The Automated ScoreBook


Game Results

The Automated ScoreBook Game Results for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time --------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ---- *May 30, 2007 Outer Banks 6-8 L 6 9 4/ 8 10 4 9 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Robinson, B. (L 0-1) 798 3:19 *May 31, 2007 at Outer Banks W 4-1 4 8 1/ 1 4 1 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Cantrell, N. (W 1-0) 655 2:40 *Jun 01, 2007 Petersburg W 12-1 12 12 3/ 1 6 4 9 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 Groh, Z. (W 1-0) 1009 3:02 *Jun 02, 2007 at Petersburg W 10-5 10 9 1/ 5 5 2 9 3- 1- 0 3- 1- 0 Elkind, K. (W 1-0) 1512 3:00 *Jun 04, 2007 at Martinsville W 4-0 4 7 1/ 0 5 2 9 4- 1- 0 4- 1- 0 Primus, J. (W 1-0) 779 2:38 *Jun 05, 2007 at Thomasville 4-6 L 4 5 0/ 6 8 1 9 4- 2- 0 4- 2- 0 Morgan, R. (L 0-1) 536 *Jun 06, 2007 Gastonia 0-1 L 0 4 0/ 1 4 2 9 4- 3- 0 4- 3- 0 Robinson, B. (L 0-2) 537 2:15 *Jun 07, 2007 Peninsula 1-2 L 1 4 0/ 2 6 2 9 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Flanagan, R. (L 0-1) 437 2:30 *Jun 08, 2007 at Wilson 5-6 L 5 12 3/ 6 8 3 9 4- 5- 0 4- 5- 0 Cantrell, N. (L 1-1) 1461 2:29 *Jun 10, 2007 at Outer Banks W 11-2 11 13 2/ 2 4 2 9 5- 5- 0 5- 5- 0 Lanigan, B. (W 1-0) 537 3:17 *Jun 11, 2007 at Peninsula W 7-0 7 8 0/ 0 5 5 9 6- 5- 0 6- 5- 0 Primus, J. (W 2-0) 561 2:47 *Jun 12, 2007 Wilson W 1-0 1 8 1/ 0 9 2 9 7- 5- 0 7- 5- 0 Morgan, R. (W 1-1) 952 2:20 *Jun 13, 2007 at Asheboro 3-7 L 3 5 3/ 7 9 3 9 7- 6- 0 7- 6- 0 Robinson, B. (L 0-3) 622 3:03 *Jun 14, 2007 Spartanburg 0-3 L 0 3 3/ 3 7 0 9 7- 7- 0 7- 7- 0 Flanagan, R. (L 0-2) 667 2:34 *Jun 15, 2007 at Columbia W 3-0 3 11 1/ 0 8 0 9 8- 7- 0 8- 7- 0 Groh, Z. (W 2-0) 665 2:10 *Jun 16, 2007 at Florence 3-7 L 3 11 3/ 7 16 2 9 8- 8- 0 8- 8- 0 Lanigan, B. (L 1-1) 1168 3:15 *Jun 18, 2007 Outer Banks W 5-4 5 11 4/ 4 3 6 9 9- 8- 0 9- 8- 0 Primus, J. (W 3-0) 506 2:25 *Jun 19, 2007 Wilmington 4-10 L 4 7 5/10 18 2 9 9- 9- 0 9- 9- 0 Morgan, R. (L 1-2) 602 2:45 *Jun 20, 2007 New Bern W 9-0 9 15 1/ 0 5 4 9 10- 9- 0 10- 9- 0 Robinson, B. (W 1-3) 602 2:40 *Jun 22, 2007 at Outer Banks W 3-0 3 10 1/ 0 6 1 9 11- 9- 0 11- 9- 0 Flanagan, R. (W 1-2) 608 2:23 *Jun 23, 2007 Wilson W 3-1 3 7 2/ 1 4 3 9 12- 9- 0 12- 9- 0 Groh, Z. (W 3-0) 674 2:35 *Jun 25, 2007 at Peninsula W 5-3 5 10 1/ 3 8 0 9 13- 9- 0 13- 9- 0 Lanigan, B. (W 2-1) 686 2:55 *Jun 26, 2007 at Petersburg W 6-3 6 11 1/ 3 9 5 9 14- 9- 0 14- 9- 0 Michon, B. (W 1-0) 497 2:34 *Jun 27, 2007 Wilson W 7-6 7 7 0/ 6 11 4 9 15- 9- 0 15- 9- 0 Michon, B. (W 2-0) 609 2:57 *Jun 28, 2007 Fayetteville 1-4 L 1 6 1/ 4 8 2 9 15-10- 0 15-10- 0 Robinson, B. (L 1-4) 502 2:45 *Jun 29, 2007 at Wilson W 10-9 10 11 1/ 9 11 1 9 16-10- 0 16-10- 0 Flanagan, R. (W 2-2) 1267 3:24 *Jul 02, 2007 Peninsula 1-5 L 1 6 1/ 5 6 0 9 16-11- 0 16-11- 0 McGahey, M. (L 0-1) 590 