The Automated ScoreBook


Game Results

The Automated ScoreBook Game Results for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games) Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall CPL Pitcher of record Attend Time --------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ---- *May 31, 2011 at Gastonia W 9-5 9 10 1/ 5 7 4 9 1- 0- 0 1- 0- 0 Pritcher, A. (W 1-0) 3079 3:00 *Jun. 1, 2011 FLORENCE W 9-1 9 13 2/ 1 7 2 9 2- 0- 0 2- 0- 0 Hodges, C. (W 1-0) 2767 3:05 *Jun 02, 2011 at Florence 8-15 L 8 12 6/15 11 3 9 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 Jordan, H. (L 0-1) 1615 2:45 *Jun. 4, 2011 WILMINGTON W 5-4 5 11 0/ 4 8 0 9 3- 1- 0 3- 1- 0 Murray, J. (W 1-0) 5146 3:00 *Jun 05, 2011 at Forest City 4-6 L 4 8 1/ 6 12 2 9 3- 2- 0 3- 2- 0 Brooks, A. (L 0-1) 1148 2:36 *Jun 06, 2011 at Gastonia 1-4 L 1 5 2/ 4 8 0 9 3- 3- 0 3- 3- 0 Pritcher, A. (L 1-1) 1111 2:12 *Jun. 7, 2011 FAYETTEVILLE 4-10 L 4 9 5/10 10 0 9 3- 4- 0 3- 4- 0 Ludwig, P. (L 0-1) 2113 2h 1 *Jun 08, 2011 at Florence 4-14 L 4 9 3/14 15 0 9 3- 5- 0 3- 5- 0 Adams, J. (L 0-1) 1033 2:50 *Jun. 9, 2011 FLORENCE W 5-4 5 9 4/ 4 6 1 9 4- 5- 0 4- 5- 0 Long, J. (W 1-0) 681 2h 1 *Jun 10, 2011 at Wilmington 3-12 L 3 5 2/12 16 1 9 4- 6- 0 4- 6- 0 Gunther, R. (L 0-1) 1337 2:40 *Jun. 11,2011 GASTONIA 6-8 L 6 11 1/ 8 12 3 9 4- 7- 0 4- 7- 0 Robinson, S. (L 0-1) 3013 3:20 *Jun 12, 2011 at Florence 2-10 L 2 5 2/10 11 3 9 4- 8- 0 4- 8- 0 Pritcher, A. (L 1-2) 824 2:05 *Jun.13, 2011 WILSON 8-14 L 8 11 3/14 16 1 9 4- 9- 0 4- 9- 0 Forslund, B. (L 0-1) 913 3h *Jun. 14,2011 FAYETTEVILLE 3-7 L 3 8 2/ 7 9 1 9 4-10- 0 4-10- 0 Adams, J. (L 0-2) 1676 2h 2 *Jun 15, 2011 at Fayetteville 3-4 L 3 9 2/ 4 7 2 9 4-11- 0 4-11- 0 Long, J. (L 1-1) 1955 2:44 *Jun. 17,2011 FLORENCE 1-6 L 1 4 1/ 6 11 3 9 4-12- 0 4-12- 0 Ludwig, P. (L 0-2) 795 2:25 *Jun. 18,2011 FAYETTEVILLE W 6-5 6 5 2/ 5 9 2 9 5-12- 0 5-12- 0 Pritcher, A. (W 2-2) 1711 3:07 *June 19,2011 MARTINSVILLE 4-8 L 4 11 5/ 8 10 1 9 5-13- 0 5-13- 0 Forslund, B. (L 0-2) 203 2:47 *Jun 20, 2011 at Fayetteville 1-4 L 1 5 3/ 4 7 0 7 5-14- 0 5-14- 0 Adams, J. (L 0-3) 1673 1:53 *Jun. 21,2011 FLORENCE W 6-3 6 9 4/ 3 4 1 9 6-14- 0 6-14- 0 Long, J. (W 2-1) 0 2h 1 *Jun. 23,2011 MOREHEAD CITY 5-9 L 5 9 1/ 9 11 2 9 6-15- 0 6-15- 0 Ludwig, P. (L 0-3) 641 2:44 *Jun 25, 2011 at Florence 10-11 L 10 12 6/11 17 3 (11) 6-16- 0 6-16- 0 Harrison, G. (L 0-1) 1938 3:30 *Jun. 26,2011 WILMINGTON W 6-2 6 9 2/ 2 2 1 9 7-16- 0 7-16- 0 Brooks, A. (W 1-1) 527 2:20 *Jun 27, 2011 at Fayetteville 6-8 L 6 8 2/ 8 8 1 9 7-17- 0 7-17- 0 Long, J. (L 0-1) 1659 2:58 *Jun 28, 2011 at Wilmington W 3-2 3 8 2/ 2 6 3 9 8-17- 0 8-17- 0 Adams, J. (W 1-3) 1275 *Jun 29, 2011 at Morehead City 5-9 L 5 5 3/ 9 12 0 7 8-18- 0 8-18- 0 Ludwig, P. (L 0-4) - 2:10 *Jun 29, 2011 at Morehead City W 5-4 5 7 1/ 4 6 0 7 9-18- 0 9-18- 0 Jordan, H. (W 1-1) 1051 2:25 *Jun 30, 2011 at Morehead City 1-2 L 1 5 0/ 2 5 1 9 9-19- 0 9-19- 0 Pritcher, A. (L) 