The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results
The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall CPL Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
*May 29, 2012 at Florence 3-4 L 3 14 1/ 4 13 0 (17) 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Frey, S. (L 0-1) 900 4:57
*May 30, 2012 WILMINGTON 4-5 L 4 5 3/ 5 11 4 9 0- 2- 0 0- 2- 0 Schilling, D (L 0-1) 2065 3:00
*May 31, 2012 at Wilmington 3-6 L 3 6 2/ 6 7 4 9 0- 3- 0 0- 3- 0 Brunnemann, (L 0-1) 1723 2:30
*Jun 01, 2012 WILSON W 4-2 4 5 3/ 2 4 0 9 1- 3- 0 1- 3- 0 Somsen, L. (W) 1625 2:32
*Jun 02, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY W 14-2 14 10 3/ 2 7 7 9 2- 3- 0 2- 3- 0 Smith, D. (W 1-0) 3809 2:38
*Jun 03, 2012 at Morehead City 6-9 L 6 8 3/ 9 12 3 9 2- 4- 0 2- 4- 0 Schilling, D (L 0-2) 1201 2:30
*Jun 04, 2012 at Wilmington W 13-4 13 14 1/ 4 4 2 9 3- 4- 0 3- 4- 0 Stoner, J. (W 1-0) 833 2:33
*Jun 05, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY W 5-1 5 8 3/ 1 4 4 9 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Picht, K. (W 1-0) 1812 2:29
*Jun 06, 2012 at Morehead City W 5-3 5 10 3/ 3 10 0 (10) 5- 4- 0 5- 4- 0 Johnson, D. (W 1-0) 955 2:49
*Jun 07, 2012 at Wilson W 6-3 6 12 3/ 3 9 3 (15) 6- 4- 0 6- 4- 0 Frey, S. (W 1-1) 1435 4:13
*Jun 08, 2012 at Petersburg W 12-2 12 19 3/ 2 5 3 9 7- 4- 0 7- 4- 0 Smith, D. (W 2-0) 1395 2:59
*Jun 09, 2012 FLORENCE 3-5 L 3 6 1/ 5 7 0 9 7- 5- 0 7- 5- 0 Hair, R. (L 0-1) 2506 2:20
*Jun 12, 2012 PENINSULA W 4-2 4 8 2/ 2 7 3 9 8- 5- 0 8- 5- 0 Stoner, J. (W 2-0) 1718 2:47
*Jun 13, 2012 at Thomasville 3-4 L 3 8 2/ 4 14 0 (11) 8- 6- 0 8- 6- 0 Davis, J. (L 0-1) 1113 2:50
*Jun 14, 2012 PETERSBURG W 8-5 8 11 3/ 5 10 2 9 9- 6- 0 9- 6- 0 McDonald, M. (W 1-0) 1851 2:34
*Jun 15, 2012 WILMINGTON W 5-4 5 11 0/ 4 9 2 (10) 10- 6- 0 10- 6- 0 Brunnemann, (W 1-1) 2211 3:34
*Jun 16, 2012 WILSON W 5-4 5 11 2/ 4 11 6 9 11- 6- 0 11- 6- 0 Frey, S. (W 2-1) 3458 2:40
*Jun 17, 2012 EDENTON W 6-5 6 7 0/ 5 9 2 9 12- 6- 0 12- 6- 0 Gaura, A. (W 1-0) 2014 2:29
*Jun 19, 2012 at Wilson 4-5 L 4 11 1/ 5 13 1 (10) 12- 7- 0 12- 7- 0 Picht, K. (L 1-1) 1056 2:54
*Jun 21, 2012 WILSON 1-8 L 1 2 1/ 8 15 1 9 12- 8- 0 12- 8- 0 Ashcraft, G. (L 0-1) 1885 2:28
*Jun 22, 2012 at Wilson W 3-0 3 6 1/ 0 3 1 9 13- 8- 0 13- 8- 0 Davis, J. (W 1-1) 823 2:37
*Jun 23, 2012 COLUMBIA W 3-2 3 5 0/ 2 7 0 9 14- 8- 0 14- 8- 0 Somsen, L. (W 2-0) 2485 2:18
*Jun 24, 2012 at Columbia W 3-2 3 7 0/ 2 6 1 7 15- 8- 0 15- 8- 0 Smith, D. (W 1-0) - 1:47
*Jun 24, 2012 at Columbia W 1-0 1 3 1/ 0 7 1 7 16- 8- 0 16- 8- 0 Frey, S. (W 1-0) 327 2:30
*Jun 26, 2012 COLUMBIA 6-7 L 6 13 2/ 7 6 2 9 16- 9- 0 16- 9- 0 Picht, K. (L 1-1) 1810 2:34
