 Forotto, A. (W 1-0) 513 2:33
*Jul 27, 2007 Edenton 4-7 L 4 10 4/ 7 13 1 (14) 26-20- 0 26-20- 0 Bowley, K. (L 0-1) 627 3:57
*Jul 28, 2007 Outer Banks W 4-3 4 12 1/ 3 7 1 9 27-20- 0 27-20- 0 Coker, J. (W 4-3) 510 2:27
*Jul 30, 2007 at Wilmington 2-8 L 2 4 1/ 8 9 3 9 27-21- 0 27-21- 0 Patton, S. (L 4-5) 407 2:40
*Jul 31, 2007 at New Bern W 3-1 3 7 2/ 1 5 2 9 28-21- 0 28-21- 0 Curles, W. (W 6-2) 470 2:25
*Aug 01, 2007 at Asheboro W 5-3 5 13 3/ 3 6 5 (14) 29-21- 0 29-21- 0 Bullard, A. (W 2-2) 404 3:36
*Aug 02, 2007 Wilson 4-11 L 4 15 2/11 15 0 9 29-22- 0 29-22- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-3) 567 3:02
*Aug 03, 2007 at Fayetteville W 6-3 6 10 4/ 3 10 0 (10) 30-22- 0 30-22- 0 Forotto, A. (W 2-0) 2127 2:53
*Aug 04, 2007 Thomasville 1-8 L 1 9 2/ 8 9 0 9 30-23- 0 30-23- 0 Patton, S. (L 4-6) 983 2:22
*Aug 06, 2007 at Gastonia W 10-5 10 12 1/ 5 7 2 9 31-23- 0 31-23- 0 Bullard, A. (W 3-2) 450 2:43
*Aug 08, 2007 at Gastonia 0-10 L 0 7 3/10 10 1 9 31-24- 0 31-24- 0 Bowley, K. (L 0-2) 507 2:10
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 31-24 Home: 16-12 Away: 15-12 Conference: 31-24
Bryan Altman........ .349 15-10 43 7 15 2 0 0 3 17 .395 3 1 2 0 .404 0 0 2-3 15 17 2 .941
Tim Alberts......... .348 54-54 210 39 73 18 1 5 35 108 .514 25 2 49 0 .418 2 3 19-22 90 8 2 .980
Carlos Rivera....... .314 49-48 188 28 59 9 4 2 28 82 .436 15 0 21 0 .361 2 2 16-18 97 3 4 .962
Kyle Bowley......... .273 51-49 176 28 48 6 2 4 31 70 .398 33 4 26 3 .388 6 1 5-5 443 28 5 .989
Kyle Enders......... .272 26-25 103 4 28 8 0 3 15 45 .437 2 1 17 0 .292 0 1 0-0 122 13 4 .971
Ryan Wilkins........ .260 34-31 104 14 27 2 0 0 8 29 .279 10 0 14 0 .325 0 3 1-1 26 4 2 .938
Sterling Dye........ .243 22-21 74 8 18 1 0 0 5 19 .257 10 0 13 0 .329 1 1 4-6 30 23 6 .898
David Cooper........ .234 54-54 209 35 49 6 0 1 12 58 .278 38 2 34 2 .357 0 3 18-24 76 175 26 .906
Tyler Cox........... .234 52-49 175 17 41 7 0 0 11 48 .274 10 2 50 1 .282 1 3 7-10 45 110 13 .923
Maikol Gonzalez..... .230 49-49 196 30 45 10 3 1 21 64 .327 22 2 25 1 .314 0 6 14-14 99 135 8 .967
Daniel Petro........ .217 42-36 138 14 30 8 0 7 27 59 .428 15 5 34 2 .314 1 0 1-1 224 23 4 .984
Will Fulmer......... .213 15-13 47 3 10 1 0 2 4 17 .362 5 1 17 0 .302 0 0 0-0 42 2 0 1.000
Matt Schlanger...... .200 6-6 20 3 4 0 0 1 2 7 .350 4 2 3 0 .385 0 0 0-1 0 2 0 1.000
Brad Bowen.......... .187 36-34 123 11 23 1 1 0 11 26 .211 17 1 24 0 .289 1 2 13-18 54 3 2 .966
Michael McKee....... .171 13-10 35 2 6 3 0 0 2 9 .257 1 3 13 0 .250 1 0 0-1 54 9 2 .969
Casey Hodges........ .100 6-3 10 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 .100 2 1 1 0 .308 0 0 0-0 1 9 0 1.000
Michael LaCombe..... .083 4-3 12 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 .083 0 0 4 0 .083 0 0 0-0 24 1 1 .962
