The Automated ScoreBook
Team Statistics
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Conference Overall Statistics (as of Aug 05, 2009)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Forest City......... .278 55 1814 354 504 108 10 32 308 728 .401 208 50 431 14 .365 16 23 61-80 1405 461 69 .964
Outer Banks......... .268 55 1897 297 508 76 8 17 260 651 .343 190 47 391 33 .346 17 23 80-96 1466 577 89 .958
Martinsville........ .261 56 1864 252 486 69 11 19 209 634 .340 195 47 450 18 .344 10 28 107-123 1420 570 98 .953
Gastonia............ .257 56 1819 267 468 82 7 38 232 678 .373 206 45 434 26 .345 13 23 80-105 1413 519 83 .959
Edenton............. .257 56 1765 268 454 77 2 42 235 661 .375 238 28 341 37 .352 17 43 95-113 1429 639 76 .965
Peninsula........... .250 56 1856 297 464 81 12 21 253 632 .341 225 54 487 26 .346 14 22 144-172 1474 663 61 .972
Fayetteville........ .250 53 1728 243 432 59 8 18 206 561 .325 175 56 385 23 .335 20 41 111-143 1411 549 109 .947
Florence............ .248 55 1789 268 444 80 5 39 247 651 .364 202 56 348 21 .339 21 26 54-79 1416 574 85 .959
Thomasville......... .246 54 1766 245 435 66 7 42 220 641 .363 169 22 422 13 .318 9 15 42-61 1368 506 84 .957
Petersburg.......... .242 56 1804 220 437 81 4 19 187 583 .323 196 34 426 31 .326 15 41 86-107 1434 586 107 .950
Asheboro............ .242 54 1762 264 426 74 4 39 225 625 .355 222 36 505 18 .337 10 34 88-116 1387 597 95 .954
Wilson.............. .239 56 1789 249 427 61 12 25 205 587 .328 185 57 396 19 .326 19 39 77-110 1450 569 96 .955
Columbia............ .229 55 1762 219 403 68 2 18 185 529 .300 187 56 415 13 .319 17 34 72-109 1418 624 76 .964
Wilmington.......... .217 55 1853 204 403 66 7 14 183 525 .283 200 36 470 6 .304 13 19 82-113 1480 637 94 .957
Totals.............. .249 25268 6291 99 3155 .344 624 298 211 1179-1527 8071 .958
772 3647 1048 383 8686 2798 5901 .336 411 19971 1222
CI - Columbia 4, Gastonia 3, Wilson 1, Thomasville 1, Petersburg 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Florence............ 2.94 30-25 55 9 3/2 13 472.0 372 197 154 168 431 57 4 34 1721 .216 34 46 8 12 25
Wilson.............. 3.07 35-21 56 1 6/6 22 483.1 445 211 165 151 465 63 4 19 1833 .243 30 34 2 12 25
Outer Banks......... 3.26 32-23 55 1 2/2 18 489.0 411 248 177 222 478 61 6 19 1812 .227 44 45 4 13 30
Forest City......... 3.27 46-9 55 7 7/4 20 468.1 411 205 170 172 495 78 11 22 1762 .233 40 46 1 9 21
Wilmington.......... 3.48 19-36 55 2 2/2 6 493.1 433 249 191 207 350 71 11 25 1808 .239 37 52 2 19 45
Edenton............. 3.61 29-27 56 6 6/4 11 476.1 452 237 191 160 412 72 5 31 1821 .248 23 34 7 9 23
Fayetteville........ 3.79 30-23 53 1 6/5 20 470.2 414 254 198 201 383 62 7 19 1770 .234 41 48 4 16 43
Peninsula........... 3.83 35-21 56 3 5/4 18 491.1 454 242 209 218 372 81 7 26 1810 .251 24 35 4 18 37
Columbia............ 4.07 19-36 55 0 3/3 7 473.0 447 271 214 214 358 81 8 23 1768 .253 34 65 11 30 28
Martinsville........ 4.26 22-34 56 6 0/0 8 473.1 446 271 224 231 432 93 8 26 1804 .247 59 52 5 14 28
Asheboro............ 4.59 19-35 54 1 0/0 6 462.1 517 315 236 187 376 83 11 37 1840 .281 67 41 6 16 26
Thomasville......... 4.60 26-28 54 4 2/1 10 456.0 429 278 233 194 488 73 3 36 1743 .246 52 25 2 13 24
Gastonia............ 4.99 25-31 56 3 2/2 7 471.0 517 319 261 224 466 88 5 36 1880 .275 41 50 9 11 20
