The Automated ScoreBook
Team Statistics
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
CPL Overall Statistics (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Edenton............. .280 53 1738 302 487 100 8 44 266 735 .423 214 36 371 30 .368 13 26 80-102 1340 526 82 .958
Forest City......... .266 56 1862 280 496 104 5 31 244 703 .378 211 62 428 25 .357 20 27 65-85 1475 591 78 .964
Gastonia............ .266 56 1882 287 500 94 4 23 238 671 .357 258 48 398 14 .366 17 35 46-66 1459 599 70 .967
Peninsula........... .261 55 1825 260 476 65 12 11 220 598 .328 278 52 423 12 .371 18 54 120-151 1462 596 97 .955
Florence............ .256 55 1822 249 467 78 7 10 202 589 .323 168 51 356 13 .334 14 41 60-78 1403 571 69 .966
Fayetteville........ .254 53 1683 276 428 63 16 15 230 568 .337 193 73 369 17 .353 16 56 154-190 1376 602 94 .955
Morehead City....... .250 55 1750 217 437 65 7 25 186 591 .338 194 30 397 27 .334 8 22 82-118 1390 546 96 .953
Columbia............ .249 55 1764 244 439 82 8 16 209 585 .332 203 45 301 6 .338 20 25 87-112 1408 582 75 .964
Petersburg.......... .239 55 1783 239 427 62 9 12 201 543 .305 178 60 417 26 .326 16 46 75-102 1402 609 117 .945
Martinsville........ .239 55 1739 196 416 91 11 14 170 571 .328 207 28 408 20 .326 20 24 53-78 1390 641 84 .960
Wilson.............. .239 55 1860 240 444 78 9 10 204 570 .306 208 43 363 23 .326 19 41 77-108 1467 676 108 .952
Asheboro............ .238 55 1829 194 436 71 8 19 165 580 .317 195 49 305 20 .327 8 33 60-78 1471 665 67 .970
Wilmington.......... .229 52 1627 207 372 57 7 18 178 497 .305 217 40 402 23 .333 6 30 74-98 1343 558 73 .963
Thomasville......... .227 54 1741 196 395 60 4 15 171 508 .292 199 35 380 11 .317 12 39 55-78 1404 573 92 .956
Totals.............. .250 24905 6220 115 2884 .334 652 267 207 1088-1444 8335 .959
764 3387 1070 263 8309 2923 5318 .341 499 19790 1202
CI - Petersburg 1, Edenton 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Fayetteville........ 3.00 33-20 53 6 7/5 16 458.2 422 210 153 129 326 80 3 20 1715 .246 12 35 3 21 42
Florence............ 3.18 25-30 55 5 3/3 11 467.2 419 218 165 188 378 65 7 14 1739 .241 40 37 3 10 39
Asheboro............ 3.18 27-27 55 4 4/4 14 490.1 435 213 173 200 427 82 6 23 1803 .241 36 45 0 9 38
Edenton............. 3.36 36-17 53 0 4/4 16 446.2 407 212 167 209 395 61 8 33 1678 .243 30 41 2 4 47
Forest City......... 3.39 34-22 56 1 4/3 16 491.2 441 223 185 268 370 86 8 23 1839 .240 37 49 1 11 38
Wilmington.......... 3.42 29-23 52 2 4/4 14 447.2 398 225 170 185 391 63 14 16 1675 .238 50 37 2 10 30
Columbia............ 3.43 32-23 55 1 4/3 15 469.1 442 219 179 206 377 66 6 12 1773 .249 37 53 1 12 33
Morehead City....... 3.44 25-30 55 5 2/1 11 463.1 437 237 177 207 390 85 9 14 1728 .253 30 39 3 22 31
Thomasville......... 3.63 24-30 54 3 3/3 13 468.0 437 240 189 194 359 63 4 28 1783 .245 49 46 7 22 18
Wilson.............. 3.68 21-34 55 6 0/0 9 489.0 459 270 200 244 388 66 9 16 1839 .250 42 52 6 19 51
Peninsula........... 3.77 26-28 55 2 5/4 11 487.1 451 257 204 233 415 89 10 21 1856 .243 41 52 3 11 33
Martinsville........ 4.35 24-31 55 2 3/2 11 463.1 464 281 224 208 328 91 3 16 1781 .261 26 78 3 11 39
Petersburg.......... 4.39 22-33 55 7 3/1 6 467.1 502 306 228 219 368 91 12 15 1841 .273 48 53 6 21 31