2:50 *Jul 03, 2007 Peninsula W 13-3 13 16 2/ 3 5 1 9 17-11- 0 17-11- 0 Primus, J. (W 4-0) 721 2:45 *Jul 05, 2007 Outer Banks W 8-7 8 15 1/ 7 12 2 (10) 18-11- 0 18-11- 0 Michon, B. (W 3-0) 565 3:35 *Jul 06, 2007 at Peninsula W 5-3 5 10 0/ 3 10 2 9 19-11- 0 19-11- 0 Larsen, S. (W 1-0) 1992 3:11 *Jul 07, 2007 Petersburg W 9-7 9 10 2/ 7 14 1 9 20-11- 0 20-11- 0 Flanagan, R. (W 3-2) 601 2:58 *Jul 08, 2007 at Outer Banks W 8-1 8 16 0/ 1 2 0 9 21-11- 0 21-11- 0 Groh, Z. (W 4-0) 517 2:48 *Jul 11, 2007 Wilson 1-3 L 1 7 4/ 3 5 3 9 21-12- 0 21-12- 0 Lanigan, B. (L 2-2) 461 2:13 *Jul 12, 2007 Thomasville 2-5 L 2 12 2/ 5 10 0 9 21-13- 0 21-13- 0 Michon, B. (L 3-1) 682 2:30 *Jul 13, 2007 at Petersburg W 11-4 11 11 3/ 4 8 4 9 22-13- 0 22-13- 0 Primus, J. (W 5-0) 563 3:19 *Jul 14, 2007 Peninsula W 8-4 8 6 1/ 4 8 1 9 23-13- 0 23-13- 0 Flanagan, R. (W 4-2) 707 2:50 *Jul 18, 2007 at Wilmington W 7-1 7 7 1/ 1 8 4 9 24-13- 0 24-13- 0 Primus, J. (W 6-0) 972 2:40 *Jul 19, 2007 at New Bern W 10-7 10 14 0/ 7 5 1 9 25-13- 0 25-13- 0 Lanigan, B. (W 3-2) 551 2:45 *Jul 20, 2007 Wilson W 6-1 6 4 1/ 1 7 8 9 26-13- 0 26-13- 0 McKellar, C. (W 1-0) 1112 2:37 *Jul 21, 2007 at Fayetteville W 5-3 5 12 2/ 3 6 4 9 27-13- 0 27-13- 0 Groh, Z. (W 5-0) 2227 3:22 *Jul 23, 2007 Columbia W 2-1 2 4 0/ 1 7 0 9 28-13- 0 28-13- 0 Flanagan, R. (W 5-2) 601 2:05 *Jul 24, 2007 Florence W 6-2 6 6 0/ 2 5 2 9 29-13- 0 29-13- 0 Robinson, B. (W 2-4) 1058 2:25 *Jul 25, 2007 at Wilson W 5-4 5 7 1/ 4 4 1 (10) 30-13- 0 30-13- 0 Larsen, S. (W 2-0) 1103 2:24 *Jul 25, 2007 at Wilson W 6-0 6 10 1/ 0 5 0 7 31-13- 0 31-13- 0 McKellar, C. (W 2-0) 1103 1:59 *Jul 27, 2007 at Spartanburg W 7-4 7 13 1/ 4 10 4 (14) 32-13- 0 32-13- 0 Larsen, S. (W 3-0) 627 3:57 *Jul 28, 2007 at Gastonia W 5-0 5 9 0/ 0 1 3 9 33-13- 0 33-13- 0 Groh, Z. (W 6-0) 1438 2:15 *Jul 30, 2007 Petersburg 3-7 L 3 8 3/ 7 9 5 9 33-14- 0 33-14- 0 Flanagan, R. (L 5-3) 1117 2:55 *Jul 31, 2007 at Petersburg W 13-3 13 16 1/ 3 6 4 9 34-14- 0 34-14- 0 Lanigan, B. (W 4-2) 476 3:00 *Aug 01, 2007 at Outer Banks W 6-0 6 10 0/ 0 7 2 9 35-14- 0 35-14- 0 McKellar, C. (W 3-0) 675 2:31 *Aug 02, 2007 Outer Banks W 15-3 15 18 0/ 3 8 1 9 36-14- 0 36-14- 0 Robinson, B. (W 3-4) 727 2:45 *Aug 03, 2007 Martinsville W 6-4 6 11 0/ 4 7 1 9 37-14- 0 37-14- 0 Freeman, J. (W 1-0) 812 3:00 *Aug 04, 2007 Petersburg W 8-3 8 11 0/ 3 7 5 9 38-14- 0 38-14- 0 Groh, Z. (W 7-0) 1237 3:05 *Aug 06, 2007 at Wilson 3-5 L 3 9 3/ 5 12 0 (11) 38-15- 0 38-15- 0 Freeman, J. (L 0-1) 1108 3:17 *Aug 07, 2007 Asheboro W 14-4 14 11 1/ 4 8 3 9 39-15- 0 39-15- 0 McKellar, C. (W 4-0) 1242 2:45 Y*Aug 08, 2007 at Peninsula 1-3 L 1 4 1/ 3 5 1 9 39-16- 0 39-16- 0 Honeycutt, A (L 0-1) 1598 2:33 () extra inning game

Overall Statistics