Adam Bullard........ .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 4 2 .714
Ryan Schlecht....... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 3 1 .750
Tyler Trice......... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000
Philip Brannon...... .000 4-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 5 14 0 1.000
Spencer Patton...... .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 3 7 1 .909
Totals.............. .256 55-55 1866 246 478 82 11 26 217 660 .354 212 27 347 9 .338 15 25 100-124 1471 631 92 .958
Opponents........... .243 55-55 1836 254 446 65 14 38 220 653 .356 217 35 432 17 .331 20 34 79-101 1460 620 93 .957
LOB - Team (440), Opp (418). DPs turned - Team (52), Opp (39). CI - Team (1), Enders, K. 1, Opp (1). IBB - Team (1), Bowley,
K. 1, Opp (3). Picked off - Cooper, D. 3, Rivera, C. 2, Cox, T. 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Kevin Crum.......... 0.39 1-1 20 0 0 0/2 13 23.1 15 5 1 6 23 0 1 0 79 .190 0 2 0 2 2
Kyle Bowley......... 0.75 0-2 3 1 0 0/0 0 12.0 12 7 1 2 5 4 0 1 47 .255 0 0 0 0 2
Alex Forotto........ 1.53 2-0 13 0 0 0/0 1 17.2 14 6 3 14 20 2 0 0 65 .215 3 0 0 0 1
Spencer Patton...... 2.63 4-6 11 11 1 1/0 0 65.0 52 30 19 20 70 11 1 5 234 .222 1 4 1 4 4
Jarrett Coker....... 2.67 4-3 11 8 1 0/2 0 54.0 40 20 16 22 49 6 2 5 194 .206 2 1 0 2 2
Ryan Schlecht....... 2.94 1-2 13 3 0 0/0 0 33.2 29 13 11 9 31 2 2 2 122 .238 5 5 0 2 2
Weston Curles....... 3.07 6-2 12 11 0 0/0 0 67.1 63 29 23 23 55 11 2 5 258 .244 2 2 1 1 5
Evan Goldberg....... 3.71 0-0 15 1 0 0/1 0 26.2 27 16 11 15 20 4 1 3 104 .260 5 2 0 0 3
Chris Pitts......... 3.93 1-0 4 2 1 1/0 0 18.1 18 9 8 8 11 2 1 1 68 .265 0 2 0 0 0
Matt Schlanger...... 3.95 1-0 10 0 0 0/0 0 13.2 11 7 6 14 9 2 0 0 46 .239 3 3 0 3 2
Casey Hodges........ 4.01 4-2 12 9 0 0/0 0 51.2 43 28 23 22 65 8 1 4 191 .225 6 2 0 1 4
Tyler Trice......... 4.26 0-0 7 0 0 0/0 0 6.1 7 3 3 4 6 0 0 0 26 .269 1 0 0 0 0
Philip Brannon...... 4.46 2-3 9 8 0 0/0 0 42.1 54 28 21 13 20 9 1 4 173 .312 2 3 1 1 3
Adam Bullard........ 4.80 3-2 17 1 0 0/0 0 30.0 31 23 16 20 24 0 1 4 117 .265 7 3 0 1 4
Jamie Serber........ 7.48 2-1 16 0 0 0/0 0 27.2 28 24 23 21 23 3 1 4 108 .259 4 6 0 3 0
Sterling Dye........ 54.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.2 2 6 4 4 1 1 0 0 4 .500 2 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 3.47 31-24 55 55 3 4/2 14 490.1 446 254 189 217 432 65 14 38 1836 .243 43 35 3 20 34
Opponents........... 3.68 24-31 55 55 3 7/7 7 486.2 478 246 199 212 347 82 11 26 1866 .256 36 27 3 15 25
PB - Team (24), Petro, D. 16, McKee, M. 3, LaCombe, M. 3, Enders, K. 2, Opp (17). Pickoffs - Team (3), Patton, S. 1, Serber,
J. 1, Curles, W. 1, Opp (6). SBA/ATT - Petro, D. (45-60), Enders, K. (17-21), Curles, W. (13-16), McKee, M. (14-15), Hodges,
