The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results
The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results for Asheboro (as of Aug 06, 2008)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
*May 29, 2008 at Martinsville W 6-4 6 10 0/ 4 7 1 9 1- 0- 0 1- 0- 0 Fairweather, (W 1-0) 1029 2:48
*May 30, 2008 at Columbia 2-4 L 2 7 1/ 4 13 2 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Slack, W. (L 0-1) 877 2:50
*May 31, 2008 Gastonia W 9-7 9 15 0/ 7 15 2 9 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 Terhune, A. (W 1-0) 1025 3:12
*Jun 02, 2008 at Gastonia W 3-1 3 10 1/ 1 6 2 9 3- 1- 0 3- 1- 0 Weller, D. (W 1-0) 617 2:28
*Jun 03, 2008 Thomasville W 6-5 6 11 0/ 5 7 3 9 4- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 Fairweather, (W 2-0) 2821 2:40
*Jun 04, 2008 Forest City W 10-8 10 9 6/ 8 15 3 9 5- 1- 0 5- 1- 0 Johnson, H. (W 1-0) 650 3:20
*Jun 05, 2008 at Thomasville 1-3 L 1 6 0/ 3 8 3 9 5- 2- 0 5- 2- 0 Terhune, A. (L 1-1) 700 1:55
*Jun 06, 2008 Thomasville W 4-3 4 7 2/ 3 5 1 9 6- 2- 0 6- 2- 0 McLean, C. (W 1-0) 767 2:28
*Jun 07, 2008 at Gastonia 2-9 L 2 6 3/ 9 10 0 9 6- 3- 0 6- 3- 0 Mickleberry, (L 0-1) 912 2:25
*Jun 10, 2008 Thomasville W 5-1 5 9 0/ 1 3 0 9 7- 3- 0 7- 3- 0 Weller, D. (W) 1057 2:11
*Jun 11, 2008 at Martinsville 2-14 L 2 9 6/14 13 0 9 7- 4- 0 7- 4- 0 Fairweather, (L 2-1) 881 2:45
*Jun 12, 2008 Gastonia W 8-1 8 13 1/ 1 7 1 9 8- 4- 0 8- 4- 0 Slack, W. (W) 0 2:17
*Jun 13, 2008 at Fayetteville W 3-2 3 7 2/ 2 5 4 (11) 9- 4- 0 9- 4- 0 McLean, C. (W 2-0) 2226 3:25
*Jun 14, 2008 Forest City 5-6 L 5 9 0/ 6 10 2 9 9- 5- 0 9- 5- 0 Johnson, H. (L) 0 2:44
*Jun 15, 2008 at Forest City 1-9 L 1 6 1/ 9 14 1 9 9- 6- 0 9- 6- 0 Summers, S. (L 0-1) 1008 2:29
*Jun 16, 2008 at Martinsville 2-8 L 2 10 1/ 8 9 2 9 9- 7- 0 9- 7- 0 Fairweather, (L 2-2) 1379 2:38
*Jun 17, 2008 Martinsville 1-4 L 1 7 1/ 4 10 0 9 9- 8- 0 9- 8- 0 Slack, W. (L 1-2) 892 2:37
*Jun 19, 2008 Forest City 5-16 L 5 12 4/16 18 3 9 9- 9- 0 9- 9- 0 Terhune, A. (L 1-2) 1052 2:58
*Jun 20, 2008 at Thomasville 2-3 L 2 7 2/ 3 8 2 9 9-10- 0 9-10- 0 Slack, W. (L 1-3) 1427 2:28
*Jun 21, 2008 at Forest City 0-12 L 0 4 2/12 16 2 9 9-11- 0 9-11- 0 Bradley, J. (L 0-1) 2608 2:35
*Jun 23, 2008 at Thomasville 0-8 L 0 3 2/ 8 12 0 9 9-12- 0 9-12- 0 Slack, W. (L 1-4) 1442 2:15
*Jun 24, 2008 at Gastonia 3-4 L 3 3 3/ 4 4 4 9 9-13- 0 9-13- 0 McLean, C. (L 2-1) 604 2:19
*Jun 25, 2008 Gastonia W 6-1 6 14 2/ 1 9 1 9 10-13- 0 10-13- 0 Terhune, A. (W 2-2) 686 2:34
