The Automated ScoreBook


Game Results

The Automated ScoreBook Game Results for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time --------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ---- *May 30, 2007 Gastonia 3-12 L 3 10 2/12 12 4 9 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Hodges, C. (L 0-1) 478 2:49 *May 31, 2007 at Gastonia W 12-6 12 12 1/ 6 13 3 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Curles, W. (W 1-0) 415 3:00 *Jun 01, 2007 Martinsville 0-5 L 0 4 2/ 5 7 1 9 1- 2- 0 1- 2- 0 Patton, S. (L 0-1) 402 2:23 *Jun 02, 2007 at Asheboro Copperheads W 7-0 7 8 0/ 0 5 2 9 2- 2- 0 2- 2- 0 Pitts, C. (W 1-0) 1012 1:52 *Jun 04, 2007 Asheboro W 8-2 8 9 3/ 2 4 2 9 3- 2- 0 3- 2- 0 Hodges, C. (W 1-1) 398 2:45 *Jun 06, 2007 Thomasville 2-3 L 2 6 1/ 3 7 2 9 3- 3- 0 3- 3- 0 Serber, J. (L 1-1) 356 2:43 *Jun 07, 2007 at Martinsville 1-4 L 1 8 1/ 4 8 1 9 3- 4- 0 3- 4- 0 Patton, S. (L 0-2) 1142 2:23 *Jun 08, 2007 Gastonia W 9-8 9 15 1/ 8 13 0 (11) 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Schlanger, M (W 1-0) 374 2:59 *Jun 09, 2007 at Gastonia W 8-6 8 8 3/ 6 8 1 9 5- 4- 0 5- 4- 0 Hodges, C. (W 2-1) 1346 2:56 *Jun 11, 2007 Wilmington W 6-5 6 11 3/ 5 9 1 9 6- 4- 0 6- 4- 0 Bullard, A. (W 1-0) 330 2:39 *Jun 12, 2007 New Bern W 3-0 3 8 0/ 0 2 2 9 7- 4- 0 7- 4- 0 Patton, S. (W 1-2) 830 1:50 *Jun 13, 2007 at Outer Banks W 3-2 3 5 1/ 2 6 3 9 8- 4- 0 8- 4- 0 Serber, J. (W 1-0) 563 2:18 *Jun 14, 2007 at Edenton W 3-0 3 7 0/ 0 3 3 9 9- 4- 0 9- 4- 0 Coker, J. (W 1-0) 667 2:34 *Jun 15, 2007 at Wilson 2-4 L 2 7 3/ 4 5 1 9 9- 5- 0 9- 5- 0 Bullard, A. (L 1-1) 1388 2:20 *Jun 16, 2007 Gastonia W 11-4 11 11 3/ 4 7 2 9 10- 5- 0 10- 5- 0 Curles, W. (W 2-0) 557 2:36 *Jun 17, 2007 at Thomasville 2-10 L 2 4 1/10 11 1 9 10- 6- 0 10- 6- 0 Patton, S. (L 1-3) 958 2:08 *Jun 18, 2007 Martinsville W 9-3 9 11 1/ 3 8 6 9 11- 6- 0 11- 6- 0 Brannon, P. (W 1-0) 385 2:24 *Jun 21, 2007 Florence W 4-3 4 9 3/ 3 5 1 9 12- 6- 0 12- 6- 0 Crum, K. (W 1-0) 438 2:31 *Jun 22, 2007 Petersburg W 11-7 11 17 0/ 7 12 2 9 13- 6- 0 13- 6- 0 Curles, W. (W 3-0) 419 2:40 *Jun 24, 2007 at Thomasville 1-3 L 1 8 0/ 3 6 0 9 13- 7- 0 13- 7- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-1) 1241 2:02 *Jun 25, 2007 at Columbia W 7-1 7 11 2/ 1 10 3 9 14- 7- 0 14- 7- 0 Brannon, P. (W 2-0) 592 2:35 *Jun 26, 2007 Peninsula 2-3 L 2 8 0/ 3 9 0 9 14- 8- 0 14- 8- 0 Patton, S. (L 1-4) 380 3:12 *Jun 27, 2007 at Asheboro 6-7 L 6 12 5/ 7 8 2 9 14- 9- 0 14- 9- 0 Schlecht, R. (L 0-1) 525 2:34 *Jun 28, 2007 at Gastonia 0-2 L 0 6 0/ 2 5 1 9 14-10- 0 14-10- 0 Curles, W. (L 3-1) 557 2:15 *Jun 29, 2007 Thomasville 2-11 L 2 8 0/11 13 0 9 14-11- 0 14-11- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-2) 612 2:34 *Jun 30, 2007 Fayetteville 3-7 L 3 5 4/ 7 10 5 9 14-12- 0 14-12- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-1) 380 2:18 *Jul 02, 2007 Asheboro W 3-2 3 8 1/ 2 6 0 9 15-12- 0 15-12- 0 Patton, S. (W 2-4) 400 2:12 *Jul 03, 2007 Asheboro W 6-5 6 8 2/ 5 7 3 9 16-12- 0 16-12- 0 Hodges, C. (W 3-1) 0 2:22 *Jul 04, 2007 at Thomasville 2-5 L 2 5 1/ 5 9 1 9 16-13- 0 16-13- 0 Curles, W. (L 3-2) 2826 2:14 *Jul 07, 2007 Martinsville 0-6 L 0 4 8/ 6 9 1 9 16-14- 0 16-14- 0 Coker, J. (L 1-3) 482 2:45 *Jul 09, 2007 at Petersburg 4-5 L 4 6 4/ 5 10 3 9 16-15- 0 16-15- 0 Crum, K. (L 1-1) 411 2:49 *Jul 10, 2007 at Peninsula 0-1 L 0 3 0/ 1 6 1 9 16-16- 0 16-16- 0 Bullard, A. (L 1-2) 498 2:29 *Jul 11, 2007 Columbia W 3-2 3 8 1/ 2 7 1 9 17-16- 0 17-16- 0 Hodges, C. (W 4-1) 490 2:26 *Jul 12, 2007 at Gastonia W 6-3 6 10 0/ 3 6 1 9 18-16- 0 18-16- 0 Curles, W. (W 4-2) 344 2:30 *Jul 13, 2007 Gastonia W 6-5 6 10 1/ 5 9 2 9 19-16- 0 19-16- 0 Coker, J. (W 2-3) 593 2:29 *Jul 18, 2007 Asheboro W 7-2 7 13 1/ 2 3 2 9 20-16- 0 20-16- 0 Patton, S. (W 3-4) 352 2:36 *Jul 19, 2007 at Martinsville W 4-1 4 8 0/ 1 10 2 ( 8) 21-16- 0 21-16- 0 Schlecht, R. (W 1-1) - 2:15 *Jul 19, 2007 at Martinsville W 1-0 1 7 1/ 0 2 0 7 22-16- 0 22-16- 0 Coker, J. (W 3-3) 2333 1:53 *Jul 20, 2007 Gastonia 0-6 L 0 5 1/ 6 11 1 9 22-17- 0 22-17- 0 Hodges, C. (L 4-2) 514 2;15 *Jul 21, 2007 at Thomasville 0-3 L 0 2 1/ 3 7 1 9 22-18- 0 22-18- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-2) 966 2:10 *Jul 23, 2007 Thomasville W 4-2 4 7 2/ 2 4 0 7 23-18- 0 23-18- 0 Patton, S. (W 4-4) - 1:49 *Jul 23, 2007 Thomasville 2-9 L 2 5 0/ 9 10 2 7 23-19- 0 23-19- 0 Schlecht, R. (L 1-2) 446 2:12 *Jul 24, 2007 Martinsville W 15-3 15 16 2/ 3 8 1 9 24-19- 0 24-19- 0 Curles, W. (W 5-2) 659 2:50 *Jul 25, 2007 at Florence W 13-12 13 15 3/12 15 4 9 25-19- 0 25-19- 0 Serber, J. (W 2-1) 905 3:40 *Jul 26, 2007 at Asheboro W 6-5 6 11 0/ 5 10 3 (10) 26-19- 0 26-19- 0 Forotto, A. (W 1-0) 513 2:33 *Jul 27, 2007 Edenton 4-7 L 4 10 4/ 7 13 1 (14) 26-20- 0 26-20- 0 Bowley, K. (L 0-1) 627 3:57 *Jul 28, 2007 Outer Banks W 4-3 4 12 1/ 3 7 1 9 27-20- 0 27-20- 0 Coker, J. (W 4-3) 510 2:27 *Jul 30, 2007 at Wilmington 2-8 L 2 4 1/ 8 9 3 9 27-21- 0 27-21- 0 Patton, S. (L 4-5) 407 2:40 *Jul 31, 2007 at New Bern W 3-1 3 7 2/ 1 5 2 9 28-21- 0 28-21- 0 Curles, W. (W 6-2) 470 2:25 *Aug 01, 2007 at Asheboro W 5-3 5 13 3/ 3 6 5 (14) 29-21- 0 29-21- 0 Bullard, A. (W 2-2) 404 3:36 *Aug 02, 2007 Wilson 4-11 L 4 15 2/11 15 0 9 29-22- 0 29-22- 0 Brannon, P. (L 2-3) 567 3:02 *Aug 03, 2007 at Fayetteville W 6-3 6 10 4/ 3 10 0 (10) 30-22- 0 30-22- 0 Forotto, A. (W 2-0) 2127 2:53 *Aug 04, 2007 Thomasville 1-8 L 1 9 2/ 8 9 0 9 30-23- 0 30-23- 0 Patton, S. (L 4-6) 983 2:22 *Aug 06, 2007 at Gastonia W 10-5 10 12 1/ 5 7 2 9 31-23- 0 31-23- 0 Bullard, A. (W 3-2) 450 2:43 *Aug 08, 2007 at Gastonia 0-10 L 0 7 3/10 10 1 9 31-24- 0 31-24- 0 Bowley, K. (L 0-2) 507 2:10 () extra inning game

Overall Statistics