C. (11-15), Patton, S. (8-14), Serber, J. (11-11), Bullard, A. (6-10), Schlecht, R. (6-7), Coker, J. (6-7), Goldberg, E.
(6-6), Schlanger, M (4-5), Brannon, P. (4-5), LaCombe, M. (3-3), Crum, K. (1-2), Bowley, K. (2-2), Trice, T. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Will Fulmer......... 44 42 2 0 1.000 4 0 0 --- 0 0
Philip Brannon...... 19 5 14 0 1.000 1 4 1 .800 0 0
Casey Hodges........ 10 1 9 0 1.000 0 11 4 .733 0 0
Evan Goldberg....... 7 0 7 0 1.000 0 6 0 1.000 0 0
Jamie Serber........ 6 4 2 0 1.000 0 11 0 1.000 0 0
Tyler Trice......... 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Matt Schlanger...... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 4 1 .800 0 0
Alex Forotto........ 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Kyle Bowley......... 476 443 28 5 .989 42 2 0 1.000 0 0
Daniel Petro........ 251 224 23 4 .984 1 45 15 .750 16 0
Tim Alberts......... 100 90 8 2 .980 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Kyle Enders......... 139 122 13 4 .971 1 17 4 .810 2 1
Michael McKee....... 65 54 9 2 .969 0 14 1 .933 3 0
Maikol Gonzalez..... 242 99 135 8 .967 30 0 0 --- 0 0
Brad Bowen.......... 59 54 3 2 .966 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Carlos Rivera....... 104 97 3 4 .962 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Michael LaCombe..... 26 24 1 1 .962 0 3 0 1.000 3 0
Bryan Altman........ 34 15 17 2 .941 8 0 0 --- 0 0
Ryan Wilkins........ 32 26 4 2 .938 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Weston Curles....... 15 2 12 1 .933 0 13 3 .813 0 0
Tyler Cox........... 168 45 110 13 .923 11 0 0 --- 0 0
Spencer Patton...... 11 3 7 1 .909 0 8 6 .571 0 0
David Cooper........ 277 76 175 26 .906 33 0 0 --- 0 0
Sterling Dye........ 59 30 23 6 .898 4 0 0 --- 0 0
Jarrett Coker....... 22 10 9 3 .864 0 6 1 .857 0 0
Ryan Schlecht....... 4 0 3 1 .750 0 6 1 .857 0 0
Chris Pitts......... 4 1 2 1 .750 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Adam Bullard........ 7 1 4 2 .714 0 6 4 .600 0 0
Kevin Crum.......... 7 2 3 2 .714 0 1 1 .500 0 0
Totals.............. 2194 1471 631 92 .958 52 79 22 .782 24 1
Opponents........... 2173 1460 620 93 .957 39 100 24 .806 17 1
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 146 TPA
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Batting avg
1. Tim Alberts......... .348
2. Carlos Rivera....... .314
3. Kyle Bowley......... .273
4. David Cooper........ .234
5. Tyler Cox........... .234
Slugging pct
1. Tim Alberts......... .514
2. Carlos Rivera....... .436
3. Daniel Petro........ .428
4. Kyle Bowley......... .398
5. Maikol Gonzalez..... .327
On base pct
1. Tim Alberts......... .418
2. Kyle Bowley......... .388
3. Carlos Rivera....... .361
4. David Cooper........ .357
5. Daniel Petro........ .314
Runs scored
1. Tim Alberts......... 39
2. David Cooper........ 35
3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 30
4. Carlos Rivera....... 28
Kyle Bowley......... 28
1. Tim Alberts......... 73
2. Carlos Rivera....... 59
3. David Cooper........ 49
4. Kyle Bowley......... 48
5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 45
Runs batted in
1. Tim Alberts......... 35
2. Kyle Bowley......... 31
3. Carlos Rivera....... 28
4. Daniel Petro........ 27
5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 21
1. Tim Alberts......... 18
2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 10
3. Carlos Rivera....... 9
4. Kyle Enders......... 8
Daniel Petro........ 8
1. Carlos Rivera....... 4
2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 3
3. Kyle Bowley......... 2
4. Tim Alberts......... 1
Brad Bowen.......... 1
Home runs
1. Daniel Petro........ 7
2. Tim Alberts......... 5
3. Kyle Bowley......... 4
4. Kyle Enders......... 3
5. 2 tied at........... 2