*Jun 26, 2008 at Forest City W 7-3 7 14 1/ 3 4 0 9 11-13- 0 11-13- 0 Wood, T. (W 1-0) 1960 3:02
*Jun 27, 2008 Columbia 3-10 L 3 7 4/10 15 1 9 11-14- 0 11-14- 0 Bradley, J. (L 0-2) 927 2:36
*Jun 28, 2008 Martinsville W 12-8 12 15 3/ 8 7 3 9 12-14- 0 12-14- 0 Hatley, B. (W 1-0) 927 3:10
*Jun 30, 2008 Martinsville W 7-5 7 8 3/ 5 6 2 9 13-14- 0 13-14- 0 Slack, W. (W 2-4) 0
*Jul 01, 2008 at Outer Banks W 2-0 2 6 0/ 0 6 0 9 14-14- 0 14-14- 0 Fairweather, (W 3-2) 1161 2:35
*Jul 02, 2008 at Edenton 3-11 L 3 7 1/11 20 0 9 14-15- 0 14-15- 0 Grant, S. (L 0-1) 721 2:45
*Jul 03, 2008 Thomasville 2-7 L 2 7 2/ 7 8 0 9 14-16- 0 14-16- 0 Nalepa, A. (L 0-1) 2822 2:30
*Jul 04, 2008 at Martinsville 4-5 L 4 6 1/ 5 5 3 9 14-17- 0 14-17- 0 Wood, T. (L 0-1) 1776 2:46
*Jul 06, 2008 at Thomasville 0-11 L 0 4 1/11 15 0 9 14-18- 0 14-18- 0 Slack, W. (L 2-5) 687 3:50
*Jul 07, 2008 Forest City W 5-1 5 11 2/ 1 10 0 9 15-18- 0 15-18- 0 Fairweather, (W 4-2) 517 2:25
*Jul 08, 2008 at Thomasville 11-12 L 11 14 2/12 15 3 9 15-19- 0 15-19- 0 Wood, T. (L 1-1) 755 3:09
*Jul 10, 2008 Forest City W 11-6 11 13 1/ 6 12 3 9 16-19- 0 16-19- 0 Nalepa, A. (W 1-1) 643 2:48
*Jul 11, 2008 at Forest City 3-7 L 3 6 0/ 7 5 1 9 16-20- 0 16-20- 0 Wood, T. (L 1-2) 2264 2:18
*Jul 12, 2008 Wilmington W 4-1 4 9 0/ 1 7 2 9 17-20- 0 17-20- 0 Bradley, J. (W 1-2) 1743 2:04
*Jul 14, 2008 Thomasville 2-8 L 2 8 3/ 8 8 1 9 17-21- 0 17-21- 0 Fairweather, (L 4-3) 794
*Jul 15, 2008 at Forest City 4-9 L 4 6 1/ 9 9 1 9 17-22- 0 17-22- 0 Slack, W. (L 2-6) 1585 2:41
*Jul 16, 2008 at Martinsville 4-7 L 4 12 4/ 7 10 1 9 17-23- 0 17-23- 0 Nalepa, A. (L 1-2) 1904 3:35
*Jul 17, 2008 Forest City 3-6 L 3 7 2/ 6 7 0 9 17-24- 0 17-24- 0 Johnson, H. (L 1-2) 651
*Jul 18, 2008 Gastonia 3-6 L 3 11 0/ 6 13 0 9 17-25- 0 17-25- 0 Terhune, A. (L 2-3) 1783 2:33
*Jul 19, 2008 at Martinsville 2-3 L 2 6 2/ 3 5 2 9 17-26- 0 17-26- 0 Robins, E. (L 0-2) 681 2:42
*Jul 24, 2008 Thomasville 6-8 L 6 9 1/ 8 9 2 9 17-27- 0 17-27- 0 Nalepa, A. (L 1-3) 893 2:53
*Jul 25, 2008 at Gastonia 2-4 L 2 6 1/ 4 9 1 9 17-28- 0 17-28- 0 Bradley, J. (L 1-3) 2054 2:23
*Jul 26, 2008 Columbia 0-9 L (no stats due to forfeited game)
*Jul 28, 2008 at Gastonia W 8-3 8 9 1/ 3 7 3 9 18-28- 0 18-28- 0 McLean, C. (W 3-1) 1082 2:55
*Jul 29, 2008 Martinsville W 9-8 9 16 4/ 8 13 2 (10) 19-28- 0 19-28- 0 Johnson, H. (W 2-2) 933 4:01
*Jul 29, 2008 Martinsville 4-7 L 4 4 2/ 7 4 2 7 19-29- 0 19-29- 0 Slack, W. (L 2-7) 622 2:11