The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games Sorted by Batting avg) Record: 31-24 Home: 16-12 Away: 15-12 Conference: 31-24 Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% Bryan Altman........ .349 15-10 43 7 15 2 0 0 3 17 .395 3 1 2 0 .404 0 0 2-3 15 17 2 .941 Tim Alberts......... .348 54-54 210 39 73 18 1 5 35 108 .514 25 2 49 0 .418 2 3 19-22 90 8 2 .980 Carlos Rivera....... .314 49-48 188 28 59 9 4 2 28 82 .436 15 0 21 0 .361 2 2 16-18 97 3 4 .962 Kyle Bowley......... .273 51-49 176 28 48 6 2 4 31 70 .398 33 4 26 3 .388 6 1 5-5 443 28 5 .989 Kyle Enders......... .272 26-25 103 4 28 8 0 3 15 45 .437 2 1 17 0 .292 0 1 0-0 122 13 4 .971 Ryan Wilkins........ .260 34-31 104 14 27 2 0 0 8 29 .279 10 0 14 0 .325 0 3 1-1 26 4 2 .938 Sterling Dye........ .243 22-21 74 8 18 1 0 0 5 19 .257 10 0 13 0 .329 1 1 4-6 30 23 6 .898 David Cooper........ .234 54-54 209 35 49 6 0 1 12 58 .278 38 2 34 2 .357 0 3 18-24 76 175 26 .906 Tyler Cox........... .234 52-49 175 17 41 7 0 0 11 48 .274 10 2 50 1 .282 1 3 7-10 45 110 13 .923 Maikol Gonzalez..... .230 49-49 196 30 45 10 3 1 21 64 .327 22 2 25 1 .314 0 6 14-14 99 135 8 .967 Daniel Petro........ .217 42-36 138 14 30 8 0 7 27 59 .428 15 5 34 2 .314 1 0 1-1 224 23 4 .984 Will Fulmer......... .213 15-13 47 3 10 1 0 2 4 17 .362 5 1 17 0 .302 0 0 0-0 42 2 0 1.000 Matt Schlanger...... .200 6-6 20 3 4 0 0 1 2 7 .350 4 2 3 0 .385 0 0 0-1 0 2 0 1.000 Brad Bowen.......... .187 36-34 123 11 23 1 1 0 11 26 .211 17 1 24 0 .289 1 2 13-18 54 3 2 .966 Michael McKee....... .171 13-10 35 2 6 3 0 0 2 9 .257 1 3 13 0 .250 1 0 0-1 54 9 2 .969 Casey Hodges........ .100 6-3 10 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 .100 2 1 1 0 .308 0 0 0-0 1 9 0 1.000 Michael LaCombe..... .083 4-3 12 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 .083 0 0 4 0 .083 0 0 0-0 24 1 1 .962 Adam Bullard........ .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 4 2 .714 Ryan Schlecht....... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 3 1 .750 Tyler Trice......... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000 -------------- Philip Brannon...... .000 4-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 5 14 0 1.000 Spencer Patton...... .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 3 7 1 .909 Totals.............. .256 55-55 1866 246 478 82 11 26 217 660 .354 212 27 347 9 .338 15 25 100-124 1471 631 92 .958 Opponents........... .243 55-55 1836 254 446 65 14 38 220 653 .356 217 35 432 17 .331 20 34 79-101 1460 620 93 .957 LOB - Team (440), Opp (418). DPs turned - Team (52), Opp (39). CI - Team (1), Enders, K. 1, Opp (1). IBB - Team (1), Bowley, K. 1, Opp (3). Picked off - Cooper, D. 3, Rivera, C. 2, Cox, T. 1. (All games Sorted by Earned run avg) Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA Kevin Crum.......... 0.39 1-1 20 0 0 0/2 13 23.1 15 5 1 6 23 0 1 0 79 .190 0 2 0 2 2 Kyle Bowley......... 