The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games Sorted by Batting avg) Record: 39-16 Home: 17-10 Away: 22-6 Conference: 39-16 Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% Luke Williford...... .500 3-2 10 2 5 3 0 0 0 8 .800 1 0 3 0 .545 0 0 1-1 2 0 0 1.000 Ryan Boelsen........ .438 6-4 16 3 7 2 0 0 6 9 .563 0 1 2 0 .471 0 1 0-0 31 9 0 1.000 Brian Conley........ .372 52-52 196 40 73 7 2 5 33 99 .505 34 4 23 3 .472 1 4 17-22 92 38 10 .929 Brad McElroy........ .323 34-34 133 27 43 7 1 2 23 58 .436 12 8 20 1 .409 1 1 12-16 52 1 0 1.000 Nicholas Nosti...... .308 53-53 214 41 66 11 1 2 23 85 .397 25 5 48 0 .390 2 5 17-24 61 4 2 .970 Kevin Mattison...... .273 54-52 198 47 54 8 2 11 29 99 .500 22 1 56 0 .345 2 2 30-33 83 4 2 .978 Ryan Bledsoe........ .268 38-36 127 24 34 3 0 0 12 37 .291 16 2 21 0 .351 3 6 5-10 40 72 8 .933 Will Greenberg...... .268 47-42 157 20 42 4 1 1 24 51 .325 17 1 27 1 .337 3 1 11-13 248 25 6 .978 Randy Schwartz...... .267 39-39 165 25 44 11 0 6 32 73 .442 10 2 40 2 .308 5 1 3-4 183 44 5 .978 Tony Kostelnik...... .261 49-48 165 24 43 3 1 0 18 48 .291 25 4 38 1 .367 2 3 4-8 85 143 15 .938 Scott Suttmeier..... .251 55-55 203 32 51 5 2 3 28 69 .340 25 7 28 2 .347 4 5 8-11 126 147 10 .965 Robert Hedrick...... .250 4-1 8 3 2 0 0 0 0 2 .250 0 0 1 0 .250 0 0 1-2 3 7 0 1.000 Kyle Rice........... .233 32-23 86 13 20 1 0 0 6 21 .244 12 2 25 1 .337 1 1 1-2 172 11 1 .995 Adam Honeycutt...... .190 8-5 21 1 4 0 0 0 1 4 .190 1 0 5 0 .227 0 0 0-0 22 6 0 1.000 Ted Mullen.......... .186 24-19 70 10 13 4 0 3 15 26 .371 6 4 21 1 .288 0 0 1-1 160 7 1 .994 Konrad Thieme....... .167 13-8 30 1 5 0 0 0 5 5 .167 6 0 12 1 .306 0 0 0-0 67 8 3 .962 Oliver Jenkins...... .158 11-5 19 2 3 0 1 0 2 5 .263 2 2 7 0 .304 0 0 2-4 9 0 0 1.000 Andrew Reilly....... .137 13-13 51 4 7 0 0 0 4 7 .137 2 1 15 3 .185 0 0 0-1 8 21 5 .853 Jim Streicher....... .059 4-4 17 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 .059 0 0 6 0 .059 0 0 0-0 18 1 0 1.000 Kenny Elkind........ .000 1-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 1-1 1 3 0 1.000 Totals.............. .274 55-55 1887 321 517 69 11 33 263 707 .375 216 44 399 16 .358 24 30 114-153 1490 641 75 .966 Opponents........... .225 55-55 1797 186 404 51 6 28 157 551 .307 185 28 429 23 .306 4 30 69-93 1457 612 126 .943 LOB - Team (424), Opp (368). DPs turned - Team (56), Opp (36). CI - Team (0), Opp (1). IBB - Team (3), Conley, B. 1, Mattison, K. 1, Suttmeier, S 1, Opp (2). Picked off - Mattison, K. 4, Conley, B. 4, Greenberg, W 3, Nosti, N. 2, McElroy, B. 1, Kostelnik, T 1, Schwartz, R. 1. (All games Sorted by Earned run avg) Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA Robert Hedrick...... 0.00 0-0 1 0 0 0/0 0 1.0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 .500 0 0 0 0 0 Kenny Elkind........ 0.47 1-0 16 0 0 0/3 0 19.0 7 4 1 17 25 0 0 1 59 .119 3 2 0 1 0 Coleman McKellar.... 0.56 4-0 6 5 0 0/2 0 32.0 22 4 2 3 13 4 0 0 109 .202 0 1 0 0 2 Brandon Michon...... 