1180 2:10 *Jul 01, 2011 at Fayetteville 7-8 L 7 13 3/ 8 11 0 9 9-20- 0 9-20- 0 Forslund, B. (L 0-3) 2077 3:06 *Jul. 2,2011 FAYETTEVILLE 6-7 L 6 10 1/ 7 16 0 9 9-21- 0 9-21- 0 Harrison, G. (L 2-2) 2134 3h 1 *Jul. 4,2011 FLORENCE W 7-6 7 16 4/ 6 8 1 9 10-21- 0 10-21- 0 Brooks, A. (W 2-1) 0 2h 2 *Jul 05, 2011 at Gastonia W 10-7 10 9 0/ 7 7 2 9 11-21- 0 11-21- 0 Ludwig, P. (W 1-4) 618 2:48 *Jul. 7,2011 GASTONIA 3-5 L 3 10 2/ 5 8 0 9 11-22- 0 11-22- 0 Murray, J. (L 1-1) 538 3h *Jul. 9,2011 WILMINGTON 1-2 L 1 6 3/ 2 5 0 9 11-23- 0 11-23- 0 Long, Ja. (L 0-2) 0 2h 1 *Jul. 10,2011 FAYETTEVILLE W 12-8 12 17 2/ 8 9 0 9 12-23- 0 12-23- 0 Hodges, C. (W 2-0) 0 3h *Jul 11, 2011 at Morehead City 2-12 L 2 11 0/12 15 0 9 12-24- 0 12-24- 0 Adams, J. (L 1-4) 1057 3:05 *Jul 12, 2011 at Morehead City 4-13 L 4 11 3/13 17 0 9 12-25- 0 12-25- 0 Ludwig, P. (L 1-5) 1331 2:40 *Jul 13, 2011 at Wilmington 0-1 L 0 4 1/ 1 4 1 5 12-26- 0 12-26- 0 Pritcher, A. (L 2-4) 1200 1:30 *Jul 14, 2011 at Florence 0-8 L 0 3 1/ 8 11 1 9 12-27- 0 12-27- 0 Forslund, B. (L 0-4) 1476 2:35 *Jul. 15,2011 FLORENCE 2-14 L 2 3 3/14 14 2 7 12-28- 0 12-28- 0 Westmoreland (L 0-1) - 2h 4 *Jul. 15,2011 FLORENCE W 5-4 5 8 0/ 4 7 0 7 13-28- 0 13-28- 0 Brooks, A. (W 3-1) - 2h *Jul 16, 2011 at Florence 7-12 L 7 8 3/12 15 2 9 13-29- 0 13-29- 0 Broderick, M (L 0-1) 1371 2:35 *Jul. 19,2011 FLORENCE W 10-3 10 9 3/ 3 8 2 9 14-29- 0 14-29- 0 Ludwig, P. (W 2-5) 0 2h 2 *Jul 20, 2011 at Florence 1-8 L 1 6 5/ 8 10 1 9 14-30- 0 14-30- 0 Pritcher, A. (L 2-5) 1215 3:00 *Jul. 21,2011 MOREHEAD CITY 9-11 L 9 14 5/11 10 3 9 14-31- 0 14-31- 0 Forslund, B. (L 0-5) 1237 3h 3 *Jul. 22,2011 MOREHEAD CITY W 9-2 9 13 0/ 2 8 2 9 15-31- 0 15-31- 0 Westmoreland (W 1-1) 1077 2h 3 *Jul 23, 2011 at Fayetteville W 4-3 4 7 3/ 3 8 5 9 16-31- 0 16-31- 0 Adams, J. (W 2-4) 1970 3:00 *Jul 24, 2011 at Fayetteville W 10-6 10 9 2/ 6 7 3 9 17-31- 0 17-31- 0 Ludwig, P. (W 3-5) 1280 3:05 *Jul. 25,2011 FAYETTEVILLE 0-2 L 0 3 0/ 2 7 1 5 17-32- 0 17-32- 0 Broderick, M (L 0-1) 293 *Jul. 27,2011 GASTONIA 1-7 L 1 6 1/ 7 7 0 9 17-33- 0 17-33- 0 Westmoreland (L 1-2) 0 2h 3 *Jul 28, 2011 at Florence W 6-5 6 9 5/ 5 5 3 (10) 18-33- 0 18-33- 0 Harrison,G. (W 1-2) 1084 2:45 *Jul 30, 2011 at Wilmington 2-3 L 2 6 0/ 3 6 1 ( 8) 18-34- 0 18-34- 0 Grammer, G. (L 0-1) 1256 2 *Jul 30, 2011 at Wilmington W 8-3 8 5 0/ 3 8 4 7 19-34- 0 19-34- 0 Burt, R. (W 1-2) 2243 2.15 *Jul. 31 2011 FOREST CITY 3-5 L 3 6 2/ 5 13 0 9 19-35- 0 19-35- 0 Pritcher, A. (L 2-6) 1176 2h 3 *Aug 01, 2011 at Petersburg 4-5 L 4 10 1/ 5 12 1 (10) 19-36- 0 19-36- 0 Hodges, C. (L 2-1) 216 3:28 *Aug 02, 2011 at Wilson 1-6 L 1 4 3/ 6 6 3 9 19-37- 0 19-37- 0 Murray, J. (L 1-2) 1861 2:16 * = Conference game () extra inning game

Overall Statistics