*Jul 31, 2008 at Thomasville W 11-6 11 13 3/ 6 13 0 (10) 20-29- 0 20-29- 0 Johnson, H. (W 3-2) 972 3:15
*Aug 01, 2008 Gastonia W 5-3 5 7 0/ 3 8 1 9 21-29- 0 21-29- 0 Bradley, J. (W 2-3) 421 2:03
*Aug 02, 2008 at Gastonia 8-9 L 8 8 3/ 9 14 5 9 21-30- 0 21-30- 0 Kalgstein, R (L 0-1) 1465 2:59
*Aug 03, 2008 Martinsville 6-9 L 6 8 5/ 9 9 3 9 21-31- 0 21-31- 0 McLean, C. (L 3-2) 1283 2:45
*Aug 04, 2008 at Forest City 1-7 L 1 1 0/ 7 11 1 9 21-32- 0 21-32- 0 Kalgstein, R (L 0-2) 3567 2:24
*Aug 05, 2008 Gastonia 4-11 L 4 6 2/11 16 3 9 21-33- 0 21-33- 0 Slack, W. (L 2-8) 1140 2:32
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Asheboro (as of Aug 06, 2008)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 21-34 Home: 14-13 Away: 7-21 Conference: 21-34
Daniel Wagner....... .323 54-54 220 29 71 16 1 2 34 95 .432 9 1 29 1 .348 3 4 16-21 107 130 18 .929
Relly Mercurio...... .273 49-43 154 21 42 5 3 1 14 56 .364 21 2 52 3 .367 0 1 17-21 323 21 3 .991
Daniel Cooke........ .263 43-42 160 31 42 4 2 1 18 53 .331 11 6 42 1 .333 0 6 13-14 83 4 3 .967
Chris Ahearn........ .248 52-48 157 22 39 2 0 0 9 41 .261 17 5 42 2 .341 0 4 8-9 80 160 18 .930
Ryan Query.......... .245 52-51 200 24 49 8 1 6 30 77 .385 16 6 64 3 .314 4 0 6-8 313 26 12 .966
Sean Cotten......... .231 47-36 143 19 33 6 1 3 15 50 .350 15 1 46 3 .306 1 4 4-6 102 6 3 .973
Brett Medlin........ .230 45-36 126 12 29 4 0 1 9 36 .286 18 2 36 1 .336 0 4 2-3 64 0 3 .955
Greg Holt........... .303 32-32 119 24 36 9 1 0 22 47 .395 16 0 25 1 .380 2 1 4-4 103 28 10 .929
Matt Ryan........... .282 41-28 117 9 33 2 0 0 6 35 .299 9 2 25 4 .344 0 1 3-4 25 39 7 .901
Ben Bunting......... .243 29-29 107 22 26 2 0 0 5 28 .262 20 3 15 3 .377 0 4 7-9 54 2 1 .982
Kilby Perdomo....... .207 33-28 92 9 19 4 0 0 10 23 .250 13 5 36 2 .333 1 0 0-0 19 3 0 1.000
Brett Hatley........ .200 7-1 10 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 .200 1 0 4 0 .273 0 0 0-0 9 7 1 .941
Justin Batts........ .196 19-16 51 6 10 0 0 1 5 13 .255 4 0 15 0 .250 1 1 0-1 67 8 2 .974
Seth Grant.......... .194 21-16 62 6 12 3 0 1 7 18 .290 9 2 16 1 .315 0 0 2-4 1 2 2 .600
Jeff Ussery......... .159 27-22 82 5 13 2 1 0 10 17 .207 2 0 39 1 .174 2 2 1-1 20 42 8 .886
Daniel Baatz........ .118 6-4 17 2 2 1 0 0 2 3 .176 1 1 4 0 .211 0 1 1-1 6 0 1 .857
Alex Fairweather.... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 6 7 0 1.000