*Jun 27, 2012 at Peninsula W 4-2 4 4 2/ 2 10 2 9 17- 9- 0 17- 9- 0 Norville, K. (W 1-0) 1687 2:13
*Jun 28, 2012 at Edenton 9-10 L 9 12 5/10 13 1 9 17-10- 0 17-10- 0 Picht, K. (L 1-3) 605 2:54
*Jun 29, 2012 MARTINSVILLE W 3-0 3 7 1/ 0 5 3 9 18-10- 0 18-10- 0 Somsen, L. (W 3-0) 1746 2:12
*Jul 02, 2012 at Wilmington W 10-2 10 12 1/ 2 6 4 9 19-10- 0 19-10- 0 Smith, D. (W 4-0) 1433 2:28
*Jul 03, 2012 ASHEBORO W 3-2 3 7 1/ 2 8 0 9 20-10- 0 20-10- 0 Johnson, D. (W 2-0) 6112 2:13
*Jul 05, 2012 WILSON 7-8 L 7 7 4/ 8 9 2 9 20-11- 0 20-11- 0 Simmons, J. (L 0-1) 1553 2:42
*Jul 06, 2012 at Morehead City 4-7 L 4 9 2/ 7 7 0 7 20-12- 0 20-12- 0 Frey, S. (L 3-2) - 2:05
*Jul 06, 2012 at Morehead City W 6-2 6 6 0/ 2 6 2 7 21-12- 0 21-12- 0 Norville, K. (W 2-0) 1395 2:03
*Jul 07, 2012 PENINSULA W 8-1 8 6 3/ 1 2 1 9 22-12- 0 22-12- 0 Somsen, L. (W 4-0) 1846 2:34
*Jul 11, 2012 WILSON W 5-3 5 9 2/ 3 7 2 9 23-12- 0 23-12- 0 Picht, K. (W 2-3) 1637 2:24
*Jul 14, 2012 at Wilson W 3-0 3 7 3/ 0 5 3 9 24-12- 0 24-12- 0 McDonald, M. (W 2-0) 1705 2:16
*Jul 16, 2012 FLORENCE W 3-2 3 7 0/ 2 7 1 7 25-12- 0 25-12- 0 Ashcraft, G. (W 1-1) - 1:40
*Jul 16, 2012 FLORENCE W 4-1 4 8 2/ 1 2 1 7 26-12- 0 26-12- 0 Norville, K. (W 3-0) 1869 2:41
*Jul 17, 2012 PETERSBURG W 13-5 13 12 1/ 5 6 6 9 27-12- 0 27-12- 0 Smith, D. (W 6-0) 1902 3:09
*Jul 18, 2012 at Petersburg W 6-0 6 7 0/ 0 3 4 9 28-12- 0 28-12- 0 Somsen, L. (W 5-0) 701 2:05
*Jul 19, 2012 at Peninsula 1-8 L 1 5 4/ 8 12 1 9 28-13- 0 28-13- 0 Hoekstra, J. (L 0-1) 1596 3:00
*Jul 24, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 4-11 L 4 8 3/11 14 2 7 28-14- 0 28-14- 0 McDonald, M. (L 2-1) - 2:30
*Jul 24, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 2-5 L 2 4 1/ 5 7 3 7 28-15- 0 28-15- 0 Norville, K. (L 3-1) 1744 1:56
*Jul 09, 2012 at Columbia W 6-3 6 7 1/ 3 9 2 9 29-15- 0 29-15- 0 Smith, D. (W 6-0) 0 1:45
*Jul 25, 2012 COLUMBIA 2-6 L 2 5 2/ 6 8 1 7 29-16- 0 29-16- 0 Hoekstra, J. (L 0-1) 2223 2:33
*Jul 26, 2012 at Wilmington 0-2 L 0 1 1/ 2 6 0 7 29-17- 0 29-17- 0 Ashcraft, G. (L 1-2) -
*Jul 26, 2012 at Wilmington W 2-0 2 5 1/ 0 5 1 7 30-17- 0 30-17- 0 Davis, J. (W 2-1) 3326 1:50
*Jul 27, 2012 at Edenton W 8-0 8 10 1/ 0 2 0 7 31-17- 0 31-17- 0 Simmons, J. (W 1-1) 751 1:50
*Jul 28, 2012 at Forest City W 5-1 5 8 2/ 1 9 2 9 32-17- 0 32-17- 0 Picht, K. (W 3-3) 3362 2:40
*Jul 29, 2012 at Gastonia 10-18 L 10 12 2/18 22 1 9 32-18- 0 32-18- 0 Norville, K. (L 3-2) 2814 3:23
*Jul 31, 2012 WILSON 6-7 L 6 8 3/ 7 11 1 9 32-19- 0 32-19- 0 McDonald, M. (L 2-2) 1973 2:31
*Aug 01, 2012 at Wilson W 8-5 8 10 1/ 5 3 3 7 33-19- 0 33-19- 0 Brunnemann, (W 2-1) - 2:05
*Aug 01, 2012 at Wilson 4-5 L 4 5 1/ 5 8 1 7 33-20- 0 33-20- 0 Urquhart, D. (L 0-1) 1671 1:49
