The Automated ScoreBook


Game Results

The Automated ScoreBook Game Results for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games) Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time --------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ---- *May 30, 2007 at Spartanburg W 12-3 12 12 4/ 3 10 2 9 1- 0- 0 1- 0- 0 Dupski, J. (W 1-0) 478 2:49 *May 31, 2007 Spartanburg 6-12 L 6 13 3/12 12 1 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 0-1) 415 3:00 *Jun 01, 2007 at Asheboro 6-8 L 6 8 2/ 8 11 2 9 1- 2- 0 1- 2- 0 Johnson, T. (L) 0 2:33 *Jun 02, 2007 Martinsville W 9-8 9 7 4/ 8 12 6 9 2- 2- 0 2- 2- 0 Jonas, E. (W 1-0) 2182 3:15 *Jun 05, 2007 Asheboro W 7-2 7 11 1/ 2 8 2 9 3- 2- 0 3- 2- 0 Dupski, J. (W 2-0) 707 1:56 *Jun 06, 2007 at Edenton W 1-0 1 4 2/ 0 4 0 9 4- 2- 0 4- 2- 0 Bogaert, M. (W 1-1) 537 2:15 *Jun 07, 2007 at Outer Banks 0-1 L 0 0 2/ 1 3 0 9 4- 3- 0 4- 3- 0 Johnson, T. (L 0-1) 445 2:03 *Jun 08, 2007 at Spartanburg 8-9 L 8 13 0/ 9 15 1 (11) 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Rubinstein, (L 0-1) 374 2:59 *Jun 09, 2007 Spartanburg 6-8 L 6 8 1/ 8 8 3 9 4- 5- 0 4- 5- 0 Ricker, D. (L 0-1) 1346 2:56 *Jun 12, 2007 Wilmington W 8-4 8 11 3/ 4 12 4 9 5- 5- 0 5- 5- 0 Bogaert, M. (W 2-1) 0 2:20 *Jun 13, 2007 at Thomasville W 11-6 11 15 4/ 6 9 4 9 6- 5- 0 6- 5- 0 Johnson, T. (W 1-2) 521 2:46 *Jun 14, 2007 at Martinsville 3-8 L 3 9 4/ 8 12 1 9 6- 6- 0 6- 6- 0 Para, K. (L 0-1) 781 2:50 *Jun 15, 2007 Thomasville 4-6 L 4 7 2/ 6 8 3 9 6- 7- 0 6- 7- 0 Layman, M. (L 0-1) 422 2:20 *Jun 16, 2007 at Spartanburg 4-11 L 4 7 2/11 11 3 9 6- 8- 0 6- 8- 0 Cutler, J. (L 0-1) 557 2:36 *Jun 17, 2007 Martinsville 3-4 L 3 7 3/ 4 7 1 (10) 6- 9- 0 6- 9- 0 Pierce, S. (L 0-1) 403 2:53 *Jun 18, 2007 at Thomasville 1-6 L 1 5 4/ 6 8 0 9 6-10- 0 6-10- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 2-2) 606 2:26 *Jun 19, 2007 at Columbia 3-8 L 3 11 1/ 8 8 1 9 6-11- 0 6-11- 0 Johnson, T. (L) 888 4:00 *Jun 20, 2007 Thomasville 4-5 L 4 11 0/ 5 6 0 9 6-12- 0 6-12- 0 Para, K. (L 0-2) 511 2:39 *Jun 21, 2007 at Martinsville 2-3 L 2 9 4/ 3 10 0 9 6-13- 0 6-13- 0 Layman, M. (L 0-2) 1492 2:29 *Jun 23, 2007 Petersburg 4-5 L 4 6 3/ 5 10 0 9 6-14- 0 6-14- 0 Pierce, S. (L 0-2) 1204 2:33 *Jun 25, 2007 at Wilson 5-6 L 5 6 2/ 6 12 0 9 6-15- 0 6-15- 0 Jonas, E. (L 1-1) 1014 2:52 *Jun 26, 2007 at Asheboro W 10-4 10 15 0/ 4 9 3 9 7-15- 0 7-15- 0 Johnson, T. (W 2-2) 575 *Jun 27, 2007 Peninsula 0-7 L 0 5 3/ 7 10 1 9 7-16- 0 7-16- 0 Para, K. (L 0-3) 400 2:40 *Jun 28, 2007 Spartanburg W 2-0 2 5 1/ 0 6 0 9 8-16- 0 8-16- 