The Automated ScoreBook


Game Results

The Automated ScoreBook Game Results for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games) Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall CPL Pitcher of record Attend Time --------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ---- *May 29, 2012 at Edenton 2-8 L 2 7 2/ 8 12 2 9 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Ali, D. (L 0-1) 612 2:49 *May 31, 2012 at Florence W 3-2 3 8 2/ 2 10 2 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Scoggin, P. (W 1-0) 1296 2:28 *Jun 01, 2012 at Asheboro 1-1 T 1 3 0/ 1 3 0 7 1- 1- 1 1- 1- 1 None 731 1:17 *Jun 02, 2012 PETERSBURG 9-10 L 9 11 3/10 7 2 9 1- 2- 1 1- 2- 1 Bonner, M. (L 0-1) 4037 3:26 *Jun 04, 2012 at Wilson W 8-1 8 7 2/ 1 9 3 9 2- 2- 1 2- 2- 1 Buckland, E. (W 1-0) 775 2:31 *Jun 05, 2012 EDENTON 1-2 L 1 7 1/ 2 3 0 9 2- 3- 1 2- 3- 1 O'Keefe, C. (L 0-1) 1379 2:25 *Jun 06, 2012 at Edenton 5-7 L 5 6 3/ 7 7 2 9 2- 4- 1 2- 4- 1 Contreras, M (L 0-1) 452 2:34 *Jun 07, 2012 PETERSBURG W 9-2 9 10 2/ 2 7 3 9 3- 4- 1 3- 4- 1 Richter, S. (W 1-0) 923 3:00 *Jun 08, 2012 WILSON W 2-1 2 7 4/ 1 8 2 (11) 4- 4- 1 4- 4- 1 Zambron, B. (W 1-0) 2798 2:57 *Jun 08, 2012 WILSON W 4-3 4 3 0/ 3 4 0 7 5- 4- 1 5- 4- 1 Bonner, M. (W 1-1) 2798 1:52 *Jun 09, 2012 at Petersburg 3-5 L 3 6 1/ 5 10 6 9 5- 5- 1 5- 5- 1 Buckland, E. (L 0-1) 354 2hr3 *Jun 11, 2012 at Morehead City W 4-3 4 6 1/ 3 12 0 9 6- 5- 1 6- 5- 1 Heddinger, J (W 1-0) 1351 2:49 *Jun 12, 2012 at Fayetteville 2-4 L 2 7 3/ 4 8 2 9 6- 6- 1 6- 6- 1 Scoggin, P. (L 1-1) 1718 2:47 *Jun 13, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 2-5 L 2 10 3/ 5 9 0 9 6- 7- 1 6- 7- 1 Vick, B. (L 0-1) 1578 2:30 *Jun 14, 2012 at Wilson W 4-2 4 3 2/ 2 11 2 (12) 7- 7- 1 7- 7- 1 Richter, S. (W 2-0) 2176 3:16 *Jun 15, 2012 EDENTON 2-4 L 2 3 3/ 4 7 0 9 7- 8- 1 7- 8- 1 Rowley, C. (L 0-1) 2601 2:22 *Jun 16, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 2-8 L 2 10 3/ 8 7 2 9 7- 9- 1 7- 9- 1 Buckland, E. (L 1-2) 3193 2:40 *Jun 17, 2012 at Petersburg 3-6 L 3 8 2/ 6 6 1 9 7-10- 1 7-10- 1 Heddinger, J (L 1-1) 766 2:27 *Jun 18, 2012 FLORENCE W 6-0 6 11 2/ 0 2 1 9 8-10- 1 8-10- 1 Scoggin, P. (W 2-1) 898 1:56 *Jun 19, 2012 at Edenton W 10-5 10 15 1/ 5 10 2 9 9-10- 1 9-10- 1 Vick, B. (W 1-1) 750 2:35 *Jun 21, 2012 EDENTON 2-3 L 2 7 1/ 3 6 1 7 9-11- 1 9-11- 1 Myers, A. (L 0-1) 1629 2:14 *Jun 22, 2012 at Petersburg W 7-3 7 9 2/ 3 6 0 (10) 10-11- 1 10-11- 1 Bonner, M. (W 1-1) 650 2:53 *Jun 23, 2012 WILMINGTON 2-7 L 2 6 2/ 7 11 2 9 10-12- 1 10-12- 1 Lake, D. (L 0-1) 2379 3:20 *Jun 25, 2012 FOREST CITY 6-9 L 6 8 1/ 9 8 3 9 10-13- 1 10-13- 1 Heddinger, J (L 1-2) 558 3:22 *Jun 26, 2012 PETERSBURG W 6-4 6 9 2/ 4 8 3 9 11-13- 1 11-13- 1 Richter, S. (W 3-0) 1135 2:39 *Jun 27, 2012 FAYETTEVILLE 2-4 L 2 10 2/ 4 4 2 9 11-14- 1 11-14- 1 Vick, B. (L 1-2) 1687 2:13 *Jun 28, 2012 at Wilmington 4-5 L 4 3 0/ 5 8 5 9 11-15- 1 11-15- 1 Scoggin, P. (L 2-2) 1847 2:45 *Jun 29, 2012 at Morehead City W 9-5 9 11 3/ 5 14 4 9 12-15- 1 12-15- 1 Buckland, E. (W 2-2) 2173 2:35 *Jun 30, 2012 PETERSBURG W 6-4 6 8 1/ 4 12 1 9 13-15- 1 13-15- 1 Scoggin, P. (W 3-2) 1412 2:55 *Jul 02, 2012 at Edenton 9-11 L 9 14 0/11 13 2 (10) 13-16- 1 13-16- 1 Vick, B. (L 1-3) 467 3:34 *Jul 03, 2012 