0.75 0-2 3 1 0 0/0 0 12.0 12 7 1 2 5 4 0 1 47 .255 0 0 0 0 2 Alex Forotto........ 1.53 2-0 13 0 0 0/0 1 17.2 14 6 3 14 20 2 0 0 65 .215 3 0 0 0 1 Spencer Patton...... 2.63 4-6 11 11 1 1/0 0 65.0 52 30 19 20 70 11 1 5 234 .222 1 4 1 4 4 Jarrett Coker....... 2.67 4-3 11 8 1 0/2 0 54.0 40 20 16 22 49 6 2 5 194 .206 2 1 0 2 2 Ryan Schlecht....... 2.94 1-2 13 3 0 0/0 0 33.2 29 13 11 9 31 2 2 2 122 .238 5 5 0 2 2 Weston Curles....... 3.07 6-2 12 11 0 0/0 0 67.1 63 29 23 23 55 11 2 5 258 .244 2 2 1 1 5 Evan Goldberg....... 3.71 0-0 15 1 0 0/1 0 26.2 27 16 11 15 20 4 1 3 104 .260 5 2 0 0 3 Chris Pitts......... 3.93 1-0 4 2 1 1/0 0 18.1 18 9 8 8 11 2 1 1 68 .265 0 2 0 0 0 Matt Schlanger...... 3.95 1-0 10 0 0 0/0 0 13.2 11 7 6 14 9 2 0 0 46 .239 3 3 0 3 2 Casey Hodges........ 4.01 4-2 12 9 0 0/0 0 51.2 43 28 23 22 65 8 1 4 191 .225 6 2 0 1 4 Tyler Trice......... 4.26 0-0 7 0 0 0/0 0 6.1 7 3 3 4 6 0 0 0 26 .269 1 0 0 0 0 Philip Brannon...... 4.46 2-3 9 8 0 0/0 0 42.1 54 28 21 13 20 9 1 4 173 .312 2 3 1 1 3 Adam Bullard........ 4.80 3-2 17 1 0 0/0 0 30.0 31 23 16 20 24 0 1 4 117 .265 7 3 0 1 4 Jamie Serber........ 7.48 2-1 16 0 0 0/0 0 27.2 28 24 23 21 23 3 1 4 108 .259 4 6 0 3 0 Sterling Dye........ 54.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.2 2 6 4 4 1 1 0 0 4 .500 2 0 0 0 0 Totals.............. 3.47 31-24 55 55 3 4/2 14 490.1 446 254 189 217 432 65 14 38 1836 .243 43 35 3 20 34 Opponents........... 3.68 24-31 55 55 3 7/7 7 486.2 478 246 199 212 347 82 11 26 1866 .256 36 27 3 15 25 PB - Team (24), Petro, D. 16, McKee, M. 3, LaCombe, M. 3, Enders, K. 2, Opp (17). Pickoffs - Team (3), Patton, S. 1, Serber, J. 1, Curles, W. 1, Opp (6). SBA/ATT - Petro, D. (45-60), Enders, K. (17-21), Curles, W. (13-16), McKee, M. (14-15), Hodges, C. (11-15), Patton, S. (8-14), Serber, J. (11-11), Bullard, A. (6-10), Schlecht, R. (6-7), Coker, J. (6-7), Goldberg, E. (6-6), Schlanger, M (4-5), Brannon, P. (4-5), LaCombe, M. (3-3), Crum, K. (1-2), Bowley, K. (2-2), Trice, T. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games Sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI Will Fulmer......... 44 42 2 0 1.000 4 0 0 --- 0 0 Philip Brannon...... 19 5 14 0 1.000 1 4 1 .800 0 0 Casey Hodges........ 10 1 9 0 1.000 0 11 4 .733 0 0 Evan Goldberg....... 7 0 7 0 1.000 0 6 0 1.000 0 0 Jamie Serber........ 6 4 2 0 1.000 0 11 0 1.000 0 0 Tyler Trice......... 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Matt Schlanger...... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 4 1 .800 0 0 Alex Forotto........ 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Kyle Bowley......... 476 443 28 5 .989 42 2 0 1.000 0 0 Daniel Petro........ 251 224 23 4 .984 1 45 15 .750 16 0 Tim Alberts......... 100 90 8 2 .980 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Kyle Enders......... 