Gastonia............ 4.40 23-33 56 4 1/1 9 486.1 506 276 238 233 406 82 16 12 1855 .273 58 35 9 24 29
Totals.............. 3.62 764 47/38 6596.2 3387 2923 1070 263 .250 652 207
381-381 48 172 6220 2652 5318 115 24905 536 49 499
PB - Thomasville 21, Petersburg 20, Wilmington 19, Martinsville 15, Wilson 14, Asheboro 13, Forest City 13, Fayetteville 12,
Florence 12, Edenton 11, Columbia 11, Peninsula 10, MoreheadCity 10, Gastonia 7. Pickoffs - Gastonia 17, Fayetteville 17,
MoreheadCity 13, Martinsville 11, Petersburg 9, Columbia 8, Wilmington 8, Peninsula 7, Edenton 6, Wilson 6, Forest City 5,
Thomasville 4, Asheboro 3, Florence 1.
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Asheboro............ 2203 1471 665 67 .970 52 74 32 .698 13 0
Gastonia............ 2128 1459 599 70 .967 49 55 22 .714 7 0
Florence............ 2043 1403 571 69 .966 35 88 21 .807 12 0
Columbia............ 2065 1408 582 75 .964 51 76 15 .835 11 0
Forest City......... 2144 1475 591 78 .964 45 73 17 .811 13 0
Wilmington.......... 1974 1343 558 73 .963 34 66 28 .702 19 0
Martinsville........ 2115 1390 641 84 .960 39 71 26 .732 15 0
Edenton............. 1948 1340 526 82 .958 29 91 22 .805 11 1
Thomasville......... 2069 1404 573 92 .956 33 60 23 .723 21 0
Peninsula........... 2155 1462 596 97 .955 24 70 36 .660 10 0
Fayetteville........ 2072 1376 602 94 .955 28 59 27 .686 12 0
Morehead City....... 2032 1390 546 96 .953 39 66 42 .611 10 0
Wilson.............. 2251 1467 676 108 .952 50 131 23 .851 14 0
Petersburg.......... 2128 1402 609 117 .945 43 108 22 .831 20 1
Totals.............. 29327 8335 .959 1088 .753 2
19790 1202 551 356 188
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
CPL Batting Leaders (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Batting avg
1. Edenton............. .280
2. Forest City......... .266
3. Gastonia............ .266
4. Peninsula........... .261
5. Florence............ .256
Slugging pct
1. Edenton............. .423
2. Forest City......... .378
3. Gastonia............ .357
4. Morehead City....... .338
5. Fayetteville........ .337
On base pct
1. Peninsula........... .371
2. Edenton............. .368
3. Gastonia............ .366
4. Forest City......... .357
5. Fayetteville........ .353
Runs scored
1. Edenton............. 302
2. Gastonia............ 287
3. Forest City......... 280
4. Fayetteville........ 276
5. Peninsula........... 260
1. Gastonia............ 500
2. Forest City......... 496
3. Edenton............. 487
4. Peninsula........... 476
5. Florence............ 467
Runs batted in
1. Edenton............. 266
2. Forest City......... 244
3. Gastonia............ 238
4. Fayetteville........ 230
5. Peninsula........... 220
1. Forest City......... 104
2. Edenton............. 100
3. Gastonia............ 94
4. Martinsville........ 91
5. Columbia............ 82
1. Fayetteville........ 16
2. Peninsula........... 12
3. Martinsville........ 11
4. Wilson.............. 9
Petersburg.......... 9
Home runs
1. Edenton............. 44
2. Forest City......... 31
3. Morehead City....... 25
4. Gastonia............ 23
5. Asheboro............ 19
Total bases
1. Edenton............. 735
2. Forest City......... 703
3. Gastonia............ 671
4. Peninsula........... 598
5. Morehead City....... 591
Total plate appearances
1. Gastonia............ 2240
2. Peninsula........... 2227