PETERSBURG W 4-0 4 12 3/ 0 6 2 9 14-16- 1 14-16- 1 Campanella, (W 1-0) 3628 2:45 *Jul 04, 2012 at Petersburg W 12-8 12 17 4/ 8 7 3 (10) 15-16- 1 15-16- 1 Scoggin, P. (W 4-2) 889 3hr *Jul 05, 2012 at Morehead City W 13-5 13 11 0/ 5 10 3 9 16-16- 1 16-16- 1 Andrews, J. (W 1-0) 1552 2:51 *Jul 06, 2012 EDENTON 2-3 L 2 8 2/ 3 10 2 9 16-17- 1 16-17- 1 Grauer, D. (L 0-1) 2713 2:35 *Jul 07, 2012 at Fayetteville 1-8 L 1 2 1/ 8 6 3 9 16-18- 1 16-18- 1 Thompson, N. (L 0-1) 1846 2:34 *Jul 09, 2012 PETERSBURG 1-6 L 1 5 1/ 6 8 0 9 16-19- 1 16-19- 1 Scoggin, P. (L 4-3) 802 2:50 *Jul 10, 2012 GASTONIA 1-3 L 1 8 3/ 3 3 0 (10) 16-20- 1 16-20- 1 Zambron, B. (L 1-1) 702 2:50 *Jul 11, 2012 at Edenton 5-7 L 5 8 1/ 7 13 3 9 16-21- 1 16-21- 1 Campanella, (L 1-1) 605 2:55 *Jul 12, 2012 EDENTON W 2-0 2 3 1/ 0 6 2 9 17-21- 1 17-21- 1 Vick, B. (W 2-3) 2275 2:20 *Jul 13, 2012 at Petersburg 3-6 L 3 9 1/ 6 7 2 9 17-22- 1 17-22- 1 Contreras, M (L 0-2) 753 3:00 *Jul 14, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 3-15 L 3 10 3/15 17 1 9 17-23- 1 17-23- 1 Zambron, B. (L 1-2) 1876 3:18 *Jul 16, 2012 at Wilmington W 10-0 10 11 0/ 0 2 2 9 18-23- 1 18-23- 1 Rowley, C. (W 1-1) 1374 2:43 *Jul 17, 2012 at Morehead City 3-4 L 3 15 0/ 4 7 0 9 18-24- 1 18-24- 1 Andrews, J. (L 1-1) 1529 3:03 *Jul 18, 2012 WILSON 1-5 L 1 8 2/ 5 6 1 9 18-25- 1 18-25- 1 Campanella, (L 1-2) 1053 2:50 *Jul 19, 2012 FAYETTEVILLE W 8-1 8 12 1/ 1 5 4 9 19-25- 1 19-25- 1 Vick, B. (W 3-3) 1596 3:00 *Jul 21, 2012 at Martinsville W 2-0 2 4 2/ 0 4 0 9 20-25- 1 20-25- 1 Buckland, E. (W) 1301 2:00 *Jul 24, 2012 WILMINGTON W 6-3 6 12 2/ 3 4 0 9 21-25- 1 21-25- 1 Rowley, C. (W 2-1) 876 2:36 *Jul 25, 2012 at Wilson W 12-8 12 15 1/ 8 12 4 9 22-25- 1 22-25- 1 Montague, A. (W 1-0) 1078 3:09 *Jul 26, 2012 at Wilson W 10-3 10 16 1/ 3 8 1 9 23-25- 1 23-25- 1 Campanella, (W 2-2) 1402 2:43 *Jul 27, 2012 WILSON W 5-4 5 13 2/ 4 8 3 (10) 24-25- 1 24-25- 1 Ellis, R. (W 1-0) 1798 3:35 *Jul 28, 2012 at Edenton 6-14 L 6 11 4/14 18 2 9 24-26- 1 24-26- 1 Buckland, E. (L 3-3) 727 3:03 *Jul 29, 2012 at Petersburg W 4-3 4 9 1/ 3 9 2 9 25-26- 1 25-26- 1 Thompson, N. (W 1-1) 743 2:03 *Jul 30, 2012 COLUMBIA W 4-3 4 11 3/ 3 9 2 9 26-26- 1 26-26- 1 Bailey, G. (W 1-0) 1508 2:42 *Jul 31, 2012 MOREHEAD CITY 6-7 L 6 11 1/ 7 11 3 9 26-27- 1 26-27- 1 Campanella, (L 2-3) 1451 9:35 *Aug 02, 2012 EDENTON 1-7 L 1 2 3/ 7 13 1 9 26-28- 1 26-28- 1 Buckland, E. (L 3-4) 2347 3:00 () extra inning game

Overall Statistics

The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games Sorted by Batting avg) Record: 26-28-1 Home: 12-16 Away: 14-12-1 CPL: 26-28-1 Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% Andrew Amaro........ .303 55-48 178 27 54 3 0 0 20 57 .320 44 7 44 0 .457 1 6 19-23 70 98 12 .933 Josh Eldridge....... .299 51-46 187 24 56 10 2 0 30 70 .374 20 2 31 1 .371 1 3 13-17 58 2 0 1.000 Nick Thompson....... .288 41-40 139 19 40 6 2 1 19 53 .381 28 2 28 1 .409 2 2 4-6 96 73 15 .918 Zac MacAneney....... .273 52-47 183 35 50 8 5 1 24 71 .388 34 4 34 0 .395 2 10 23-25 103 2 4 .963 Roberto Duran....... .198 41-37 121 17 24 2 0 1 10 29 .240 29 2 31 5 .359 1 1 5-7 33 84 13 .900 -------------- Josh Henderson...... .379 11-5 29 3 11 2 0 1 8 16 .552 1 2 3 0 .424 1 1 4-5 12 0 1 .923 Geno Escalante...... .310 34-32 129 17 40 4 1 0 15 46 .357 7 4 22 0 .359 2 0 2-6 131 14 1 .993 Joey Andrews........ .301 34-27 83 10 25 4 0 0 9 29 .349 24 0 17 1 .458 0 4 1-1 178 14 4 .980 Bret Blevins........ .300 21-19 60 11 18 3 0 0 3 21 .350 8 3 18 0 .408 0 5 9-10 16 4 2 .909 Michael Perez....... .273 8-7 22 1 6 0 0 0 4 6 .273 6 1 4 0 .433 1 1 1-1 51 9 3 .952 Corey Davis......... .252 37-32 131 13 33 7 1 4 24 54 .412 8 2 44 1 .303 1 0 11-13 167 8 4 .978 Andrew Montague..... .250 15-11 36 5 9 1 0 0 4 10 .278 8 3 11 0 .408 2 2 2-2 50 5 2 .965 Adam McConnell...... .250 2-2 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 .250 0 1 4 0 .333 0 0 0-0 2 2 1 .800 Cameron Gibson...... .248 39-30 117 17 29 5 0 0 9 34 .291 8 2 18 0 .302 2 3 6-9 57 4 0 1.000 Josh Silver......... .235 25-25 98 14 23 3 1 2 16 34 .347 11 6 20 0 .348 0 7 3-5 48 87 5 .964 Danny Grauer........ .220 19-16 59 11 13 2 0 1 8 18 .305 7 5 19 0 .352 0 1 3-3 143 11 3 .981 Mitchell Shifflett.. .212 11-9 33 5 7 2 0 0 3 9 .273 4 1 12 1 .316 0 0 5-6 14 0 1 .933 D.J. Martinez....... .210 39-27 81 16 17 1 0 0 5 18 .222 17 3 14 0 .363 1 7 6-8 49 70 7 .944 Dakari Cooke........ .185 15-8 27 6 5 0 0 0 0 5 .185 12 0 9 0 .436 0 1 2-3 12 0 1 .923 Tyler Shover........ .182 22-17 66 8 12 2 0 0 7 14 .212 2 2 18 1 .229 0 0 1-1 139 23 6 .964 Hunter Lewis........ .125 3-2 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .125 0 0 2 0 .125 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000 Ryan Burns.......... .071 5-4 14 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 .071 0 0 8 0 .071 0 0 0-0 1 4 1 .833 Joey Vecchione...... .000 2-2 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 6 1 .000 1 0 0-0 3 3 1 .857 Michael Donovan..... .000 3-1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 4 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 3 1 .750 Cody Queen.......... .000 1-0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000 Eric Buckland....... .000 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 3 9 1 .923 Brad Zambron........ .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 7 0 1.000 Totals.............. .261 55-55 1825 260 476 65 12 11 220 598 .328 278 52 423 12 .371 18 54 120-151 1462 596 97 .955 Opponents........... .243 55-55 1856 257 451 89 10 21 231 623 .336 233 52 415 12 .342 11 33 70-106 1461 677 101 .955 LOB - Team (506), Opp (466). DPs turned - Team (24), Opp (40). IBB - Team (1), Andrews, J. 1, Opp (1). Picked off - Amaro, A. 6, Eldridge, J. 4, Thompson, N. 3, MacAneney, Z 2, Montague, A. 1, Duran, R. 1, Gibson, C. 1.
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games Sorted by Earned run avg) Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA Brandon Vick........ 3.03 3-3 13 9 1 0/1 0 59.1 58 26 20 23 39 18 0 3 229 .253 3 6 0 3 5 Patrick Scoggin..... 3.59 4-3 8 6 1 1/0 0 42.2 37 21 17 14 38 6 0 0 163 .227 6 4 0 0 3 Eric Buckland....... 5.09 3-4 11 8 0 0/1 0 46.0 53 31 26 24 33 5 1 1 178 .298 4 4 0 1 5 -------------- Grayson Bailey...... 0.00 1-0 4 0 0 0/0 0 5.2 5 0 0 2 7 1 0 0 22 .227 1 1 0 0 0 Josh Silver......... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 .250 0 0 0 0 0 Roberto Duran....... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 .250 0 0 0 0 0 Stephen Williams.... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 0.1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Aaron Myers......... 0.81 0-1 7 2 0 0/0 0 22.1 14 4 2 4 19 4 0 1 74 .189 0 0 0 1 1 Jharel Cotton....... 0.93 0-0 3 0 0 0/1 1 9.2 5 1 1 2 18 0 0 0 35 .143 0 1 0 0 0 Stephen Richter..... 1.23 3-0 12 0 0 0/1 2 14.2 8 3 2 10 29 1 0 0 52 .154 0 0 0 0 2 Chris Rowley........ 1.59 2-1 6 5 0 0/2 1 34.0 24 11 6 12 27 5 2 0 126 .190 2 3 0 0 1 Michael Bonner...... 1.78 2-1 25 0 0 0/0 0 30.1 16 12 6 29 20 2 0 1 105 .152 3 2 0 1 1 Danny Grauer........ 1.80 0-1 5 0 0 0/0 0 5.0 5 1 1 3 8 1 0 0 17 .294 0 2 0 0 1 Gunner Carroll...... 2.95 0-0 4 3 0 0/0 0 21.1 25 7 7 3 14 3 2 0 86 .291 4 1 0 1 1 Nick Thompson....... 3.27 1-1 3 2 0 0/0 0 11.0 11 7 4 0 7 0 2 2 42 .262 0 1 0 0 2 Brad Zambron........ 3.64 1-2 25 1 0 0/0 7 29.2 32 15 12 6 29 4 0 2 116 .276 2 2 0 0 3 Anthony Campanella.. 4.44 2-3 6 4 0 0/1 0 26.1 28 17 13 9 19 8 1 2 102 .275 3 5 0 2 2 Joey Andrews........ 4.50 1-1 10 2 0 0/1 0 22.0 20 14 11 8 24 5 0 1 84 .238 3 1 0 0 2 Rian Ellis.......... 4.50 1-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 6.0 4 3 3 5 3 2 0 0 21 .190 1 1 0 0 0 Josh Heddinger...... 4.66 1-2 9 7 0 0/0 0 36.2 24 20 19 22 26 7 0 3 130 .185 1 3 0 1 0 Deshorn Lake........ 5.40 0-1 3 1 0 0/0 0 8.1 10 7 5 7 9 1 1 0 33 .303 1 2 0 0 0 Andrew Montague..... 6.00 1-0 6 0 0 0/1 0 6.0 6 5 4 4 3 2 0 0 23 .261 1 2 0 0 0 Dean Ali............ 6.30 0-1 4 2 0 0/0 0 10.0 14 10 7 5 8 3 0 2 48 .292 1 0 1 0 1 Colin O'Keefe....... 7.71 0-1 1 1 0 0/0 0 2.1 1 2 2 7 3 0 0 0 8 .125 1 1 0 0 0 John Roberts........ 8.36 0-0 9 2 0 0/0 0 14.0 18 17 13 12 14 1 1 2 62 .290 4 5 0 0 1 Matthew Contreras... 8.68 0-2 16 0 0 0/0 0 18.2 24 18 18 14 13 8 0 1 76 .316 0 4 2 1 1 Zac MacAneney....... 9.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 4 .250 0 1 0 0 0 T.J. Lighton........ 18.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 2.0 6 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 12 .500 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.............. 3.77 26-28 55 55 2 5/4 11 487.1 451 257 204 233 415 89 10 21 1856 .243 41 52 3 11 33 Opponents........... 3.77 28-26 55 55 0 0/0 14 487.0 476 260 204 278 423 65 12 11 1825 .261 35 52 4 18 54 PB - Team (10), Shover, T. 4, Escalante, G 3, Perez, M. 1, Montague, A. 1, Grauer, D. 1, Opp (14). Pickoffs - Team (7), Rowley, C. 3, Zambron, B. 2, Vick, B. 1, Shover, T. 1, Opp (14). SBA/ATT - Escalante, G (29-36), Shover, T. (13-29), Perez, M. (12-16), Buckland, E. (9-13), Grauer, D. (8-13), Bonner, M. (6-11), Montague, A. (8-10), Scoggin, P. (4-9), Heddinger, J (7-8), Vick, B. (6-8), Myers, A. (1-7), Ali, D. (5-6), Roberts, J. (5-6), Contreras, M (3-6), Campanella, (4-5), Thompson, N. (3-4), Zambron, B. (3-4), Lake, D. (1-3), Williams, S. (3-3), Andrews, J. (2-2), Cotton, J. (2-2), Richter, S. (1-1), MacAneney, Z (1-1), Gibson, C. (1-1), Ellis, R. (1-1), Bailey, G. (1-1), Carroll, G. (0-1), Rowley, C. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games Sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI Cameron Gibson...... 61 57 4 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Josh Eldridge....... 60 58 2 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Patrick Scoggin..... 