0.84 3-1 24 0 0 0/1 1 32.0 16 6 3 13 26 1 0 2 114 .140 1 2 0 0 2 John Primus......... 1.22 6-0 9 9 0 0/2 0 59.0 42 14 8 10 42 8 0 1 207 .203 3 2 0 1 3 Shaun Larsen........ 1.64 3-0 17 0 0 0/0 0 22.0 12 4 4 7 18 1 0 2 75 .160 0 2 0 0 4 Zach Groh........... 1.75 7-0 8 8 2 2/0 0 51.1 27 12 10 20 57 1 1 2 180 .150 0 5 1 0 0 Bobby Lanigan....... 2.38 4-2 17 9 0 0/2 1 64.1 44 24 17 25 57 10 0 3 220 .200 3 3 1 0 7 Nick Cantrell....... 2.75 1-1 15 0 0 0/1 0 19.2 25 11 6 6 11 4 0 0 80 .313 2 2 0 0 2 Robert Flanagan..... 2.93 5-3 11 9 0 0/1 0 58.1 59 24 19 21 43 8 1 2 217 .272 3 2 0 1 1 Brad Robinson....... 2.96 3-4 12 9 0 0/1 0 51.2 49 24 17 20 46 6 1 4 192 .255 6 0 0 0 5 Justin Freeman...... 4.15 1-0 25 0 0 0/6 12 26.0 26 12 12 4 26 2 2 2 102 .255 3 3 1 0 0 Matt McGahey........ 4.50 0-1 9 1 0 0/0 0 14.0 17 8 7 11 14 0 0 2 57 .298 1 1 0 0 0 Ryan Morgan......... 5.92 1-2 9 5 0 0/1 0 24.1 28 19 16 15 26 3 0 1 93 .301 2 1 3 0 4 Adam Honeycutt...... 7.64 0-1 16 0 0 0/2 0 17.2 21 16 15 11 22 1 1 5 69 .304 1 2 0 1 0 Jesse Freeman....... 8.31 0-0 4 0 0 0/0 0 4.1 7 4 4 2 3 2 0 1 19 .368 0 0 0 0 0 Totals.............. 2.56 39-15 55 55 2 9/7 14 496.2 404 186 141 185 429 51 6 28 1797 .225 28 28 6 4 30 Opponents........... 4.39 16-39 55 55 3 2/2 9 485.2 517 321 237 216 399 69 11 33 1887 .274 42 44 2 24 30 PB - Team (29), Greenberg, W 17, Rice, K. 7, Thieme, K. 4, Boelsen, R. 1, Opp (20). Pickoffs - Team (13), Flanagan, R. 7, Robinson, B. 3, Morgan, R. 1, Groh, Z. 1, Primus, J. 1, Opp (15). SBA/ATT - Greenberg, W (37-50), Thieme, K. (10-14), Honeycutt, A (10-14), Rice, K. (11-13), Lanigan, B. (8-13), Groh, Z. (8-10), Flanagan, R. (8-10), McGahey, M. (9-9), Robinson, B. (4-7), Primus, J. (5-6), Cantrell, N. (4-6), Morgan, R. (4-6), Michon, B. (4-6), Larsen, S. (4-5), Streicher, J (4-4), Elkind, K. (3-3), Freeman, J. (2-3), Boelsen, R. (1-3), McKellar, C. (2-2).
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games Sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI Brad McElroy........ 53 52 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Ryan Boelsen........ 40 31 9 0 1.000 2 1 2 .333 1 0 Adam Honeycutt...... 28 22 6 0 1.000 3 10 4 .714 0 0 Zach Groh........... 20 4 16 0 1.000 1 8 2 .800 0 0 Jim Streicher....... 19 18 1 0 1.000 0 4 0 1.000 0 0 John Primus......... 17 6 11 0 1.000 3 5 1 .833 0 0 Robert Hedrick...... 10 3 7 0 1.000 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Oliver Jenkins...... 9 9 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Coleman McKellar.... 8 4 4 0 1.000 1 2 0 1.000 0 0 Nick Cantrell....... 6 2 4 0 1.000 0 4 2 .667 0 0 Shaun Larsen........ 6 0 6 0 1.000 0 4 1 .800 0 0 Ryan Morgan......... 5 1 4 0 1.000 0 4 2 .667 0 0 Justin Freeman...... 5 3 2 0 1.000 0 2 1 .667 0 0 Kenny Elkind........ 4 1 3 0 1.000 0 3 0 1.000 0 0 Matt McGahey........ 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 9 0 1.000 0 0 Luke Williford...... 