The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games Sorted by Batting avg) Record: 19-37 Home: 11-15 Away: 8-22 CPL: 19-37 Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% Zack Smith.......... .354 54-54 223 35 79 15 0 11 46 127 .570 8 2 38 1 .377 3 0 7-9 87 10 4 .960 Brison Celek........ .306 56-56 216 26 66 14 0 4 34 92 .426 16 2 34 1 .356 2 0 2-3 146 10 7 .957 Carlos Santana...... .278 51-50 187 29 52 8 2 3 31 73 .390 19 1 51 0 .346 1 0 8-13 39 88 18 .876 Tyler Jackson....... .274 51-51 175 37 48 9 2 7 31 82 .469 41 1 36 2 .415 0 0 2-4 223 73 18 .943 Chase Vergason...... .257 43-43 148 34 38 8 1 1 14 51 .345 25 15 19 0 .411 2 2 9-11 75 118 11 .946 DeMontez Jones...... .199 47-47 151 31 30 3 1 0 10 35 .232 33 7 37 1 .366 0 2 12-15 91 13 3 .972 -------------- Will Callaway....... .481 7-7 27 8 13 1 0 0 4 14 .519 1 0 4 0 .483 1 0 4-4 8 13 0 1.000 Greg Harrison....... .250 23-21 76 8 19 1 0 0 5 20 .263 7 1 16 1 .318 1 0 2-2 21 9 3 .909 Robby Assemany...... .245 17-12 53 4 13 3 0 1 3 19 .358 1 1 10 1 .273 0 0 0-0 76 4 3 .964 Rob Harding......... .242 18-16 62 7 15 3 0 0 6 18 .290 7 1 6 0 .324 1 1 4-6 45 30 6 .926 Reggie Weatherford.. .239 32-32 113 17 27 4 0 0 12 31 .274 19 2 20 0 .356 1 3 4-7 41 63 12 .897 David Greene........ .200 3-3 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .200 0 0 4 0 .200 0 0 0-0 1 3 2 .667 Joe Jackson......... .198 32-25 96 9 19 2 0 0 11 21 .219 9 2 17 2 .275 2 0 0-1 162 15 12 .937 Nick Abrahamson..... .191 36-32 110 8 21 2 0 0 5 23 .209 7 3 13 0 .258 0 1 0-1 238 25 7 .974 Ryan Burt........... .175 25-15 57 3 10 1 0 1 5 14 .246 6 3 12 1 .288 0 0 0-0 40 5 1 .978 Andrew Williams..... .167 4-4 12 3 2 0 1 0 1 4 .333 4 1 5 0 .412 0 0 0-0 5 12 2 .895 Dedric Mingo........ .125 11-10 32 4 4 1 0 0 3 5 .156 8 0 5 2 .293 1 0 2-3 22 1 0 1.000 Gabe Grammer........ .123 31-23 81 4 10 1 0 0 4 11 .136 7 0 27 0 .189 2 4 2-2 43 9 3 .945 Jeff Murray......... .000 3-1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 1 0 .250 0 0 0-0 5 9 1 .933 Adam Westmoreland... .000 1-1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 5 1 .857 Josh Adams.......... .000 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 9 3 .750 Chad Hodges......... .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 2 9 2 .846 Totals.............. .255 56-56 1837 267 468 76 7 28 225 642 .349 219 42 357 12 .345 17 13 58-81 1398 575 124 .941 Opponents........... .280 56-56 1874 367 525 95 10 25 327 715 .382 229 49 380 3 .370 19 38 97-120 1433 595 79 .963 LOB - Team (428), Opp (443). DPs turned - Team (25), Opp (40). IBB - Team (1), Harrison, G. 1, Opp (1). Picked off - Jackson, T. 4, Jones, D. 3, Mingo, D. 3, Vergason, C. 2, Santana, C. 1, Harding, R. 1, Jackson, J. 1, Celek, B. 1. (All games Sorted by Earned run avg) Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA Jake Long........... 3.48 2-2 11 7 0 0/0 0 51.2 47 25 20 15 44 9 0 2 196 .240 10 2 0 2 3 Patrick Ludwig...... 4.34 3-5 12 11 0 0/0 0 56.0 63 40 27 22 50 15 1 0 224 .281 2 3 0 0 7 Austin Pritcher..... 4.84 2-6 10 10 1 0/0 0 44.2 56 36 24 19 32 12 1 2 183 .306 5 2 1 1 4 Josh Adams.......... 