13 5 8 0 1.000 0 4 5 .444 0 0 Aaron Myers......... 8 1 7 0 1.000 0 1 6 .143 0 0 Brad Zambron........ 8 1 7 0 1.000 0 3 1 .750 0 0 Josh Heddinger...... 6 2 4 0 1.000 0 7 1 .875 0 0 Matthew Contreras... 6 1 5 0 1.000 1 3 3 .500 0 0 Stephen Richter..... 4 1 3 0 1.000 1 1 0 1.000 0 0 Dean Ali............ 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 5 1 .833 0 0 John Roberts........ 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 5 1 .833 0 0 Hunter Lewis........ 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Cody Queen.......... 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Grayson Bailey...... 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Jharel Cotton....... 1 1 0 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 Geno Escalante...... 146 131 14 1 .993 2 29 7 .806 3 0 Danny Grauer........ 157 143 11 3 .981 2 8 5 .615 1 0 Joey Andrews........ 196 178 14 4 .980 5 2 0 1.000 0 0 Corey Davis......... 179 167 8 4 .978 13 0 0 --- 0 0 Andrew Montague..... 57 50 5 2 .965 0 8 2 .800 1 0 Tyler Shover........ 168 139 23 6 .964 0 13 16 .448 4 0 Josh Silver......... 140 48 87 5 .964 7 0 0 --- 0 0 Zac MacAneney....... 109 103 2 4 .963 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Michael Perez....... 63 51 9 3 .952 0 12 4 .750 1 0 D.J. Martinez....... 126 49 70 7 .944 6 0 0 --- 0 0 Andrew Amaro........ 180 70 98 12 .933 8 0 0 --- 0 0 Mitchell Shifflett.. 15 14 0 1 .933 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Eric Buckland....... 13 3 9 1 .923 0 9 4 .692 0 0 Josh Henderson...... 13 12 0 1 .923 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Dakari Cooke........ 13 12 0 1 .923 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Nick Thompson....... 184 96 73 15 .918 14 3 1 .750 0 0 Bret Blevins........ 22 16 4 2 .909 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Roberto Duran....... 130 33 84 13 .900 4 0 0 --- 0 0 Michael Bonner...... 9 1 7 1 .889 0 6 5 .545 0 0 Chris Rowley........ 9 2 6 1 .889 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Joey Vecchione...... 7 3 3 1 .857 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Ryan Burns.......... 6 1 4 1 .833 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Brandon Vick........ 16 5 8 3 .813 1 6 2 .750 0 0 Adam McConnell...... 5 2 2 1 .800 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Michael Donovan..... 4 0 3 1 .750 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Gunner Carroll...... 4 2 1 1 .750 0 0 1 .000 0 0 Anthony Campanella.. 7 1 4 2 .714 2 4 1 .800 0 0 Deshorn Lake........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 2 .333 0 0 T.J. Lighton........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Stephen Williams.... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 3 0 1.000 0 0 Rian Ellis.......... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 Colin O'Keefe....... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Totals.............. 2155 1462 596 97 .955 24 70 36 .660 10 0 Opponents........... 2239 1461 677 101 .955 40 120 31 .795 14 0
Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 42 IP

Category Leaders