2 2 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Jesse Freeman....... 1 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Kyle Rice........... 184 172 11 1 .995 4 11 2 .846 7 0 Ted Mullen.......... 168 160 7 1 .994 14 0 0 --- 0 0 Will Greenberg...... 279 248 25 6 .978 1 37 13 .740 17 0 Randy Schwartz...... 232 183 44 5 .978 21 0 0 --- 0 0 Kevin Mattison...... 89 83 4 2 .978 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Nicholas Nosti...... 67 61 4 2 .970 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Scott Suttmeier..... 283 126 147 10 .965 39 0 0 --- 0 0 Konrad Thieme....... 78 67 8 3 .962 2 10 4 .714 4 0 Robert Flanagan..... 17 2 14 1 .941 1 8 2 .800 0 0 Tony Kostelnik...... 243 85 143 15 .938 40 0 0 --- 0 0 Ryan Bledsoe........ 120 40 72 8 .933 14 0 0 --- 0 0 Brian Conley........ 140 92 38 10 .929 11 0 0 --- 0 0 Bobby Lanigan....... 12 2 9 1 .917 1 8 5 .615 0 0 Andrew Reilly....... 34 8 21 5 .853 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Brandon Michon...... 12 2 8 2 .833 0 4 2 .667 0 0 Brad Robinson....... 13 1 9 3 .769 0 4 3 .571 0 0 Totals.............. 2206 1490 641 75 .966 56 69 24 .742 29 0 Opponents........... 2195 1457 612 126 .943 36 114 39 .745 20 1

Category Leaders

The Automated ScoreBook Batting Leaders for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Batting avg ----------- 1. Brian Conley........ .372 2. Brad McElroy........ .323 3. Nicholas Nosti...... .308 4. Kevin Mattison...... .273 5. Ryan Bledsoe........ .268 Slugging pct ------------ 1. Brian Conley........ .505 2. Kevin Mattison...... .500 3. Randy Schwartz...... .442 4. Brad McElroy........ .436 5. Nicholas Nosti...... .397 On base pct ----------- 1. Brian Conley........ .472 2. Brad McElroy........ .409 3. Nicholas Nosti...... .390 4. Tony Kostelnik...... .367 5. Ryan Bledsoe........ .351 Runs scored ----------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... 47 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 41 3. Brian Conley........ 40 4. Scott Suttmeier..... 32 5. Brad McElroy........ 27 Hits ---- 1. Brian Conley........ 73 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 66 3. Kevin Mattison...... 54 4. Scott Suttmeier..... 51 5. Randy Schwartz...... 44 Runs batted in -------------- 1. Brian Conley........ 33 2. Randy Schwartz...... 32 3. Kevin Mattison...... 29 4. Scott Suttmeier..... 28 5. Will Greenberg...... 24 Doubles ------- 1. Nicholas Nosti...... 11 Randy Schwartz...... 11 3. Kevin Mattison...... 8 4. Brian Conley........ 7 Brad McElroy........ 7 Triples ------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... 2 Scott Suttmeier..... 2 Brian Conley........ 2 4. 5 tied at........... 1 Home runs --------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... 11 2. Randy Schwartz...... 6 3. Brian Conley........ 