Total bases
1. Tim Alberts......... 108
2. Carlos Rivera....... 82
3. Kyle Bowley......... 70
4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 64
5. Daniel Petro........ 59
1. David Cooper........ 38
2. Kyle Bowley......... 33
3. Tim Alberts......... 25
4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 22
5. Brad Bowen.......... 17
Hit by pitch
1. Daniel Petro........ 5
2. Kyle Bowley......... 4
3. Michael McKee....... 3
4. 5 tied at........... 2
Sac bunts
1. Maikol Gonzalez..... 6
2. Tyler Cox........... 3
David Cooper........ 3
Ryan Wilkins........ 3
Tim Alberts......... 3
Sac flies
1. Kyle Bowley......... 6
2. Tim Alberts......... 2
Carlos Rivera....... 2
4. 5 tied at........... 1
Stolen bases
1. Tim Alberts......... 19
2. David Cooper........ 18
3. Carlos Rivera....... 16
4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 14
5. Brad Bowen.......... 13
Caught stealing
1. David Cooper........ 6
2. Brad Bowen.......... 5
3. Tim Alberts......... 3
Tyler Cox........... 3
5. 2 tied at........... 2
Steal attempts
1. David Cooper........ 24
2. Tim Alberts......... 22
3. Brad Bowen.......... 18
Carlos Rivera....... 18
5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 14
Stolen base pct
1. Maikol Gonzalez..... 1.000
Kyle Bowley......... 1.000
Daniel Petro........ 1.000
4. Carlos Rivera....... .889
5. Tim Alberts......... .864
1. Tyler Cox........... 50
2. Tim Alberts......... 49
3. Daniel Petro........ 34
David Cooper........ 34
5. Kyle Bowley......... 26
Grounded into DP
1. Kyle Bowley......... 3
2. Daniel Petro........ 2
David Cooper........ 2
4. Tyler Cox........... 1
Maikol Gonzalez..... 1
Total plate appearances
1. David Cooper........ 252
2. Tim Alberts......... 242
3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 226
4. Kyle Bowley......... 220
5. Carlos Rivera....... 207
At bats
1. Tim Alberts......... 210
2. David Cooper........ 209
3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 196
4. Carlos Rivera....... 188
5. Kyle Bowley......... 176
Games played
1. David Cooper........ 54
Tim Alberts......... 54
3. Tyler Cox........... 52
4. Kyle Bowley......... 51
5. 2 tied at........... 49
Game starts
1. Tim Alberts......... 54
David Cooper........ 54
3. Tyler Cox........... 49
Kyle Bowley......... 49
Maikol Gonzalez..... 49
Games as sub
1. Daniel Petro........ 6
2. Bryan Altman........ 5
3. Philip Brannon...... 4
4. 4 tied at........... 3
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 146 TPA
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Earned run avg
1. Spencer Patton...... 2.63
2. Jarrett Coker....... 2.67
3. Weston Curles....... 3.07
4. Casey Hodges........ 4.01
Opposing bat avg
1. Jarrett Coker....... .206
2. Spencer Patton...... .222
3. Casey Hodges........ .225
4. Weston Curles....... .244
Won-loss pct
1. Weston Curles....... .750
2. Casey Hodges........ .667
3. Jarrett Coker....... .571
4. Spencer Patton...... .400
1. Weston Curles....... 6
2. Casey Hodges........ 4
Jarrett Coker....... 4
Spencer Patton...... 4
5. Adam Bullard........ 3
1. Spencer Patton...... 6
2. Philip Brannon...... 3
Jarrett Coker....... 3
4. 5 tied at........... 2
1. Kevin Crum.......... 13
2. Alex Forotto........ 1
Innings pitched
1. Weston Curles....... 67.1
2. Spencer Patton...... 65.0
3. Jarrett Coker....... 54.0
4. Casey Hodges........ 51.2
Batters struck out
1. Spencer Patton...... 70
2. Casey Hodges........ 65
3. Weston Curles....... 55
4. Jarrett Coker....... 49
5. Ryan Schlecht....... 31
1. Kevin Crum.......... 20
2. Adam Bullard........ 17
3. Jamie Serber........ 16
4. Evan Goldberg....... 15
5. 2 tied at........... 13
Games started
1. Weston Curles....... 11
Spencer Patton...... 11
3. Casey Hodges........ 9
4. Philip Brannon...... 8
Jarrett Coker....... 8