The Automated ScoreBook Batting Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games) Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 42 IP Batting avg ----------- 1. Andrew Amaro........ .303 2. Josh Eldridge....... .299 3. Nick Thompson....... .288 4. Zac MacAneney....... .273 5. Roberto Duran....... .198 Slugging pct ------------ 1. Zac MacAneney....... .388 2. Nick Thompson....... .381 3. Josh Eldridge....... .374 4. Andrew Amaro........ .320 5. Roberto Duran....... .240 On base pct ----------- 1. Andrew Amaro........ .457 2. Nick Thompson....... .409 3. Zac MacAneney....... .395 4. Josh Eldridge....... .371 5. Roberto Duran....... .359 Runs scored ----------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 35 2. Andrew Amaro........ 27 3. Josh Eldridge....... 24 4. Nick Thompson....... 19 5. 3 tied at........... 17 Hits ---- 1. Josh Eldridge....... 56 2. Andrew Amaro........ 54 3. Zac MacAneney....... 50 4. Nick Thompson....... 40 Geno Escalante...... 40 Runs batted in -------------- 1. Josh Eldridge....... 30 2. Corey Davis......... 24 Zac MacAneney....... 24 4. Andrew Amaro........ 20 5. Nick Thompson....... 19 Doubles ------- 1. Josh Eldridge....... 10 2. Zac MacAneney....... 8 3. Corey Davis......... 7 4. Nick Thompson....... 6 5. Cameron Gibson...... 5 Triples ------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 5 2. Josh Eldridge....... 2 Nick Thompson....... 2 4. 3 tied at........... 1 Home runs --------- 1. Corey Davis......... 4 2. Josh Silver......... 2 3. 5 tied at........... 1 Total bases ----------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 71 2. Josh Eldridge....... 70 3. Andrew Amaro........ 57 4. Corey Davis......... 54 5. Nick Thompson....... 53 Walks ----- 1. Andrew Amaro........ 44 2. Zac MacAneney....... 34 3. Roberto Duran....... 29 4. Nick Thompson....... 28 5. Joey Andrews........ 24 Hit by pitch ------------ 1. Andrew Amaro........ 7 2. Josh Silver......... 6 3. Danny Grauer........ 5 4. Zac MacAneney....... 4 Geno Escalante...... 4 Sac bunts --------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 10 2. Josh Silver......... 7 D.J. Martinez....... 7 4. Andrew Amaro........ 6 5. Bret Blevins........ 5 Sac flies --------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 2 Geno Escalante...... 2 Cameron Gibson...... 2 Nick Thompson....... 2 Andrew Montague..... 2 Stolen bases ------------ 1. Zac MacAneney....... 23 2. Andrew Amaro........ 19 3. Josh Eldridge....... 13 4. Corey Davis......... 11 5. Bret Blevins........ 9 Caught stealing --------------- 1. Geno Escalante...... 4 Josh Eldridge....... 4 Andrew Amaro........ 4 4. Cameron Gibson...... 3 5. 6 tied at........... 2 Steal attempts -------------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... 25 2. Andrew Amaro........ 23 3. Josh Eldridge....... 17 4. Corey Davis......... 13 5. Bret Blevins........ 10 Stolen base pct --------------- 1. Zac MacAneney....... .920 2. Andrew Amaro........ .826 3. Josh Eldridge....... .765 4. Roberto Duran....... .714 5. Nick Thompson....... .667 Strikeouts ---------- 1. Corey Davis......... 44 Andrew Amaro........ 44 3. Zac MacAneney....... 34 4. Josh Eldridge....... 31 Roberto Duran....... 31 Grounded into DP ---------------- 1. Roberto Duran....... 5 2. 7 tied at........... 1 Total plate appearances ----------------------- 1. Andrew Amaro........ 