3. Forest City......... 2182
4. Wilson.............. 2171
5. Asheboro............ 2114
At bats
1. Gastonia............ 1882
2. Forest City......... 1862
3. Wilson.............. 1860
4. Asheboro............ 1829
5. Peninsula........... 1825
1. Peninsula........... 278
2. Gastonia............ 258
3. Wilmington.......... 217
4. Edenton............. 214
5. Forest City......... 211
Hit by pitch
1. Fayetteville........ 73
2. Forest City......... 62
3. Petersburg.......... 60
4. Peninsula........... 52
5. Florence............ 51
1. Forest City......... 428
2. Peninsula........... 423
3. Petersburg.......... 417
4. Martinsville........ 408
5. Wilmington.......... 402
Sac bunts
1. Fayetteville........ 56
2. Peninsula........... 54
3. Petersburg.......... 46
4. Florence............ 41
Wilson.............. 41
Sac flies
1. Columbia............ 20
Forest City......... 20
Martinsville........ 20
4. Wilson.............. 19
5. Peninsula........... 18
Stolen bases
1. Fayetteville........ 154
2. Peninsula........... 120
3. Columbia............ 87
4. Morehead City....... 82
5. Edenton............. 80
Caught stealing
1. Fayetteville........ 36
Morehead City....... 36
3. Wilson.............. 31
Peninsula........... 31
5. Petersburg.......... 27
Steal attempts
1. Fayetteville........ 190
2. Peninsula........... 151
3. Morehead City....... 118
4. Columbia............ 112
5. Wilson.............. 108
Grounded into DP
1. Edenton............. 30
2. Morehead City....... 27
3. Petersburg.......... 26
4. Forest City......... 25
5. 2 tied at........... 23
The Automated ScoreBook
CPL Pitching Leaders (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Earned run avg
1. Fayetteville........ 3.00
2. Florence............ 3.18
3. Asheboro............ 3.18
4. Edenton............. 3.36
5. Forest City......... 3.39
Opposing bat avg
1. Wilmington.......... .238
2. Forest City......... .240
3. Florence............ .241
4. Asheboro............ .241
5. Edenton............. .243
Innings pitched
1. Forest City......... 491.2
2. Asheboro............ 490.1
3. Wilson.............. 489.0
4. Peninsula........... 487.1
5. Gastonia............ 486.1
Batters struck out
1. Asheboro............ 427
2. Peninsula........... 415
3. Gastonia............ 406
4. Edenton............. 395
5. Wilmington.......... 391
Batters SO out looking
1. Edenton............. 152
2. Florence............ 120
3. Asheboro............ 114
4. Forest City......... 113
5. Morehead City....... 109
1. Edenton............. 36
2. Forest City......... 34
3. Fayetteville........ 33
4. Columbia............ 32
5. Wilmington.......... 29
1. Wilson.............. 34
2. Gastonia............ 33
Petersburg.......... 33
4. Martinsville........ 31
5. 3 tied at........... 30
1. Fayetteville........ 16
Forest City......... 16
Edenton............. 16
4. Columbia............ 15
5. 2 tied at........... 14
Runners picked off
1. Fayetteville........ 17
Gastonia............ 17
3. Morehead City....... 13
4. Martinsville........ 11
5. Petersburg.......... 9
Sac bunts allowed
1. Wilson.............. 51
2. Edenton............. 47
3. Fayetteville........ 42
4. Martinsville........ 39
Florence............ 39
Sac flies allowed
1. Gastonia............ 24
2. Morehead City....... 22
Thomasville......... 22
4. Petersburg.......... 21
Fayetteville........ 21