Petersburg.......... 5.20 19-37 56 1 0/0 10 478.0 543 350 276 249 395 85 9 30 1896 .286 70 51 6 19 36
Totals.............. 3.92 772 44/35 6658.0 3647 2798 1048 383 .249 624 211
386-386 45 176 6291 2899 5901 99 25268 596 71 411
PB - Outer Banks 37, Thomasville 36, Wilmington 31, Asheboro 31, Columbia 28, Petersburg 22, Martinsville 20, Edenton 19,
Peninsula 18, Gastonia 18, Fayetteville 16, Forest City 11, Wilson 10, Florence 9. Pickoffs - Edenton 18, Petersburg 12,
Outer Banks 11, Wilmington 10, Wilson 10, Forest City 10, Fayetteville 9, Peninsula 9, Martinsville 9, Florence 9, Columbia
7, Asheboro 5, Gastonia 5, Thomasville 2.
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Peninsula........... 2198 1474 663 61 .972 44 62 26 .705 18 0
Edenton............. 2144 1429 639 76 .965 35 59 18 .766 19 0
Forest City......... 1935 1405 461 69 .964 37 54 16 .771 11 0
Columbia............ 2118 1418 624 76 .964 36 111 25 .816 28 4
Florence............ 2075 1416 574 85 .959 39 74 26 .740 9 0
Gastonia............ 2015 1413 519 83 .959 30 104 25 .806 18 3
Outer Banks......... 2132 1466 577 89 .958 38 109 22 .832 37 0
Wilmington.......... 2211 1480 637 94 .957 47 84 31 .730 31 0
Thomasville......... 1958 1368 506 84 .957 37 83 21 .798 36 1
Wilson.............. 2115 1450 569 96 .955 34 58 37 .611 10 1
Asheboro............ 2079 1387 597 95 .954 43 88 19 .822 31 0
Martinsville........ 2088 1420 570 98 .953 30 90 26 .776 20 0
Petersburg.......... 2127 1434 586 107 .950 38 144 24 .857 22 1
Fayetteville........ 2069 1411 549 109 .947 29 59 32 .648 16 0
Totals.............. 29264 8071 .958 1179 .772 10
19971 1222 517 348 306
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Conference Batting Leaders (as of Aug 05, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 44 IP
Batting avg
1. Forest City......... .278
2. Outer Banks......... .268
3. Martinsville........ .261
4. Gastonia............ .257
5. Edenton............. .257
Slugging pct
1. Forest City......... .401
2. Edenton............. .375
3. Gastonia............ .373
4. Florence............ .364
5. Thomasville......... .363
On base pct
1. Forest City......... .365
2. Edenton............. .352
3. Outer Banks......... .346
4. Peninsula........... .346
5. Gastonia............ .345
Runs scored
1. Forest City......... 354
2. Outer Banks......... 297
Peninsula........... 297
4. Florence............ 268
Edenton............. 268
1. Outer Banks......... 508
2. Forest City......... 504
3. Martinsville........ 486
4. Gastonia............ 468
5. Peninsula........... 464
Runs batted in
1. Forest City......... 308
2. Outer Banks......... 260
3. Peninsula........... 253
4. Florence............ 247
5. Edenton............. 235
1. Forest City......... 108
2. Gastonia............ 82
3. Peninsula........... 81
Petersburg.......... 81
5. Florence............ 80
1. Wilson.............. 12
Peninsula........... 12
3. Martinsville........ 11
4. Forest City......... 10
5. 2 tied at........... 8
Home runs
1. Thomasville......... 42
Edenton............. 42
3. Florence............ 39
Asheboro............ 39
5. Gastonia............ 38
Total bases
1. Forest City......... 728
2. Gastonia............ 678
3. Edenton............. 661
4. Outer Banks......... 651
Florence............ 651
Total plate appearances
1. Outer Banks......... 2175