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 33-20 Home: 16-9 Away: 17-11 CPL: 33-20
Reed Harper......... .370 43-43 154 26 57 8 2 2 31 75 .487 14 0 11 1 .418 2 4 12-16 72 124 20 .907
Mike Tauchman....... .351 44-43 148 38 52 5 2 3 30 70 .473 22 6 34 2 .447 3 6 35-40 67 0 1 .985
Tyler Ding.......... .305 44-41 131 28 40 9 2 1 23 56 .427 24 5 21 2 .431 0 9 10-14 26 64 10 .900
Joe Ciamacco........ .290 36-35 131 28 38 6 0 0 12 44 .336 20 2 36 0 .392 0 1 20-27 24 2 1 .963
Sal Giardina........ .259 41-41 139 19 36 7 2 4 36 59 .424 14 11 28 1 .367 2 7 6-7 97 53 14 .915
Connor Obrochta..... .236 49-48 161 26 38 7 1 1 22 50 .311 14 9 44 0 .328 2 9 19-20 101 5 1 .991
John Howell......... .217 46-45 152 26 33 6 0 0 9 39 .257 21 3 37 3 .324 0 9 14-21 89 129 17 .928
Blake Beemer........ .213 49-46 155 13 33 2 1 1 24 40 .258 20 12 21 1 .346 1 3 6-7 442 20 3 .994
Zach Gawrych........ .208 49-49 183 33 38 3 1 1 13 46 .251 14 9 56 1 .292 3 2 16-20 71 2 1 .986
Joel Thys........... .265 12-10 49 4 13 1 0 0 6 14 .286 3 1 5 3 .315 1 0 1-1 74 13 4 .956
Andrew Parker....... .196 27-26 92 11 18 5 1 2 9 31 .337 4 7 33 1 .282 0 4 0-0 149 29 3 .983
Jacob Golliday...... .186 16-14 43 5 8 2 1 0 3 12 .279 6 1 10 0 .300 0 2 6-6 75 13 3 .967
Dale Urquhart, Jr... .174 14-9 46 7 8 2 1 0 4 12 .261 2 2 12 0 .240 0 0 1-2 3 0 1 .750
Brian Bullard....... .169 21-19 71 10 12 0 2 0 5 16 .225 10 3 15 2 .291 2 0 6-7 31 57 6 .936
Ross Easterling..... .167 9-4 18 1 3 0 0 0 0 3 .167 2 0 2 0 .250 0 0 1-1 7 10 1 .944
Morgan Stotts....... .143 3-3 7 1 1 0 0 0 3 1 .143 3 2 3 0 .500 0 0 1-1 18 1 0 1.000
Cody Moore.......... .000 1-1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 11 1 1 .923
Totals.............. .254 53-53 1683 276 428 63 16 15 230 568 .337 193 73 369 17 .353 16 56 154-190 1376 602 94 .955
Opponents........... .246 53-53 1715 210 422 80 3 20 189 568 .331 129 35 326 17 .308 21 42 59-86 1359 531 102 .949
LOB - Team (387), Opp (356). DPs turned - Team (28), Opp (30). TPs turned - Team (1). CI - Team (0), Opp (1). IBB - Team (3),
Giardina, S. 3, Opp (1). Picked off - Obrochta, C. 3, Ciamacco, J. 2, Ding, T. 2, Golliday, J. 1, Gawrych, Z. 1, Howell, J.
1, Tauchman, M. 1, Moore, C. 1, Harper, R. 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Layne Somsen........ 1.29 5-0 7 7 0 0/2 0 42.0 18 8 6 15 47 6 0 0 140 .129 0 2 0 0 3
Danny Smith......... 1.95 6-0 7 7 1 0/0 0 50.2 44 17 11 7 20 11 0 1 185 .238 1 0 0 1 9
Gary Ashcraft....... 3.27 1-2 8 8 1 0/0 0 44.0 48 23 16 5 25 2 1 6 177 .271 0 1 0 2 2
Max McDonald........ 3.46 2-2 9 9 1 1/1 0 52.0 46 26 20 11 23 10 1 1 197 .234 0 4 0 3 3
Kyle Norville....... 4.66 3-2 15 5 2 0/0 1 48.1 56 30 25 13 18 13 0 2 188 .298 0 5 1 4 3