5.47 2-4 9 9 0 0/0 0 49.1 55 43 30 18 38 7 0 3 204 .270 9 7 0 2 4 -------------- Carlos Santana...... 0.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 .200 0 0 0 1 0 Nick Abrahamson..... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 5 .200 0 0 0 0 0 Greg Harrison....... 3.27 1-2 12 0 0 0/0 1 22.0 26 12 8 12 15 3 1 1 89 .292 3 3 0 0 3 Ross Gerdeman....... 4.15 0-0 4 0 0 0/0 0 4.1 7 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 21 .333 0 0 0 0 0 Adam Westmoreland... 4.15 1-2 5 5 0 0/0 0 30.1 26 18 14 10 32 4 1 0 117 .222 1 2 0 0 0 Jeff Murray......... 4.54 1-2 23 0 0 0/0 4 33.2 39 26 17 15 34 6 1 3 140 .279 4 4 1 1 3 Jake Long........... 4.85 0-1 4 1 0 0/0 0 13.0 11 7 7 4 8 3 1 1 47 .234 0 0 0 0 2 Scott Robinson...... 4.96 0-1 14 0 0 0/0 1 16.1 21 14 9 8 7 3 0 0 71 .296 0 1 0 2 0 Alex Brooks......... 5.34 3-1 19 0 0 0/0 0 30.1 23 21 18 25 21 5 0 1 109 .211 6 8 0 1 4 Gabe Grammer........ 5.40 0-1 13 0 0 0/0 0 10.0 7 6 6 1 15 1 0 1 34 .206 0 2 1 0 1 Ryan Burt........... 5.40 1-0 1 1 0 0/0 0 5.0 8 3 3 1 4 1 0 1 20 .400 0 2 0 0 1 Ryan Gunther........ 6.30 0-1 3 2 0 0/0 0 10.0 16 9 7 5 3 3 1 0 43 .372 0 3 0 2 0 Matt Broderick...... 7.00 0-2 4 1 1 0/0 0 9.0 16 8 7 2 7 5 0 2 44 .364 0 0 0 0 0 Blake Forslund...... 8.74 0-5 9 7 0 0/0 0 35.0 46 41 34 24 32 8 2 3 145 .317 11 3 0 3 3 Chad Farmer......... 9.00 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 10.0 12 13 10 7 12 0 0 2 43 .279 0 1 0 1 0 Chad Hodges......... 10.59 2-1 16 1 0 0/0 0 26.1 37 31 31 26 15 9 1 3 107 .346 2 2 0 3 3 Hayden Jordan....... 15.63 1-1 7 1 0 0/0 0 6.1 7 11 11 13 6 1 0 0 27 .259 4 4 0 0 0 Totals.............. 5.50 19-37 56 56 2 0/0 6 466.1 525 367 285 229 380 95 10 25 1874 .280 57 49 3 19 38 Opponents........... 3.98 37-19 56 56 5 3/1 14 477.2 468 267 211 219 357 76 7 28 1837 .255 45 42 5 17 13 PB - Team (15), Abrahamson, 7, Jackson, J. 7, Jackson, T. 1, Opp (26). Pickoffs - Team (10), Hodges, C. 4, Pritcher, A. 1, Murray, J. 1, Jackson, J. 1, Gunther, R. 1, Long, J. 1, Harrison, G. 1, Opp (10). SBA/ATT - Abrahamson, (53-62), Jackson, J. (44-50), Adams, J. (16-18), Forslund, B. (10-15), Long, J. (11-12), Pritcher, A. (9-12), Westmoreland (10-12), Brooks, A. (5-9), Robinson, S. (7-7), Jordan, H. (5-5), Farmer, C. (5-5), Ludwig, P. (5-5), Murray, J. (4-5), Hodges, C. (4-5), Broderick, M (2-4), Harrison, G. (2-3), Gunther, R. (1-2), Grammer, G. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games Sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI Dedric Mingo........ 23 22 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Will Callaway....... 21 8 13 0 1.000 2 0 0 --- 0 0 Alex Brooks......... 4 1 3 0 1.000 0 5 4 .556 0 0 Ryan Gunther........ 3 2 1 0 1.000 0 1 1 .500 0 0 Ross Gerdeman....... 3 3 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Matt Broderick...... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 2 2 .500 0 0 Jake Long........... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Chad Farmer......... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 5 0 1.000 0 0 Ryan Burt........... 46 40 5 1 .978 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Nick Abrahamson..... 270 238 25 7 .974 2 53 9 .855 7 0 DeMontez Jones...... 107 91 13 3 .972 3 0 0 --- 0 0 Robby Assemany...... 83 76 4 3 .964 3 0 0 --- 0 0 Zack Smith.......... 101 87 10 4 .960 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Brison Celek........ 163 146 10 7 .957 8 0 0 --- 0 0 Chase Vergason...... 204 75 118 11 .946 11 0 0 --- 0 0 Gabe Grammer........ 55 43 9 3 .945 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Tyler Jackson....... 314 223 73 18 .943 12 0 0 --- 1 0 Jake Long........... 17 6 10 1 .941 0 11 1 .917 0 0 Joe Jackson......... 189 162 15 12 .937 1 44 6 .880 7 0 Austin Pritcher..... 15 4 10 1 .933 0 9 3 .750 0 0 Jeff Murray......... 15 5 9 1 .933 0 4 1 .800 0 0 Rob Harding......... 81 45 30 6 .926 5 0 0 --- 0 0 Greg Harrison....... 33 21 9 3 .909 0 2 1 .667 0 0 Blake Forslund...... 10 6 3 1 .900 0 10 5 .667 0 0 Reggie Weatherford.. 116 41 63 12 .897 7 0 0 --- 0 0 Andrew Williams..... 19 5 12 2 .895 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Patrick Ludwig...... 9 3 5 1 .889 1 5 0 1.000 0 0 Carlos Santana...... 145 39 88 18 .876 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Scott Robinson...... 7 2 4 1 .857 1 7 0 1.000 0 0 Adam Westmoreland... 7 1 5 1 .857 1 10 2 .833 0 0 Chad Hodges......... 13 2 9 2 .846 0 4 1 .800 0 0 Josh Adams.......... 12 0 9 3 .750 0 16 2 .889 0 0 David Greene........ 6 1 3 2 .667 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Hayden Jordan....... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 5 0 1.000 0 0 Totals.............. 2097 1398 575 124 .941 25 97 23 .808 15 0 Opponents........... 2107 1433 595 79 .963 40 58 23 .716 26 0
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 44 IP

Category Leaders

The Automated ScoreBook Batting Leaders for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games) Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 44 IP Batting avg ----------- 1. Zack Smith.......... .354 2. Brison Celek........ .306 3. Carlos Santana...... .278 4. Tyler Jackson....... .274 5. Chase Vergason...... .257 Slugging pct ------------ 1. Zack Smith.......... .570 2. Tyler Jackson....... .469 3. Brison Celek........ .426 4. Carlos Santana...... .390 5. Chase Vergason...... .345 On base pct ----------- 1. Tyler Jackson....... .415 2. Chase Vergason...... .411 3. Zack Smith.......... .377 4. DeMontez Jones...... .366 5. Brison Celek........ .356 Runs scored ----------- 1. Tyler Jackson....... 37 2. Zack Smith.......... 35 3. Chase Vergason...... 34 4. DeMontez Jones...... 31 5. Carlos Santana...... 29 Hits ---- 1. Zack Smith.......... 79 2. Brison Celek........ 66 3. Carlos Santana...... 52 4. Tyler Jackson....... 48 5. Chase Vergason...... 