2. Peninsula........... 2172
3. Martinsville........ 2145
4. Wilmington.......... 2121
5. Forest City......... 2113
At bats
1. Outer Banks......... 1897
2. Martinsville........ 1864
3. Peninsula........... 1856
4. Wilmington.......... 1853
5. Gastonia............ 1819
1. Edenton............. 238
2. Peninsula........... 225
3. Asheboro............ 222
4. Forest City......... 208
5. Gastonia............ 206
Hit by pitch
1. Wilson.............. 57
2. Columbia............ 56
Florence............ 56
Fayetteville........ 56
5. Peninsula........... 54
1. Asheboro............ 505
2. Peninsula........... 487
3. Wilmington.......... 470
4. Martinsville........ 450
5. Gastonia............ 434
Sac bunts
1. Edenton............. 43
2. Fayetteville........ 41
Petersburg.......... 41
4. Wilson.............. 39
5. 2 tied at........... 34
Sac flies
1. Florence............ 21
2. Fayetteville........ 20
3. Wilson.............. 19
4. 3 tied at........... 17
Stolen bases
1. Peninsula........... 144
2. Fayetteville........ 111
3. Martinsville........ 107
4. Edenton............. 95
5. Asheboro............ 88
Caught stealing
1. Columbia............ 37
2. Wilson.............. 33
3. Fayetteville........ 32
4. Wilmington.......... 31
5. 2 tied at........... 28
Steal attempts
1. Peninsula........... 172
2. Fayetteville........ 143
3. Martinsville........ 123
4. Asheboro............ 116
5. 2 tied at........... 113
Grounded into DP
1. Edenton............. 37
2. Outer Banks......... 33
3. Petersburg.......... 31
4. Gastonia............ 26
Peninsula........... 26
The Automated ScoreBook
Conference Pitching Leaders (as of Aug 05, 2009)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 44 IP
Earned run avg
1. Florence............ 2.94
2. Wilson.............. 3.07
3. Outer Banks......... 3.26
4. Forest City......... 3.27
5. Wilmington.......... 3.48
Opposing bat avg
1. Florence............ .216
2. Outer Banks......... .227
3. Forest City......... .233
4. Fayetteville........ .234
5. Wilmington.......... .239
Innings pitched
1. Wilmington.......... 493.1
2. Peninsula........... 491.1
3. Outer Banks......... 489.0
4. Wilson.............. 483.1
5. Petersburg.......... 478.0
Batters struck out
1. Forest City......... 495
2. Thomasville......... 488
3. Outer Banks......... 478
4. Gastonia............ 466
5. Wilson.............. 465
Batters SO out looking
1. Martinsville........ 137
2. Outer Banks......... 134
3. Fayetteville........ 132
4. Wilson.............. 128
5. Forest City......... 122
1. Forest City......... 46
2. Wilson.............. 35
Peninsula........... 35
4. Outer Banks......... 32
5. 2 tied at........... 30
1. Petersburg.......... 37
2. Columbia............ 36
Wilmington.......... 36
4. Asheboro............ 35
5. Martinsville........ 34
1. Wilson.............. 22
2. Fayetteville........ 20
Forest City......... 20
4. Peninsula........... 18
Outer Banks......... 18
Runners picked off
1. Edenton............. 18
2. Petersburg.......... 12
3. Outer Banks......... 11
4. 3 tied at........... 10
Sac bunts allowed
1. Wilmington.......... 45
2. Fayetteville........ 43
3. Peninsula........... 37
4. Petersburg.......... 36
5. Outer Banks......... 30
Sac flies allowed
1. Columbia............ 30
2. Wilmington.......... 19
Petersburg.......... 19
4. Peninsula........... 18
5. 2 tied at........... 16