Joel Thys........... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 .000 0 1 0 0 0
Tyler Brunnemann.... 0.41 2-1 19 0 0 0/4 10 22.0 14 6 1 8 36 0 0 1 78 .179 0 1 0 0 2
James Simmons....... 1.42 1-1 8 1 1 1/1 0 19.0 11 3 3 4 10 3 0 0 63 .175 1 2 0 0 3
Jeffrey Stoner...... 1.67 2-0 4 4 0 0/0 0 27.0 17 6 5 6 28 2 0 0 91 .187 1 3 0 1 2
Randy Hair.......... 1.80 0-1 1 1 0 0/0 0 5.0 4 4 1 2 1 2 0 0 18 .222 1 1 0 0 2
Dale Urquhart, Jr... 2.25 0-1 1 0 0 0/0 0 4.0 3 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 15 .200 0 1 0 0 0
Drasen Johnson...... 2.36 2-0 9 3 0 0/0 2 26.2 26 9 7 2 21 6 0 1 102 .255 0 2 0 2 1
Keith Picht......... 2.87 3-3 27 1 0 0/2 2 37.2 41 18 12 12 35 10 0 1 145 .283 4 5 0 4 4
Stephen Frey........ 3.19 3-2 14 2 0 0/2 0 31.0 34 16 11 8 30 6 0 5 121 .281 3 2 0 0 4
Jimmie Davis III.... 3.42 2-1 11 2 0 0/2 0 23.2 22 16 9 15 14 2 0 1 87 .253 0 1 2 2 2
A.J. Gaura.......... 3.86 1-0 3 0 0 0/0 1 4.2 5 3 2 1 3 1 0 0 18 .278 0 1 0 1 1
Josh Hoekstra....... 8.64 0-2 2 2 0 0/0 0 8.1 12 8 8 4 6 2 0 0 35 .343 0 2 0 0 0
Grayson Hoffman..... 9.82 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 3.2 5 4 4 5 2 1 0 0 15 .333 0 1 0 0 1
David Schilling..... 10.80 0-2 5 0 0 0/0 0 5.0 9 7 6 7 3 1 1 1 21 .429 0 0 0 1 0
Jacob Golliday...... 15.00 0-0 2 1 0 0/0 0 3.0 7 5 5 2 2 1 0 0 16 .438 1 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 3.00 33-20 53 53 6 7/5 16 458.2 422 210 153 129 326 80 3 20 1715 .246 12 35 3 21 42
Opponents........... 4.11 20-33 53 53 3 1/1 9 453.0 428 276 207 193 369 63 16 15 1683 .254 34 73 5 16 56
PB - Team (12), Parker, A. 7, Thys, J. 2, Golliday, J. 2, Giardina, S. 1, Opp (20). Pickoffs - Team (17), Parker, A. 5,
Ashcraft, G. 4, Golliday, J. 3, Giardina, S. 2, Norville, K. 2, Somsen, L. 1, Opp (11). SBA/ATT - Parker, A. (25-35),
Golliday, J. (10-18), Giardina, S. (14-16), Thys, J. (7-11), Norville, K. (7-9), McDonald, M. (7-9), Frey, S. (5-8),
Ashcraft, G. (5-7), Somsen, L. (4-7), Hoekstra, J. (4-7), Davis, J. (4-6), Picht, K. (4-6), Schilling, D (5-5), Smith, D.
(4-5), Brunnemann, (2-4), Johnson, D. (2-3), Stoner, J. (2-3), Simmons, J. (0-3), Hoffman, G. (1-1), Gaura, A. (1-1),
Urquhart, D. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Morgan Stotts....... 19 18 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Danny Smith......... 13 3 10 0 1.000 0 4 1 .800 0 0
Kyle Norville....... 9 0 9 0 1.000 0 7 2 .778 0 0
Max McDonald........ 7 0 7 0 1.000 0 7 2 .778 0 0
James Simmons....... 5 1 4 0 1.000 0 0 3 .000 0 0
Keith Picht......... 4 0 4 0 1.000 0 4 2 .667 0 0