139 122 13 4 .971 1 17 4 .810 2 1 Michael McKee....... 65 54 9 2 .969 0 14 1 .933 3 0 Maikol Gonzalez..... 242 99 135 8 .967 30 0 0 --- 0 0 Brad Bowen.......... 59 54 3 2 .966 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Carlos Rivera....... 104 97 3 4 .962 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Michael LaCombe..... 26 24 1 1 .962 0 3 0 1.000 3 0 Bryan Altman........ 34 15 17 2 .941 8 0 0 --- 0 0 Ryan Wilkins........ 32 26 4 2 .938 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Weston Curles....... 15 2 12 1 .933 0 13 3 .813 0 0 Tyler Cox........... 168 45 110 13 .923 11 0 0 --- 0 0 Spencer Patton...... 11 3 7 1 .909 0 8 6 .571 0 0 David Cooper........ 277 76 175 26 .906 33 0 0 --- 0 0 Sterling Dye........ 59 30 23 6 .898 4 0 0 --- 0 0 Jarrett Coker....... 22 10 9 3 .864 0 6 1 .857 0 0 Ryan Schlecht....... 4 0 3 1 .750 0 6 1 .857 0 0 Chris Pitts......... 4 1 2 1 .750 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Adam Bullard........ 7 1 4 2 .714 0 6 4 .600 0 0 Kevin Crum.......... 7 2 3 2 .714 0 1 1 .500 0 0 Totals.............. 2194 1471 631 92 .958 52 79 22 .782 24 1 Opponents........... 2173 1460 620 93 .957 39 100 24 .806 17 1

Category Leaders

The Automated ScoreBook Batting Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Batting avg ----------- 1. Tim Alberts......... .348 2. Carlos Rivera....... .314 3. Kyle Bowley......... .273 4. David Cooper........ .234 5. Tyler Cox........... .234 Slugging pct ------------ 1. Tim Alberts......... .514 2. Carlos Rivera....... .436 3. Daniel Petro........ .428 4. Kyle Bowley......... .398 5. Maikol Gonzalez..... .327 On base pct ----------- 1. Tim Alberts......... .418 2. Kyle Bowley......... .388 3. Carlos Rivera....... .361 4. David Cooper........ .357 5. Daniel Petro........ .314 Runs scored ----------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 39 2. David Cooper........ 35 3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 30 4. Carlos Rivera....... 28 Kyle Bowley......... 28 Hits ---- 1. Tim Alberts......... 73 2. Carlos Rivera....... 59 3. David Cooper........ 49 4. Kyle Bowley......... 48 5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 45 Runs batted in -------------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 35 2. Kyle Bowley......... 31 3. Carlos Rivera....... 28 4. Daniel Petro........ 27 5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 21 Doubles ------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 18 2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 10 3. Carlos Rivera....... 9 4. Kyle Enders......... 8 Daniel Petro........ 8 Triples ------- 1. Carlos Rivera....... 4 2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 3 3. Kyle Bowley......... 2 4. Tim Alberts......... 1 Brad Bowen.......... 1 Home runs --------- 1. Daniel Petro........ 