Games finished
1. Kevin Crum.......... 19
2. Alex Forotto........ 8
3. Matt Schlanger...... 7
4. Jamie Serber........ 5
5. Adam Bullard........ 4
Games in relief
1. Kevin Crum.......... 20
2. Jamie Serber........ 16
Adam Bullard........ 16
4. Evan Goldberg....... 14
5. Alex Forotto........ 13
Wild pitches
1. Adam Bullard........ 7
2. Casey Hodges........ 6
3. Ryan Schlecht....... 5
Evan Goldberg....... 5
5. Jamie Serber........ 4
1. Philip Brannon...... 1
Weston Curles....... 1
Spencer Patton...... 1
Hit batters
1. Jamie Serber........ 6
2. Ryan Schlecht....... 5
3. Spencer Patton...... 4
4. 3 tied at........... 3
Intentional BB allowed
1. Kyle Bowley......... 1
Spencer Patton...... 1
Jamie Serber........ 1
Runners picked off
1. Jamie Serber........ 1
Weston Curles....... 1
Spencer Patton...... 1
Batters SO out looking
1. Spencer Patton...... 21
2. Weston Curles....... 16
Casey Hodges........ 16
4. 3 tied at........... 11
Sac bunts allowed
1. Weston Curles....... 5
2. Casey Hodges........ 4
Adam Bullard........ 4
Spencer Patton...... 4
5. 2 tied at........... 3
Sac flies allowed
1. Spencer Patton...... 4
2. Jamie Serber........ 3
Matt Schlanger...... 3
4. 3 tied at........... 2
Hits allowed
1. Jarrett Coker....... 40
2. Casey Hodges........ 43
3. Spencer Patton...... 52
4. Weston Curles....... 63
Runs allowed
1. Jarrett Coker....... 20
2. Casey Hodges........ 28
3. Weston Curles....... 29
4. Spencer Patton...... 30
Earned runs allowed
1. Jarrett Coker....... 16
2. Spencer Patton...... 19
3. Weston Curles....... 23
Casey Hodges........ 23
Walks allowed
1. Spencer Patton...... 20
2. Casey Hodges........ 22
Jarrett Coker....... 22
4. Weston Curles....... 23
Doubles allowed
1. Jarrett Coker....... 6
2. Casey Hodges........ 8
3. Weston Curles....... 11
Spencer Patton...... 11
Triples allowed
1. Casey Hodges........ 1
Spencer Patton...... 1
3. Weston Curles....... 2
Jarrett Coker....... 2
Home runs allowed
1. Casey Hodges........ 4
2. Jarrett Coker....... 5
Weston Curles....... 5
Spencer Patton...... 5
The Automated ScoreBook
Fielding Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Fielding pct
1. Will Fulmer......... 1.000
Philip Brannon...... 1.000
Casey Hodges........ 1.000
Evan Goldberg....... 1.000
Jamie Serber........ 1.000
1. Kyle Bowley......... 476
2. David Cooper........ 277
3. Daniel Petro........ 251
4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 242
5. Tyler Cox........... 168
1. Kyle Bowley......... 443
2. Daniel Petro........ 224
3. Kyle Enders......... 122
4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 99
5. Carlos Rivera....... 97
1. David Cooper........ 175
2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 135
3. Tyler Cox........... 110
4. Kyle Bowley......... 28
5. 2 tied at........... 23
1. David Cooper........ 26
2. Tyler Cox........... 13
3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 8
4. Sterling Dye........ 6
5. Kyle Bowley......... 5
Fielding double plays
1. Kyle Bowley......... 42
2. David Cooper........ 33
3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 30
4. Tyler Cox........... 11
5. Bryan Altman........ 8
Stolen bases against
1. Daniel Petro........ 45
2. Kyle Enders......... 17
3. Michael McKee....... 14
4. Weston Curles....... 13
5. 2 tied at........... 11
Caught stealing by
1. Daniel Petro........ 15
2. Spencer Patton...... 6
3. Kyle Enders......... 4
Adam Bullard........ 4
Casey Hodges........ 4
Steal attempts against
1. Daniel Petro........ 60
2. Kyle Enders......... 21
3. Weston Curles....... 16
4. Casey Hodges........ 15
Michael McKee....... 15
Passed balls
1. Daniel Petro........ 16
2. Michael LaCombe..... 3
Michael McKee....... 3
4. Kyle Enders......... 2
Catchers interference
1. Kyle Enders......... 1