A.J. Gaura.......... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Randy Hair.......... 3 2 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Drasen Johnson...... 3 2 1 0 1.000 1 2 1 .667 0 0
Tyler Brunnemann.... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 2 2 .500 0 0
Josh Hoekstra....... 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 4 3 .571 0 0
Blake Beemer........ 465 442 20 3 .994 27 0 0 --- 0 0
Connor Obrochta..... 107 101 5 1 .991 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Zach Gawrych........ 74 71 2 1 .986 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Mike Tauchman....... 68 67 0 1 .985 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Andrew Parker....... 181 149 29 3 .983 0 25 10 .714 7 0
Jacob Golliday...... 91 75 13 3 .967 0 10 8 .556 2 0
Joe Ciamacco........ 27 24 2 1 .963 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Joel Thys........... 91 74 13 4 .956 1 7 4 .636 2 0
Ross Easterling..... 18 7 10 1 .944 1 0 0 --- 0 0
Brian Bullard....... 94 31 57 6 .936 8 0 0 --- 0 0
Layne Somsen........ 14 3 10 1 .929 0 4 3 .571 0 0
Gary Ashcraft....... 14 3 10 1 .929 0 5 2 .714 0 0
John Howell......... 235 89 129 17 .928 15 0 0 --- 0 0
Cody Moore.......... 13 11 1 1 .923 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Sal Giardina........ 164 97 53 14 .915 1 14 2 .875 1 0
Reed Harper......... 216 72 124 20 .907 16 0 0 --- 0 0
Tyler Ding.......... 100 26 64 10 .900 3 0 0 --- 0 0
Jeffrey Stoner...... 10 1 8 1 .900 1 2 1 .667 0 0
Stephen Frey........ 7 0 6 1 .857 0 5 3 .625 0 0
Dale Urquhart, Jr... 4 3 0 1 .750 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Jimmie Davis III.... 7 2 3 2 .714 0 4 2 .667 0 0
Grayson Hoffman..... 3 0 2 1 .667 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
David Schilling..... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 5 0 1.000 0 0
Totals.............. 2072 1376 602 94 .955 28 59 27 .686 12 0
Opponents........... 1992 1359 531 102 .949 30 154 36 .811 20 1
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Leaders for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Batting avg
1. Reed Harper......... .370
2. Mike Tauchman....... .351
3. Tyler Ding.......... .305
4. Joe Ciamacco........ .290
5. Sal Giardina........ .259
Slugging pct
1. Reed Harper......... .487
2. Mike Tauchman....... .473
3. Tyler Ding.......... .427
4. Sal Giardina........ .424
5. Joe Ciamacco........ .336
On base pct
1. Mike Tauchman....... .447
2. Tyler Ding.......... .431
3. Reed Harper......... .418
4. Joe Ciamacco........ .392
5. Sal Giardina........ .367
Runs scored
1. Mike Tauchman....... 38
2. Zach Gawrych........ 33
3. Tyler Ding.......... 28
Joe Ciamacco........ 28
5. 3 tied at........... 26
1. Reed Harper......... 57