38 Runs batted in -------------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 46 2. Brison Celek........ 34 3. Carlos Santana...... 31 Tyler Jackson....... 31 5. Chase Vergason...... 14 Doubles ------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 15 2. Brison Celek........ 14 3. Tyler Jackson....... 9 4. Chase Vergason...... 8 Carlos Santana...... 8 Triples ------- 1. Carlos Santana...... 2 Tyler Jackson....... 2 3. Chase Vergason...... 1 Andrew Williams..... 1 DeMontez Jones...... 1 Home runs --------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 11 2. Tyler Jackson....... 7 3. Brison Celek........ 4 4. Carlos Santana...... 3 5. 3 tied at........... 1 Total bases ----------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 127 2. Brison Celek........ 92 3. Tyler Jackson....... 82 4. Carlos Santana...... 73 5. Chase Vergason...... 51 Walks ----- 1. Tyler Jackson....... 41 2. DeMontez Jones...... 33 3. Chase Vergason...... 25 4. Carlos Santana...... 19 Reggie Weatherford.. 19 Hit by pitch ------------ 1. Chase Vergason...... 15 2. DeMontez Jones...... 7 3. Ryan Burt........... 3 Nick Abrahamson..... 3 5. 4 tied at........... 2 Sac bunts --------- 1. Gabe Grammer........ 4 2. Reggie Weatherford.. 3 3. DeMontez Jones...... 2 Chase Vergason...... 2 5. 2 tied at........... 1 Sac flies --------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 3 2. Brison Celek........ 2 Joe Jackson......... 2 Chase Vergason...... 2 Gabe Grammer........ 2 Stolen bases ------------ 1. DeMontez Jones...... 12 2. Chase Vergason...... 9 3. Carlos Santana...... 8 4. Zack Smith.......... 7 5. 3 tied at........... 4 Caught stealing --------------- 1. Carlos Santana...... 5 2. DeMontez Jones...... 3 Reggie Weatherford.. 3 4. 4 tied at........... 2 Steal attempts -------------- 1. DeMontez Jones...... 15 2. Carlos Santana...... 13 3. Chase Vergason...... 11 4. Zack Smith.......... 9 5. Reggie Weatherford.. 7 Stolen base pct --------------- 1. Chase Vergason...... .818 2. DeMontez Jones...... .800 3. Zack Smith.......... .778 4. Brison Celek........ .667 5. Carlos Santana...... .615 Strikeouts ---------- 1. Carlos Santana...... 51 2. Zack Smith.......... 38 3. DeMontez Jones...... 37 4. Tyler Jackson....... 36 5. Brison Celek........ 34 Grounded into DP ---------------- 1. Dedric Mingo........ 2 Joe Jackson......... 2 Tyler Jackson....... 2 4. 6 tied at........... 1 Total plate appearances ----------------------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 236 Brison Celek........ 236 3. Tyler Jackson....... 217 4. Carlos Santana...... 208 5. DeMontez Jones...... 193 At bats ------- 1. Zack Smith.......... 223 2. Brison Celek........ 216 3. Carlos Santana...... 187 4. Tyler Jackson....... 175 5. DeMontez Jones...... 151 Games played ------------ 1. Brison Celek........ 56 2. Zack Smith.......... 54 3. Carlos Santana...... 51 Tyler Jackson....... 51 5. DeMontez Jones...... 47 Game starts ----------- 1. Brison Celek........ 56 2. Zack Smith.......... 54 3. Tyler Jackson....... 51 4. Carlos Santana...... 50 5. DeMontez Jones...... 47 Games as sub ------------ 1. Ryan Burt........... 10 2. Gabe Grammer........ 8 3. Joe Jackson......... 7 4. Robby Assemany...... 5 5. Nick Abrahamson..... 4