Hits allowed
1. Wilmington.......... 398
2. Edenton............. 407
3. Florence............ 419
4. Fayetteville........ 422
5. Asheboro............ 435
Runs allowed
1. Fayetteville........ 210
2. Edenton............. 212
3. Asheboro............ 213
4. Florence............ 218
5. Columbia............ 219
Earned runs allowed
1. Fayetteville........ 153
2. Florence............ 165
3. Edenton............. 167
4. Wilmington.......... 170
5. Asheboro............ 173
Walks allowed
1. Fayetteville........ 129
2. Wilmington.......... 185
3. Florence............ 188
4. Thomasville......... 194
5. Asheboro............ 200
Doubles allowed
1. Edenton............. 61
2. Thomasville......... 63
Wilmington.......... 63
4. Florence............ 65
5. 2 tied at........... 66
Triples allowed
1. Fayetteville........ 3
Martinsville........ 3
3. Thomasville......... 4
4. Columbia............ 6
Asheboro............ 6
Home runs allowed
1. Columbia............ 12
Gastonia............ 12
3. Florence............ 14
Morehead City....... 14
5. Petersburg.......... 15
Wild pitches
1. Gastonia............ 58
2. Wilmington.......... 50
3. Thomasville......... 49
4. Petersburg.......... 48
5. Wilson.............. 42
1. Gastonia............ 9
2. Thomasville......... 7
3. Petersburg.......... 6
Wilson.............. 6
5. 5 tied at........... 3
Hit batters
1. Martinsville........ 78
2. Columbia............ 53
Petersburg.......... 53
4. Peninsula........... 52
Wilson.............. 52
Intentional BB allowed
1. Wilson.............. 5
2. Petersburg.......... 1
Wilmington.......... 1
4. Forest City......... 4
5. Fayetteville........ 1
The Automated ScoreBook
CPL Fielding Leaders (as of Aug 06, 2012)
(All games)
Pitching minimums - 42 IP
Fielding pct
1. Asheboro............ .970
2. Gastonia............ .967
3. Florence............ .966
4. Columbia............ .964
5. Forest City......... .964
1. Wilson.............. 2251
2. Asheboro............ 2203
3. Peninsula........... 2155
4. Forest City......... 2144
5. 2 tied at........... 2128
1. Forest City......... 1475
2. Asheboro............ 1471
3. Wilson.............. 1467
4. Peninsula........... 1462
5. Gastonia............ 1459
1. Wilson.............. 676
2. Asheboro............ 665
3. Martinsville........ 641
4. Petersburg.......... 609
5. Fayetteville........ 602
1. Petersburg.......... 117
2. Wilson.............. 108
3. Peninsula........... 97
4. Morehead City....... 96
5. Fayetteville........ 94
Fielding double plays
1. Asheboro............ 52
2. Columbia............ 51
3. Wilson.............. 50
4. Gastonia............ 49
5. Forest City......... 45
Stolen bases against
1. Wilson.............. 131
2. Petersburg.......... 108
3. Edenton............. 91
4. Florence............ 88
5. Columbia............ 76
Caught stealing by
1. Morehead City....... 42
2. Peninsula........... 36
3. Asheboro............ 32
4. Wilmington.......... 28
5. Fayetteville........ 27
Steal attempts against
1. Wilson.............. 154
2. Petersburg.......... 130
3. Edenton............. 113
4. Florence............ 109
5. Morehead City....... 108
Passed balls
1. Thomasville......... 21
2. Petersburg.......... 20
3. Wilmington.......... 19
4. Martinsville........ 15
5. Wilson.............. 14
Catchers interference
1. Petersburg.......... 1
Edenton............. 1