Justin Bradley...... .000 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 7 0 1.000
Totals.............. .252 54-54 1818 242 458 68 10 16 197 594 .327 182 36 491 26 .330 14 33 84-106 1403 547 95 .954
Opponents........... .284 54-54 1844 334 524 96 3 40 295 746 .405 237 44 372 33 .374 25 24 61-73 1424 553 85 .959
LOB - Team (417), Opp (438). DPs turned - Team (47), Opp (35). CI - Team (1), Batts, J. 1. IBB - Team (0), Opp (2). Picked
off - Wagner, D. 3, Bunting, B. 2, Perdomo, K. 1, Holt, G. 1, Medlin, B. 1, Ahearn, C. 1, Cooke, D. 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Alex Fairweather.... 3.58 4-3 13 10 1 1/0 0 73.0 72 42 29 18 79 14 0 6 288 .250 2 1 0 2 3
Austin Terhune...... 5.25 2-3 10 8 1 0/0 0 48.0 68 35 28 17 29 13 0 5 198 .343 0 2 0 3 2
Warren Slack........ 5.73 2-8 12 10 1 0/0 0 59.2 78 56 38 32 51 10 0 7 250 .312 7 6 0 3 2
Dan Weller.......... 1.00 2-0 2 2 2 0/0 0 18.0 9 2 2 3 11 1 0 0 62 .145 1 2 0 0 0
Brett Hatley........ 3.43 1-0 14 0 0 0/0 1 21.0 20 8 8 15 18 1 0 2 74 .270 1 4 1 2 2
Seth Grant.......... 3.55 0-1 8 0 0 0/0 0 12.2 17 6 5 5 12 4 0 1 51 .333 0 1 1 0 0
Carson McLean....... 4.09 3-2 20 2 0 0/0 5 33.0 28 19 15 23 26 6 1 4 119 .235 3 3 1 3 3
Justin Bradley...... 4.10 2-3 10 7 0 0/0 0 37.1 39 18 17 18 25 9 0 1 139 .281 1 4 0 1 3
Eli Robins.......... 4.50 0-1 7 1 0 0/0 0 10.0 4 5 5 12 8 0 0 1 30 .133 4 3 0 1 1
Taylor Wood......... 5.26 1-3 11 5 0 0/0 1 39.1 32 26 23 22 36 5 1 3 146 .219 9 2 0 1 3
Greg Holt........... 5.40 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 5.0 7 3 3 3 3 1 0 1 19 .368 0 0 1 1 0
Anthony Nalepa...... 6.48 1-3 8 4 0 0/0 0 25.0 32 25 18 15 19 5 0 1 109 .294 5 8 0 3 0
Hunter Johnson...... 6.83 3-2 15 0 0 0/0 0 29.0 39 26 22 12 24 8 0 4 120 .325 3 3 0 1 2
Ricky Kalgstein..... 6.97 0-2 13 1 0 0/0 0 20.2 30 18 16 11 14 6 0 1 89 .337 6 1 0 2 2
Jordan Mickleberry.. 8.16 0-1 7 1 0 0/0 0 14.1 22 20 13 15 7 4 1 1 62 .355 2 1 0 1 1
Scott Summers....... 8.31 0-1 5 3 0 0/0 0 17.1 21 19 16 13 8 6 0 2 69 .304 4 3 0 1 0
Justin Batts........ 12.46 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 4.1 6 6 6 3 2 3 0 0 19 .316 0 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 5.08 21-33 54 54 5 1/0 7 467.2 524 334 264 237 372 96 3 40 1844 .284 48 44 4 25 24
Opponents........... 3.64 33-21 54 54 1 3/2 11 474.2 458 242 192 182 491 68 10 16 1818 .252 60 36 3 14 33
PB - Team (7), Query, R. 4, Batts, J. 2, Cotten, S. 1, Opp (16). Pickoffs - Team (8), Terhune, A. 2, Slack, W. 2, Summers, S.