The Automated ScoreBook Pitching Leaders for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games) Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 44 IP Earned run avg -------------- 1. Jake Long........... 3.48 2. Patrick Ludwig...... 4.34 3. Austin Pritcher..... 4.84 4. Josh Adams.......... 5.47 Opposing bat avg ---------------- 1. Jake Long........... .240 2. Josh Adams.......... .270 3. Patrick Ludwig...... .281 4. Austin Pritcher..... .306 Won-loss pct ------------ 1. Jake Long........... .500 2. Patrick Ludwig...... .375 3. Josh Adams.......... .333 4. Austin Pritcher..... .250 Wins ---- 1. Alex Brooks......... 3 Patrick Ludwig...... 3 3. 4 tied at........... 2 Losses ------ 1. Austin Pritcher..... 6 2. Patrick Ludwig...... 5 Blake Forslund...... 5 4. Josh Adams.......... 4 5. 5 tied at........... 2 Saves ----- 1. Jeff Murray......... 4 2. Scott Robinson...... 1 Greg Harrison....... 1 Innings pitched --------------- 1. Patrick Ludwig...... 56.0 2. Jake Long........... 51.2 3. Josh Adams.......... 49.1 4. Austin Pritcher..... 44.2 Batters struck out ------------------ 1. Patrick Ludwig...... 50 2. Jake Long........... 44 3. Josh Adams.......... 38 4. Jeff Murray......... 34 5. 3 tied at........... 32 Appearances ----------- 1. Jeff Murray......... 23 2. Alex Brooks......... 19 3. Chad Hodges......... 16 4. Scott Robinson...... 14 5. Gabe Grammer........ 13 Games started ------------- 1. Patrick Ludwig...... 11 2. Austin Pritcher..... 10 3. Josh Adams.......... 9 4. Jake Long........... 7 Blake Forslund...... 7 Games finished -------------- 1. Jeff Murray......... 16 2. Greg Harrison....... 8 3. Chad Hodges......... 7 4. Alex Brooks......... 6 5. Gabe Grammer........ 5 Games in relief --------------- 1. Jeff Murray......... 23 2. Alex Brooks......... 19 3. Chad Hodges......... 15 4. Scott Robinson...... 14 5. Gabe Grammer........ 13 Wild pitches ------------ 1. Blake Forslund...... 11 2. Jake Long........... 10 3. Josh Adams.......... 9 4. Alex Brooks......... 6 5. Austin Pritcher..... 5 Balks ----- 1. Austin Pritcher..... 1 Gabe Grammer........ 1 Jeff Murray......... 1 Hit batters ----------- 1. Alex Brooks......... 8 2. Josh Adams.......... 7 3. Jeff Murray......... 4 Hayden Jordan....... 4 5. 4 tied at........... 3 Intentional BB allowed ---------------------- 1. Jeff Murray......... 1 Runners picked off ------------------ 1. Chad Hodges......... 4 2. 6 tied at........... 1 Batters SO out looking ---------------------- 1. Jake Long........... 15 2. Patrick Ludwig...... 13 3. Adam Westmoreland... 11 4. Austin Pritcher..... 10 5. 2 tied at........... 8 Sac bunts allowed ----------------- 1. Patrick Ludwig...... 