236 2. Zac MacAneney....... 233 3. Josh Eldridge....... 213 4. Nick Thompson....... 173 5. Roberto Duran....... 154 At bats ------- 1. Josh Eldridge....... 187 2. Zac MacAneney....... 183 3. Andrew Amaro........ 178 4. Nick Thompson....... 139 5. Corey Davis......... 131 Games played ------------ 1. Andrew Amaro........ 55 2. Zac MacAneney....... 52 3. Josh Eldridge....... 51 4. Nick Thompson....... 41 Roberto Duran....... 41 Game starts ----------- 1. Andrew Amaro........ 48 2. Zac MacAneney....... 47 3. Josh Eldridge....... 46 4. Nick Thompson....... 40 5. Roberto Duran....... 37 Games as sub ------------ 1. D.J. Martinez....... 12 2. Cameron Gibson...... 9 3. Joey Andrews........ 7 Dakari Cooke........ 7 Andrew Amaro........ 7
The Automated ScoreBook Pitching Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games) Hitting minimums - 149 TPA Pitching minimums - 42 IP Earned run avg -------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 3.03 2. Patrick Scoggin..... 3.59 3. Eric Buckland....... 5.09 Opposing bat avg ---------------- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... .227 2. Brandon Vick........ .253 3. Eric Buckland....... .298 Won-loss pct ------------ 1. Patrick Scoggin..... .571 2. Brandon Vick........ .500 3. Eric Buckland....... .429 Wins ---- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 4 2. Stephen Richter..... 3 Brandon Vick........ 3 Eric Buckland....... 3 5. 3 tied at........... 2 Losses ------ 1. Eric Buckland....... 4 2. Brandon Vick........ 3 Patrick Scoggin..... 3 Anthony Campanella.. 3 5. 3 tied at........... 2 Saves ----- 1. Brad Zambron........ 7 2. Stephen Richter..... 2 3. Chris Rowley........ 1 Jharel Cotton....... 1 Innings pitched --------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 59.1 2. Eric Buckland....... 46.0 3. Patrick Scoggin..... 42.2 Batters struck out ------------------ 1. Brandon Vick........ 39 2. Patrick Scoggin..... 38 3. Eric Buckland....... 33 4. Brad Zambron........ 29 Stephen Richter..... 29 Appearances ----------- 1. Brad Zambron........ 25 Michael Bonner...... 25 3. Matthew Contreras... 16 4. Brandon Vick........ 13 5. Stephen Richter..... 12 Games started ------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 9 2. Eric Buckland....... 8 3. Josh Heddinger...... 7 4. Patrick Scoggin..... 6 5. Chris Rowley........ 5 Games finished -------------- 1. Brad Zambron........ 17 2. Stephen Richter..... 7 3. Matthew Contreras... 6 Michael Bonner...... 6 5. Rian Ellis.......... 3 Games in relief --------------- 1. Michael Bonner...... 25 2. Brad Zambron........ 24 3. Matthew Contreras... 16 4. Stephen Richter..... 12 5. Joey Andrews........ 8 Wild pitches ------------ 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 6 2. Gunner Carroll...... 4 John Roberts........ 4 Eric Buckland....... 4 5. 4 tied at........... 3 Balks ----- 1. Matthew Contreras... 2 2. Dean Ali............ 1 Hit batters ----------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 6 2. Anthony Campanella.. 5 John Roberts........ 5 4. 3 tied at........... 4 Intentional BB allowed ---------------------- 1. Matthew Contreras... 1 Runners picked off ------------------ 1. Chris Rowley........ 