2. Mike Tauchman....... 52
3. Tyler Ding.......... 40
4. 3 tied at........... 38
Runs batted in
1. Sal Giardina........ 36
2. Reed Harper......... 31
3. Mike Tauchman....... 30
4. Blake Beemer........ 24
5. Tyler Ding.......... 23
1. Tyler Ding.......... 9
2. Reed Harper......... 8
3. Sal Giardina........ 7
Connor Obrochta..... 7
5. 2 tied at........... 6
1. Reed Harper......... 2
Sal Giardina........ 2
Mike Tauchman....... 2
Brian Bullard....... 2
Tyler Ding.......... 2
Home runs
1. Sal Giardina........ 4
2. Mike Tauchman....... 3
3. Andrew Parker....... 2
Reed Harper......... 2
5. 4 tied at........... 1
Total bases
1. Reed Harper......... 75
2. Mike Tauchman....... 70
3. Sal Giardina........ 59
4. Tyler Ding.......... 56
5. Connor Obrochta..... 50
1. Tyler Ding.......... 24
2. Mike Tauchman....... 22
3. John Howell......... 21
4. Blake Beemer........ 20
Joe Ciamacco........ 20
Hit by pitch
1. Blake Beemer........ 12
2. Sal Giardina........ 11
3. Connor Obrochta..... 9
Zach Gawrych........ 9
5. Andrew Parker....... 7
Sac bunts
1. John Howell......... 9
Tyler Ding.......... 9
Connor Obrochta..... 9
4. Sal Giardina........ 7
5. Mike Tauchman....... 6
Sac flies
1. Mike Tauchman....... 3
Zach Gawrych........ 3
3. 4 tied at........... 2
Stolen bases
1. Mike Tauchman....... 35
2. Joe Ciamacco........ 20
3. Connor Obrochta..... 19
4. Zach Gawrych........ 16
5. John Howell......... 14
Caught stealing
1. Joe Ciamacco........ 7
John Howell......... 7
3. Mike Tauchman....... 5
4. 3 tied at........... 4
Steal attempts
1. Mike Tauchman....... 40
2. Joe Ciamacco........ 27
3. John Howell......... 21
4. Zach Gawrych........ 20
Connor Obrochta..... 20
Stolen base pct
1. Connor Obrochta..... .950
2. Mike Tauchman....... .875
3. Blake Beemer........ .857
Sal Giardina........ .857
5. Zach Gawrych........ .800
1. Zach Gawrych........ 56
2. Connor Obrochta..... 44
3. John Howell......... 37
4. Joe Ciamacco........ 36
5. Mike Tauchman....... 34
Grounded into DP
1. Joel Thys........... 3
John Howell......... 3
3. Brian Bullard....... 2
Mike Tauchman....... 2
Tyler Ding.......... 2
Total plate appearances
1. Zach Gawrych........ 211
2. Connor Obrochta..... 195
3. Blake Beemer........ 191
4. Mike Tauchman....... 186
5. John Howell......... 185
At bats
1. Zach Gawrych........ 183
2. Connor Obrochta..... 161
3. Blake Beemer........ 155
4. Reed Harper......... 154
5. John Howell......... 152
Games played
1. Connor Obrochta..... 49
Zach Gawrych........ 49
Blake Beemer........ 49
4. John Howell......... 46
5. 2 tied at........... 44
Game starts
1. Zach Gawrych........ 49
2. Connor Obrochta..... 48
3. Blake Beemer........ 46
4. John Howell......... 45