1, Cotten, S. 1, Bradley, J. 1, Fairweather, 1, Opp (9). SBA/ATT - Query, R. (52-61), Bradley, J. (9-10), Slack, W. (7-9),
Fairweather, (5-7), Wood, T. (7-7), Cotten, S. (7-7), Johnson, H. (6-6), McLean, C. (5-6), Kalgstein, R (4-5), Terhune, A.
(3-5), Nalepa, A. (4-4), Batts, J. (2-4), Mickleberry, (3-3), Hatley, B. (2-2), Weller, D. (1-2), Grant, S. (0-1), Holt, G.
(0-1), Summers, S. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Asheboro (as of Aug 06, 2008)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Kilby Perdomo....... 22 19 3 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Taylor Wood......... 14 2 12 0 1.000 0 7 0 1.000 0 0
Alex Fairweather.... 13 6 7 0 1.000 0 5 2 .714 0 0
Austin Terhune...... 13 5 8 0 1.000 0 3 2 .600 0 0
Justin Bradley...... 8 1 7 0 1.000 0 9 1 .900 0 0
Anthony Nalepa...... 5 4 1 0 1.000 0 4 0 1.000 0 0
Scott Summers....... 5 1 4 0 1.000 1 1 0 1.000 0 0
Jordan Mickleberry.. 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 3 0 1.000 0 0
Hunter Johnson...... 3 0 3 0 1.000 0 6 0 1.000 0 0
Dan Weller.......... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 1 1 .500 0 0
Eli Robins.......... 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Relly Mercurio...... 347 323 21 3 .991 28 0 0 --- 0 0
Ben Bunting......... 57 54 2 1 .982 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Justin Batts........ 77 67 8 2 .974 3 2 2 .500 2 1
Sean Cotten......... 111 102 6 3 .973 2 7 0 1.000 1 0
Daniel Cooke........ 90 83 4 3 .967 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Ryan Query.......... 351 313 26 12 .966 1 52 9 .852 4 0
Brett Medlin........ 67 64 0 3 .955 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Brett Hatley........ 17 9 7 1 .941 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
Warren Slack........ 15 3 11 1 .933 1 7 2 .778 0 0
Chris Ahearn........ 258 80 160 18 .930 33 0 0 --- 0 0
Daniel Wagner....... 255 107 130 18 .929 34 0 0 --- 0 0
Greg Holt........... 141 103 28 10 .929 12 0 1 .000 0 0
Matt Ryan........... 71 25 39 7 .901 4 0 0 --- 0 0
Ricky Kalgstein..... 10 1 8 1 .900 0 4 1 .800 0 0
Jeff Ussery......... 70 20 42 8 .886 3 0 0 --- 0 0
Daniel Baatz........ 7 6 0 1 .857 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Carson McLean....... 6 1 4 1 .833 0 5 1 .833 0 0
Seth Grant.......... 5 1 2 2 .600 0 0 1 .000 0 0
Totals.............. 2045 1403 547 95 .954 47 61 12 .836 7 1
Opponents........... 2062 1424 553 85 .959 35 84 22 .792 16 0
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 44 IP