5 4. Scott Suttmeier..... 3 Ted Mullen.......... 3 Total bases ----------- 1. Brian Conley........ 99 Kevin Mattison...... 99 3. Nicholas Nosti...... 85 4. Randy Schwartz...... 73 5. Scott Suttmeier..... 69 Walks ----- 1. Brian Conley........ 34 2. Tony Kostelnik...... 25 Nicholas Nosti...... 25 Scott Suttmeier..... 25 5. Kevin Mattison...... 22 Hit by pitch ------------ 1. Brad McElroy........ 8 2. Scott Suttmeier..... 7 3. Nicholas Nosti...... 5 4. 3 tied at........... 4 Sac bunts --------- 1. Ryan Bledsoe........ 6 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 5 Scott Suttmeier..... 5 4. Brian Conley........ 4 5. Tony Kostelnik...... 3 Sac flies --------- 1. Randy Schwartz...... 5 2. Scott Suttmeier..... 4 3. Will Greenberg...... 3 Ryan Bledsoe........ 3 5. 3 tied at........... 2 Stolen bases ------------ 1. Kevin Mattison...... 30 2. Brian Conley........ 17 Nicholas Nosti...... 17 4. Brad McElroy........ 12 5. Will Greenberg...... 11 Caught stealing --------------- 1. Nicholas Nosti...... 7 2. Brian Conley........ 5 Ryan Bledsoe........ 5 4. Tony Kostelnik...... 4 Brad McElroy........ 4 Steal attempts -------------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... 33 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 24 3. Brian Conley........ 22 4. Brad McElroy........ 16 5. Will Greenberg...... 13 Stolen base pct --------------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... .909 2. Will Greenberg...... .846 3. Brian Conley........ .773 4. Randy Schwartz...... .750 Brad McElroy........ .750 Strikeouts ---------- 1. Kevin Mattison...... 56 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 48 3. Randy Schwartz...... 40 4. Tony Kostelnik...... 38 5. Scott Suttmeier..... 28 Grounded into DP ---------------- 1. Brian Conley........ 3 Andrew Reilly....... 3 3. Scott Suttmeier..... 2 Randy Schwartz...... 2 5. 6 tied at........... 1 Total plate appearances ----------------------- 1. Nicholas Nosti...... 251 2. Scott Suttmeier..... 244 3. Brian Conley........ 239 4. Kevin Mattison...... 226 5. Tony Kostelnik...... 199 At bats ------- 1. Nicholas Nosti...... 214 2. Scott Suttmeier..... 203 3. Kevin Mattison...... 198 4. Brian Conley........ 196 5. 2 tied at........... 165 Games played ------------ 1. Scott Suttmeier..... 55 2. Kevin Mattison...... 54 3. Nicholas Nosti...... 53 4. Brian Conley........ 52 5. Tony Kostelnik...... 49 Game starts ----------- 1. Scott Suttmeier..... 55 2. Nicholas Nosti...... 53 3. Kevin Mattison...... 52 Brian Conley........ 52 5. Tony Kostelnik...... 48 Games as sub ------------ 1. Kyle Rice........... 9 2. Oliver Jenkins...... 6 3. Ted Mullen.......... 5 Konrad Thieme....... 5 Will Greenberg...... 5