5. 2 tied at........... 43
Games as sub
1. Dale Urquhart, Jr... 5
Ross Easterling..... 5
3. Blake Beemer........ 3
Tyler Ding.......... 3
5. 3 tied at........... 2
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Leaders for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Earned run avg
1. Layne Somsen........ 1.29
2. Danny Smith......... 1.95
3. Gary Ashcraft....... 3.27
4. Max McDonald........ 3.46
5. Kyle Norville....... 4.66
Opposing bat avg
1. Layne Somsen........ .129
2. Max McDonald........ .234
3. Danny Smith......... .238
4. Gary Ashcraft....... .271
5. Kyle Norville....... .298
Won-loss pct
1. Danny Smith......... 1.000
Layne Somsen........ 1.000
3. Kyle Norville....... .600
4. Max McDonald........ .500
5. Gary Ashcraft....... .333
1. Danny Smith......... 6
2. Layne Somsen........ 5
3. Kyle Norville....... 3
Stephen Frey........ 3
Keith Picht......... 3
1. Keith Picht......... 3
2. 6 tied at........... 2
1. Tyler Brunnemann.... 10
2. Drasen Johnson...... 2
Keith Picht......... 2
4. Kyle Norville....... 1
A.J. Gaura.......... 1
Innings pitched
1. Max McDonald........ 52.0
2. Danny Smith......... 50.2
3. Kyle Norville....... 48.1
4. Gary Ashcraft....... 44.0
5. Layne Somsen........ 42.0
Batters struck out
1. Layne Somsen........ 47
2. Tyler Brunnemann.... 36
3. Keith Picht......... 35
4. Stephen Frey........ 30
5. Jeffrey Stoner...... 28
1. Keith Picht......... 27
2. Tyler Brunnemann.... 19
3. Kyle Norville....... 15
4. Stephen Frey........ 14
5. Jimmie Davis III.... 11
Games started
1. Max McDonald........ 9
2. Gary Ashcraft....... 8
3. Layne Somsen........ 7
Danny Smith......... 7
5. Kyle Norville....... 5
Games finished
1. Tyler Brunnemann.... 14
2. Keith Picht......... 8
3. James Simmons....... 5
4. Drasen Johnson...... 4
Jimmie Davis III.... 4
Games in relief
1. Keith Picht......... 26
2. Tyler Brunnemann.... 19
3. Stephen Frey........ 12
4. Kyle Norville....... 10
5. Jimmie Davis III.... 9
Wild pitches
1. Keith Picht......... 4
2. Stephen Frey........ 3
3. 5 tied at........... 1
1. Jimmie Davis III.... 2
2. Kyle Norville....... 1
Hit batters
1. Keith Picht......... 5
Kyle Norville....... 5
3. Max McDonald........ 4
4. Jeffrey Stoner...... 3
5. 5 tied at........... 2
Intentional BB allowed
1. Jimmie Davis III.... 1
Runners picked off
1. Andrew Parker....... 5
2. Gary Ashcraft....... 4
3. Jacob Golliday...... 3
4. Kyle Norville....... 2
Sal Giardina........ 2
Batters SO out looking
1. Layne Somsen........ 13
2. Keith Picht......... 11
3. Stephen Frey........ 10
4. Tyler Brunnemann.... 9
5. Danny Smith......... 7
Sac bunts allowed
1. Danny Smith......... 9
2. Keith Picht......... 4
Stephen Frey........ 4