7 2. Tim Alberts......... 5 3. Kyle Bowley......... 4 4. Kyle Enders......... 3 5. 2 tied at........... 2 Total bases ----------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 108 2. Carlos Rivera....... 82 3. Kyle Bowley......... 70 4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 64 5. Daniel Petro........ 59 Walks ----- 1. David Cooper........ 38 2. Kyle Bowley......... 33 3. Tim Alberts......... 25 4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 22 5. Brad Bowen.......... 17 Hit by pitch ------------ 1. Daniel Petro........ 5 2. Kyle Bowley......... 4 3. Michael McKee....... 3 4. 5 tied at........... 2 Sac bunts --------- 1. Maikol Gonzalez..... 6 2. Tyler Cox........... 3 David Cooper........ 3 Ryan Wilkins........ 3 Tim Alberts......... 3 Sac flies --------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 6 2. Tim Alberts......... 2 Carlos Rivera....... 2 4. 5 tied at........... 1 Stolen bases ------------ 1. Tim Alberts......... 19 2. David Cooper........ 18 3. Carlos Rivera....... 16 4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 14 5. Brad Bowen.......... 13 Caught stealing --------------- 1. David Cooper........ 6 2. Brad Bowen.......... 5 3. Tim Alberts......... 3 Tyler Cox........... 3 5. 2 tied at........... 2 Steal attempts -------------- 1. David Cooper........ 24 2. Tim Alberts......... 22 3. Brad Bowen.......... 18 Carlos Rivera....... 18 5. Maikol Gonzalez..... 14 Stolen base pct --------------- 1. Maikol Gonzalez..... 1.000 Kyle Bowley......... 1.000 Daniel Petro........ 1.000 4. Carlos Rivera....... .889 5. Tim Alberts......... .864 Strikeouts ---------- 1. Tyler Cox........... 50 2. Tim Alberts......... 49 3. Daniel Petro........ 34 David Cooper........ 34 5. Kyle Bowley......... 26 Grounded into DP ---------------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 3 2. Daniel Petro........ 2 David Cooper........ 2 4. Tyler Cox........... 1 Maikol Gonzalez..... 1 Total plate appearances ----------------------- 1. David Cooper........ 252 2. Tim Alberts......... 242 3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 226 4. Kyle Bowley......... 220 5. Carlos Rivera....... 207 At bats ------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 210 2. David Cooper........ 209 3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 196 4. Carlos Rivera....... 188 5. Kyle Bowley......... 176 Games played ------------ 1. David Cooper........ 54 Tim Alberts......... 54 3. Tyler Cox........... 52 4. Kyle Bowley......... 51 5. 2 tied at........... 49 Game starts ----------- 1. Tim Alberts......... 54 David Cooper........ 54 3. Tyler Cox........... 49 Kyle Bowley......... 49 Maikol Gonzalez..... 49 Games as sub ------------ 1. Daniel Petro........ 6 2. Bryan Altman........ 5 3. Philip Brannon...... 4 4. 4 tied at........... 3