The Automated ScoreBook Pitching Leaders for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Earned run avg -------------- 1. John Primus......... 1.22 2. Zach Groh........... 1.75 3. Bobby Lanigan....... 2.38 4. Robert Flanagan..... 2.93 5. Brad Robinson....... 2.96 Opposing bat avg ---------------- 1. Zach Groh........... .150 2. Bobby Lanigan....... .200 3. John Primus......... .203 4. Brad Robinson....... .255 5. Robert Flanagan..... .272 Won-loss pct ------------ 1. Zach Groh........... 1.000 John Primus......... 1.000 3. Bobby Lanigan....... .667 4. Robert Flanagan..... .625 5. Brad Robinson....... .429 Wins ---- 1. Zach Groh........... 7 2. John Primus......... 6 3. Robert Flanagan..... 5 4. Coleman McKellar.... 4 Bobby Lanigan....... 4 Losses ------ 1. Brad Robinson....... 4 2. Robert Flanagan..... 3 3. Bobby Lanigan....... 2 Ryan Morgan......... 2 5. 4 tied at........... 1 Saves ----- 1. Justin Freeman...... 12 2. Brandon Michon...... 1 Bobby Lanigan....... 1 Innings pitched --------------- 1. Bobby Lanigan....... 64.1 2. John Primus......... 59.0 3. Robert Flanagan..... 58.1 4. Brad Robinson....... 51.2 5. Zach Groh........... 51.1 Batters struck out ------------------ 1. Bobby Lanigan....... 57 Zach Groh........... 57 3. Brad Robinson....... 46 4. Robert Flanagan..... 43 5. John Primus......... 42 Appearances ----------- 1. Justin Freeman...... 25 2. Brandon Michon...... 24 3. Bobby Lanigan....... 17 Shaun Larsen........ 17 5. 2 tied at........... 16 Games started ------------- 1. Robert Flanagan..... 9 Brad Robinson....... 9 Bobby Lanigan....... 9 John Primus......... 9 5. Zach Groh........... 8 Games finished -------------- 1. Justin Freeman...... 23 2. Nick Cantrell....... 5 3. Adam Honeycutt...... 4 Brandon Michon...... 4 Jesse Freeman....... 4 Games in relief --------------- 1. Justin Freeman...... 25 2. Brandon Michon...... 24 3. Shaun Larsen........ 17 4. Adam Honeycutt...... 16 Kenny Elkind........ 16 Wild pitches ------------ 1. Brad Robinson....... 6 2. 5 tied at........... 3 Balks ----- 1. Ryan Morgan......... 3 2. Bobby Lanigan....... 1 Justin Freeman...... 1 Zach Groh........... 1 Hit batters ----------- 1. Zach Groh........... 5 2. Bobby Lanigan....... 3 Justin Freeman...... 3 4. 7 tied at........... 2 Intentional BB allowed ---------------------- 1. Brandon Michon...... 1 Shaun Larsen........ 1 Runners picked off ------------------ 1. Robert Flanagan..... 7 2. Brad Robinson....... 3 3. John Primus......... 1 Zach Groh........... 1 Ryan Morgan......... 1 Batters SO out looking ---------------------- 1. Brad Robinson....... 15 2. Zach Groh........... 12 3. Robert Flanagan..... 11 4. Adam Honeycutt...... 9 5. 2 tied at........... 8 Sac bunts allowed ----------------- 1. Bobby Lanigan....... 7 2. Brad Robinson....... 5 3. Shaun Larsen........ 4 Ryan Morgan......... 4 5. John Primus......... 3 Sac flies allowed ----------------- 1. Kenny Elkind........ 1 John Primus......... 1 Adam Honeycutt...... 1 Robert Flanagan..... 