Hits allowed
1. Florence............ 372
2. Outer Banks......... 411
Forest City......... 411
4. Fayetteville........ 414
5. Thomasville......... 429
Runs allowed
1. Florence............ 197
2. Forest City......... 205
3. Wilson.............. 211
4. Edenton............. 237
5. Peninsula........... 242
Earned runs allowed
1. Florence............ 154
2. Wilson.............. 165
3. Forest City......... 170
4. Outer Banks......... 177
5. 2 tied at........... 191
Walks allowed
1. Wilson.............. 151
2. Edenton............. 160
3. Florence............ 168
4. Forest City......... 172
5. Asheboro............ 187
Doubles allowed
1. Florence............ 57
2. Outer Banks......... 61
3. Fayetteville........ 62
4. Wilson.............. 63
5. Wilmington.......... 71
Triples allowed
1. Thomasville......... 3
2. Florence............ 4
Wilson.............. 4
4. Edenton............. 5
Gastonia............ 5
Home runs allowed
1. Fayetteville........ 19
Outer Banks......... 19
Wilson.............. 19
4. Forest City......... 22
5. Columbia............ 23
Wild pitches
1. Petersburg.......... 70
2. Asheboro............ 67
3. Martinsville........ 59
4. Thomasville......... 52
5. Outer Banks......... 44
1. Columbia............ 11
2. Gastonia............ 9
3. Florence............ 8
4. Edenton............. 7
5. 2 tied at........... 6
Hit batters
1. Columbia............ 65
2. Martinsville........ 52
Wilmington.......... 52
4. Petersburg.......... 51
5. Gastonia............ 50
Intentional BB allowed
1. Wilson.............. 7
Peninsula........... 7
Wilmington.......... 7
4. 4 tied at........... 4
The Automated ScoreBook
Conference Fielding Leaders (as of Aug 05, 2009)
(All games)
Pitching minimums - 44 IP
Fielding pct
1. Peninsula........... .972
2. Edenton............. .965
3. Forest City......... .964
4. Columbia............ .964
5. Florence............ .959
1. Wilmington.......... 2211
2. Peninsula........... 2198
3. Edenton............. 2144
4. Outer Banks......... 2132
5. Petersburg.......... 2127
1. Wilmington.......... 1480
2. Peninsula........... 1474
3. Outer Banks......... 1466
4. Wilson.............. 1450
5. Petersburg.......... 1434
1. Peninsula........... 663
2. Edenton............. 639
3. Wilmington.......... 637
4. Columbia............ 624
5. Asheboro............ 597
1. Fayetteville........ 109
2. Petersburg.......... 107
3. Martinsville........ 98
4. Wilson.............. 96
5. Asheboro............ 95
Fielding double plays
1. Wilmington.......... 47
2. Peninsula........... 44
3. Asheboro............ 43
4. Florence............ 39
5. 2 tied at........... 38
Stolen bases against
1. Petersburg.......... 144
2. Columbia............ 111
3. Outer Banks......... 109
4. Gastonia............ 104
5. Martinsville........ 90
Caught stealing by
1. Wilson.............. 37
2. Fayetteville........ 32
3. Wilmington.......... 31
4. 3 tied at........... 26
Steal attempts against
1. Petersburg.......... 168
2. Columbia............ 136
3. Outer Banks......... 131
4. Gastonia............ 129
5. Martinsville........ 116
Passed balls
1. Outer Banks......... 37
2. Thomasville......... 36
3. Asheboro............ 31
Wilmington.......... 31
5. Columbia............ 28
Catchers interference
1. Columbia............ 4
2. Gastonia............ 3
3. Thomasville......... 1
Wilson.............. 1
Petersburg.......... 1