3 2. Brad Zambron........ 2 3. Brandon Vick........ 1 Tyler Shover........ 1 Batters SO out looking ---------------------- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 12 2. Eric Buckland....... 10 3. Stephen Richter..... 8 4. 3 tied at........... 6 Sac bunts allowed ----------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 5 Eric Buckland....... 5 3. Brad Zambron........ 3 Patrick Scoggin..... 3 5. 4 tied at........... 2 Sac flies allowed ----------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 3 2. Anthony Campanella.. 2 3. 6 tied at........... 1 Hits allowed ------------ 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 37 2. Eric Buckland....... 53 3. Brandon Vick........ 58 Runs allowed ------------ 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 21 2. Brandon Vick........ 26 3. Eric Buckland....... 31 Earned runs allowed ------------------- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 17 2. Brandon Vick........ 20 3. Eric Buckland....... 26 Walks allowed ------------- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 14 2. Brandon Vick........ 23 3. Eric Buckland....... 24 Doubles allowed --------------- 1. Eric Buckland....... 5 2. Patrick Scoggin..... 6 3. Brandon Vick........ 18 Triples allowed --------------- 1. Brandon Vick........ 0 Patrick Scoggin..... 0 3. Eric Buckland....... 1 Home runs allowed ----------------- 1. Patrick Scoggin..... 0 2. Eric Buckland....... 1 3. Brandon Vick........ 3
The Automated ScoreBook Fielding Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 06, 2012) (All games) Pitching minimums - 42 IP Fielding pct ------------ 1. Cameron Gibson...... 1.000 Josh Eldridge....... 1.000 Patrick Scoggin..... 1.000 Brad Zambron........ 1.000 Aaron Myers......... 1.000 Chances ------- 1. Joey Andrews........ 196 2. Nick Thompson....... 184 3. Andrew Amaro........ 180 4. Corey Davis......... 179 5. Tyler Shover........ 168 Putouts ------- 1. Joey Andrews........ 178 2. Corey Davis......... 167 3. Danny Grauer........ 143 4. Tyler Shover........ 139 5. Geno Escalante...... 131 Assists ------- 1. Andrew Amaro........ 98 2. Josh Silver......... 87 3. Roberto Duran....... 84 4. Nick Thompson....... 73 5. D.J. Martinez....... 70 Errors ------ 1. Nick Thompson....... 15 2. Roberto Duran....... 13 3. Andrew Amaro........ 12 4. D.J. Martinez....... 7 5. Tyler Shover........ 6 Fielding double plays --------------------- 1. Nick Thompson....... 14 2. Corey Davis......... 13 3. Andrew Amaro........ 8 4. Josh Silver......... 7 5. D.J. Martinez....... 6 Stolen bases against -------------------- 1. Geno Escalante...... 29 2. Tyler Shover........ 13 3. Michael Perez....... 12 4. Eric Buckland....... 9 5. 2 tied at........... 8 Caught stealing by ------------------ 1. Tyler Shover........ 16 2. Geno Escalante...... 7 3. Aaron Myers......... 6 4. 3 tied at........... 5 Steal attempts against ---------------------- 1. Geno Escalante...... 36 2. Tyler Shover........ 29 3. Michael Perez....... 16 4. Danny Grauer........ 13 Eric Buckland....... 13 Passed balls ------------ 1. Tyler Shover........ 4 2. Geno Escalante...... 3 3. Andrew Montague..... 1 Danny Grauer........ 1 Michael Perez....... 1 Catchers interference ---------------------