The Automated ScoreBook Pitching Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Earned run avg -------------- 1. Spencer Patton...... 2.63 2. Jarrett Coker....... 2.67 3. Weston Curles....... 3.07 4. Casey Hodges........ 4.01 Opposing bat avg ---------------- 1. Jarrett Coker....... .206 2. Spencer Patton...... .222 3. Casey Hodges........ .225 4. Weston Curles....... .244 Won-loss pct ------------ 1. Weston Curles....... .750 2. Casey Hodges........ .667 3. Jarrett Coker....... .571 4. Spencer Patton...... .400 Wins ---- 1. Weston Curles....... 6 2. Casey Hodges........ 4 Jarrett Coker....... 4 Spencer Patton...... 4 5. Adam Bullard........ 3 Losses ------ 1. Spencer Patton...... 6 2. Philip Brannon...... 3 Jarrett Coker....... 3 4. 5 tied at........... 2 Saves ----- 1. Kevin Crum.......... 13 2. Alex Forotto........ 1 Innings pitched --------------- 1. Weston Curles....... 67.1 2. Spencer Patton...... 65.0 3. Jarrett Coker....... 54.0 4. Casey Hodges........ 51.2 Batters struck out ------------------ 1. Spencer Patton...... 70 2. Casey Hodges........ 65 3. Weston Curles....... 55 4. Jarrett Coker....... 49 5. Ryan Schlecht....... 31 Appearances ----------- 1. Kevin Crum.......... 20 2. Adam Bullard........ 17 3. Jamie Serber........ 16 4. Evan Goldberg....... 15 5. 2 tied at........... 13 Games started ------------- 1. Weston Curles....... 11 Spencer Patton...... 11 3. Casey Hodges........ 9 4. Philip Brannon...... 8 Jarrett Coker....... 8 Games finished -------------- 1. Kevin Crum.......... 19 2. Alex Forotto........ 8 3. Matt Schlanger...... 7 4. Jamie Serber........ 5 5. Adam Bullard........ 4 Games in relief --------------- 1. Kevin Crum.......... 20 2. Jamie Serber........ 16 Adam Bullard........ 16 4. Evan Goldberg....... 14 5. Alex Forotto........ 13 Wild pitches ------------ 1. Adam Bullard........ 7 2. Casey Hodges........ 6 3. Ryan Schlecht....... 5 Evan Goldberg....... 5 5. Jamie Serber........ 4 Balks ----- 1. Philip Brannon...... 1 Weston Curles....... 1 Spencer Patton...... 1 Hit batters ----------- 1. Jamie Serber........ 6 2. Ryan Schlecht....... 5 3. Spencer Patton...... 4 4. 3 tied at........... 3 Intentional BB allowed ---------------------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 1 Spencer Patton...... 1 Jamie Serber........ 1 Runners picked off ------------------ 1. Jamie Serber........ 1 Weston Curles....... 1 Spencer Patton...... 1 Batters SO out looking ---------------------- 1. Spencer Patton...... 21 2. Weston Curles....... 16 Casey Hodges........ 16 4. 3 tied at........... 11 Sac bunts allowed ----------------- 1. Weston Curles....... 5 2. Casey Hodges........ 4 Adam Bullard........ 4 Spencer Patton...... 4 5. 2 tied at........... 3 Sac flies allowed ----------------- 1. Spencer Patton...... 4 2. Jamie Serber........ 3 Matt Schlanger...... 3 4. 3 tied at........... 2 Hits allowed ------------ 1. Jarrett Coker....... 