7 2. Josh Adams.......... 4 Austin Pritcher..... 4 Alex Brooks......... 4 5. 5 tied at........... 3 Sac flies allowed ----------------- 1. Chad Hodges......... 3 Blake Forslund...... 3 3. 4 tied at........... 2 Hits allowed ------------ 1. Jake Long........... 47 2. Josh Adams.......... 55 3. Austin Pritcher..... 56 4. Patrick Ludwig...... 63 Runs allowed ------------ 1. Jake Long........... 25 2. Austin Pritcher..... 36 3. Patrick Ludwig...... 40 4. Josh Adams.......... 43 Earned runs allowed ------------------- 1. Jake Long........... 20 2. Austin Pritcher..... 24 3. Patrick Ludwig...... 27 4. Josh Adams.......... 30 Walks allowed ------------- 1. Jake Long........... 15 2. Josh Adams.......... 18 3. Austin Pritcher..... 19 4. Patrick Ludwig...... 22 Doubles allowed --------------- 1. Josh Adams.......... 7 2. Jake Long........... 9 3. Austin Pritcher..... 12 4. Patrick Ludwig...... 15 Triples allowed --------------- 1. Jake Long........... 0 Josh Adams.......... 0 3. Patrick Ludwig...... 1 Austin Pritcher..... 1 Home runs allowed ----------------- 1. Patrick Ludwig...... 0 2. Jake Long........... 2 Austin Pritcher..... 2 4. Josh Adams.......... 3
The Automated ScoreBook Fielding Leaders for Columbia (as of Aug 03, 2011) (All games) Pitching minimums - 44 IP Fielding pct ------------ 1. Dedric Mingo........ 1.000 Will Callaway....... 1.000 Alex Brooks......... 1.000 Ryan Gunther........ 1.000 Ross Gerdeman....... 1.000 Chances ------- 1. Tyler Jackson....... 314 2. Nick Abrahamson..... 270 3. Chase Vergason...... 204 4. Joe Jackson......... 189 5. Brison Celek........ 163 Putouts ------- 1. Nick Abrahamson..... 238 2. Tyler Jackson....... 223 3. Joe Jackson......... 162 4. Brison Celek........ 146 5. DeMontez Jones...... 91 Assists ------- 1. Chase Vergason...... 118 2. Carlos Santana...... 88 3. Tyler Jackson....... 73 4. Reggie Weatherford.. 63 5. Rob Harding......... 30 Errors ------ 1. Carlos Santana...... 18 Tyler Jackson....... 18 3. Reggie Weatherford.. 12 Joe Jackson......... 12 5. Chase Vergason...... 11 Fielding double plays --------------------- 1. Tyler Jackson....... 12 2. Chase Vergason...... 11 3. Brison Celek........ 8 4. Reggie Weatherford.. 7 5. Rob Harding......... 5 Stolen bases against -------------------- 1. Nick Abrahamson..... 53 2. Joe Jackson......... 44 3. Josh Adams.......... 16 4. Jake Long........... 11 5. 2 tied at........... 10 Caught stealing by ------------------ 1. Nick Abrahamson..... 9 2. Joe Jackson......... 6 3. Blake Forslund...... 5 4. Alex Brooks......... 4 5. Austin Pritcher..... 3 Steal attempts against ---------------------- 1. Nick Abrahamson..... 62 2. Joe Jackson......... 50 3. Josh Adams.......... 18 4. Blake Forslund...... 15 5. 3 tied at........... 12 Passed balls ------------ 1. Nick Abrahamson..... 7 Joe Jackson......... 7 3. Tyler Jackson....... 1 Catchers interference ---------------------