1 Hits allowed ------------ 1. Zach Groh........... 27 2. John Primus......... 42 3. Bobby Lanigan....... 44 4. Brad Robinson....... 49 5. Robert Flanagan..... 59 Runs allowed ------------ 1. Zach Groh........... 12 2. John Primus......... 14 3. Bobby Lanigan....... 24 Robert Flanagan..... 24 Brad Robinson....... 24 Earned runs allowed ------------------- 1. John Primus......... 8 2. Zach Groh........... 10 3. Brad Robinson....... 17 Bobby Lanigan....... 17 5. Robert Flanagan..... 19 Walks allowed ------------- 1. John Primus......... 10 2. Zach Groh........... 20 Brad Robinson....... 20 4. Robert Flanagan..... 21 5. Bobby Lanigan....... 25 Doubles allowed --------------- 1. Zach Groh........... 1 2. Brad Robinson....... 6 3. Robert Flanagan..... 8 John Primus......... 8 5. Bobby Lanigan....... 10 Triples allowed --------------- 1. Bobby Lanigan....... 0 John Primus......... 0 3. Brad Robinson....... 1 Robert Flanagan..... 1 Zach Groh........... 1 Home runs allowed ----------------- 1. John Primus......... 1 2. Zach Groh........... 2 Robert Flanagan..... 2 4. Bobby Lanigan....... 3 5. Brad Robinson....... 4
The Automated ScoreBook Fielding Leaders for Edenton (as of Aug 09, 2007) (All games) Pitching minimums - 43 IP Fielding pct ------------ 1. Brad McElroy........ 1.000 Ryan Boelsen........ 1.000 Adam Honeycutt...... 1.000 Zach Groh........... 1.000 Jim Streicher....... 1.000 Chances ------- 1. Scott Suttmeier..... 283 2. Will Greenberg...... 279 3. Tony Kostelnik...... 243 4. Randy Schwartz...... 232 5. Kyle Rice........... 184 Putouts ------- 1. Will Greenberg...... 248 2. Randy Schwartz...... 183 3. Kyle Rice........... 172 4. Ted Mullen.......... 160 5. Scott Suttmeier..... 126 Assists ------- 1. Scott Suttmeier..... 147 2. Tony Kostelnik...... 143 3. Ryan Bledsoe........ 72 4. Randy Schwartz...... 44 5. Brian Conley........ 38 Errors ------ 1. Tony Kostelnik...... 15 2. Brian Conley........ 10 Scott Suttmeier..... 10 4. Ryan Bledsoe........ 8 5. Will Greenberg...... 6 Fielding double plays --------------------- 1. Tony Kostelnik...... 40 2. Scott Suttmeier..... 39 3. Randy Schwartz...... 21 4. Ryan Bledsoe........ 14 Ted Mullen.......... 14 Stolen bases against -------------------- 1. Will Greenberg...... 37 2. Kyle Rice........... 11 3. Adam Honeycutt...... 10 Konrad Thieme....... 10 5. Matt McGahey........ 9 Caught stealing by ------------------ 1. Will Greenberg...... 13 2. Bobby Lanigan....... 5 3. Adam Honeycutt...... 4 Konrad Thieme....... 4 5. Brad Robinson....... 3 Steal attempts against ---------------------- 1. Will Greenberg...... 50 2. Konrad Thieme....... 14 Adam Honeycutt...... 14 4. Bobby Lanigan....... 13 Kyle Rice........... 13 Passed balls ------------ 1. Will Greenberg...... 17 2. Kyle Rice........... 7 3. Konrad Thieme....... 4 4. Ryan Boelsen........ 1 Catchers interference ---------------------