40 2. Casey Hodges........ 43 3. Spencer Patton...... 52 4. Weston Curles....... 63 Runs allowed ------------ 1. Jarrett Coker....... 20 2. Casey Hodges........ 28 3. Weston Curles....... 29 4. Spencer Patton...... 30 Earned runs allowed ------------------- 1. Jarrett Coker....... 16 2. Spencer Patton...... 19 3. Weston Curles....... 23 Casey Hodges........ 23 Walks allowed ------------- 1. Spencer Patton...... 20 2. Casey Hodges........ 22 Jarrett Coker....... 22 4. Weston Curles....... 23 Doubles allowed --------------- 1. Jarrett Coker....... 6 2. Casey Hodges........ 8 3. Weston Curles....... 11 Spencer Patton...... 11 Triples allowed --------------- 1. Casey Hodges........ 1 Spencer Patton...... 1 3. Weston Curles....... 2 Jarrett Coker....... 2 Home runs allowed ----------------- 1. Casey Hodges........ 4 2. Jarrett Coker....... 5 Weston Curles....... 5 Spencer Patton...... 5
The Automated ScoreBook Fielding Leaders for Spartanburg (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Pitching minimums - 43 IP Fielding pct ------------ 1. Will Fulmer......... 1.000 Philip Brannon...... 1.000 Casey Hodges........ 1.000 Evan Goldberg....... 1.000 Jamie Serber........ 1.000 Chances ------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 476 2. David Cooper........ 277 3. Daniel Petro........ 251 4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 242 5. Tyler Cox........... 168 Putouts ------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 443 2. Daniel Petro........ 224 3. Kyle Enders......... 122 4. Maikol Gonzalez..... 99 5. Carlos Rivera....... 97 Assists ------- 1. David Cooper........ 175 2. Maikol Gonzalez..... 135 3. Tyler Cox........... 110 4. Kyle Bowley......... 28 5. 2 tied at........... 23 Errors ------ 1. David Cooper........ 26 2. Tyler Cox........... 13 3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 8 4. Sterling Dye........ 6 5. Kyle Bowley......... 5 Fielding double plays --------------------- 1. Kyle Bowley......... 42 2. David Cooper........ 33 3. Maikol Gonzalez..... 30 4. Tyler Cox........... 11 5. Bryan Altman........ 8 Stolen bases against -------------------- 1. Daniel Petro........ 45 2. Kyle Enders......... 17 3. Michael McKee....... 14 4. Weston Curles....... 13 5. 2 tied at........... 11 Caught stealing by ------------------ 1. Daniel Petro........ 15 2. Spencer Patton...... 6 3. Kyle Enders......... 4 Adam Bullard........ 4 Casey Hodges........ 4 Steal attempts against ---------------------- 1. Daniel Petro........ 60 2. Kyle Enders......... 21 3. Weston Curles....... 16 4. Casey Hodges........ 15 Michael McKee....... 15 Passed balls ------------ 1. Daniel Petro........ 16 2. Michael LaCombe..... 3 Michael McKee....... 3 4. Kyle Enders......... 2 Catchers interference --------------------- 1. Kyle Enders......... 1