4. 4 tied at........... 3
Sac flies allowed
1. Keith Picht......... 4
Kyle Norville....... 4
3. Max McDonald........ 3
4. 3 tied at........... 2
Hits allowed
1. Layne Somsen........ 18
2. Danny Smith......... 44
3. Max McDonald........ 46
4. Gary Ashcraft....... 48
5. Kyle Norville....... 56
Runs allowed
1. Layne Somsen........ 8
2. Danny Smith......... 17
3. Gary Ashcraft....... 23
4. Max McDonald........ 26
5. Kyle Norville....... 30
Earned runs allowed
1. Layne Somsen........ 6
2. Danny Smith......... 11
3. Gary Ashcraft....... 16
4. Max McDonald........ 20
5. Kyle Norville....... 25
Walks allowed
1. Gary Ashcraft....... 5
2. Danny Smith......... 7
3. Max McDonald........ 11
4. Kyle Norville....... 13
5. Layne Somsen........ 15
Doubles allowed
1. Gary Ashcraft....... 2
2. Layne Somsen........ 6
3. Max McDonald........ 10
4. Danny Smith......... 11
5. Kyle Norville....... 13
Triples allowed
1. Kyle Norville....... 0
Danny Smith......... 0
Layne Somsen........ 0
4. Gary Ashcraft....... 1
Max McDonald........ 1
Home runs allowed
1. Layne Somsen........ 0
2. Max McDonald........ 1
Danny Smith......... 1
4. Kyle Norville....... 2
5. Gary Ashcraft....... 6
The Automated ScoreBook
Fielding Leaders for Fayetteville (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Fielding pct
1. Morgan Stotts....... 1.000
Danny Smith......... 1.000
Kyle Norville....... 1.000
Max McDonald........ 1.000
James Simmons....... 1.000
1. Blake Beemer........ 465
2. John Howell......... 235
3. Reed Harper......... 216
4. Andrew Parker....... 181
5. Sal Giardina........ 164
1. Blake Beemer........ 442
2. Andrew Parker....... 149
3. Connor Obrochta..... 101
4. Sal Giardina........ 97
5. John Howell......... 89
1. John Howell......... 129
2. Reed Harper......... 124
3. Tyler Ding.......... 64
4. Brian Bullard....... 57
5. Sal Giardina........ 53
1. Reed Harper......... 20
2. John Howell......... 17
3. Sal Giardina........ 14
4. Tyler Ding.......... 10
5. Brian Bullard....... 6
Fielding double plays
1. Blake Beemer........ 27
2. Reed Harper......... 16
3. John Howell......... 15
4. Brian Bullard....... 8
5. Tyler Ding.......... 3
Stolen bases against
1. Andrew Parker....... 25
2. Sal Giardina........ 14
3. Jacob Golliday...... 10
4. 3 tied at........... 7
Caught stealing by
1. Andrew Parker....... 10
2. Jacob Golliday...... 8
3. Joel Thys........... 4
4. 4 tied at........... 3
Steal attempts against
1. Andrew Parker....... 35
2. Jacob Golliday...... 18
3. Sal Giardina........ 16
4. Joel Thys........... 11
5. 2 tied at........... 9
Passed balls
1. Andrew Parker....... 7
2. Jacob Golliday...... 2
Joel Thys........... 2
4. Sal Giardina........ 1
Catchers interference