0 Elliott, B. (W 1-0) 557 2:15 *Jun 29, 2007 at Florence 4-7 L 4 11 0/ 7 8 3 9 8-17- 0 8-17- 0 Dupski, J. (L 2-1) 1292 2:30 *Jun 30, 2007 Asheboro 1-8 L 1 8 2/ 8 10 1 9 8-18- 0 8-18- 0 Layman, M. (L 0-3) 507 2:40 *Jul 01, 2007 Fayetteville 6-20 L 6 9 1/20 17 1 9 8-19- 0 8-19- 0 Johnson, T. (L 2-4) 412 2:45 *Jul 03, 2007 Thomasville 4-6 L 4 6 3/ 6 11 1 9 8-20- 0 8-20- 0 Dorsett, J. (L 0-1) 2797 2:22 *Jul 04, 2007 at Asheboro W 7-2 7 8 0/ 2 7 1 9 9-20- 0 9-20- 0 Bogaert, M. (W 3-2) 3253 2:18 *Jul 05, 2007 Thomasville W 6-5 6 10 4/ 5 14 4 9 10-20- 0 10-20- 0 Cutler, J. (W 1-1) 472 2:45 *Jul 06, 2007 Martinsville W 5-3 5 10 2/ 3 6 1 9 11-20- 0 11-20- 0 Jonas, E. (W 2-1) 481 2:34 *Jul 08, 2007 at Thomasville 4-10 L 4 9 2/10 10 1 9 11-21- 0 11-21- 0 Elliott, B. (L 1-1) 897 2:40 *Jul 09, 2007 at Peninsula W 10-6 10 14 2/ 6 12 3 9 12-21- 0 12-21- 0 Para, K. (W 1-3) 319 2:47 *Jul 10, 2007 at Petersburg 7-10 L 7 13 3/10 11 3 9 12-22- 0 12-22- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 3-3) 270 3:12 *Jul 11, 2007 Florence 2-4 L 2 10 4/ 4 6 1 9 12-23- 0 12-23- 0 Dupski, J. (L 2-2) 395 2:15 *Jul 12, 2007 Spartanburg 3-6 L 3 6 1/ 6 10 0 9 12-24- 0 12-24- 0 Johnson, T. (L 2-5) 344 2:30 *Jul 13, 2007 at Spartanburg 5-6 L 5 9 2/ 6 10 1 9 12-25- 0 12-25- 0 Elliott, B. (L 1-2) 593 2:29 *Jul 14, 2007 Asheboro 4-8 L 4 3 2/ 8 8 1 9 12-26- 0 12-26- 0 Cutler, J. (L 1-2) 1157 2:35 *Jul 19, 2007 at Asheboro 8-12 L 8 8 2/12 19 3 9 12-27- 0 12-27- 0 Jonas, E. (L 2-2) 465 3:05 *Jul 20, 2007 at Spartanburg W 6-0 6 11 1/ 0 5 1 9 13-27- 0 13-27- 0 Para, K. (W 2-3) 514 2;15 *Jul 23, 2007 Martinsville 1-5 L 1 7 0/ 5 9 0 9 13-28- 0 13-28- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 3-4) 1081 2:34 *Jul 25, 2007 at Martinsville W 4-2 4 6 1/ 2 6 2 (10) 14-28- 0 14-28- 0 Pierce, S. (W 1-2) 421 2:23 *Jul 26, 2007 Columbia 1-15 L 1 7 1/15 17 1 9 14-29- 0 14-29- 0 Dupski, J. (L 2-3) 635 2:46 *Jul 28, 2007 Edenton 0-5 L 0 1 3/ 5 9 0 9 14-30- 0 14-30- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 3-5) 1438 2:15 *Jul 30, 2007 at New Bern 0-6 L 0 2 0/ 6 8 1 9 14-31- 0 14-31- 0 Denton, E. (L 0-1) 405 2:25 *Jul 31, 2007 at Wilmington 7-8 L 7 10 0/ 8 13 1 9 14-32- 0 14-32- 0 Dorsett, J. (L 0-2) 819 2:45 *Aug 01, 2007 Wilson 3-9 L 3 11 2/ 9 13 2 9 14-33- 0 14-33- 0 Para, K. (L 2-4) 636 2:55 *Aug 02, 2007 Asheboro 1-2 L 1 4 0/ 2 6 3 9 14-34- 0 14-34- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 3-6) 604 2:13 *Aug 04, 2007 at Martinsville 6-14 L 6 12 2/14 16 0 9 14-35- 0 14-35- 0 Denton, E. (L 0-2) 1247 3:25 *Aug 05, 2007 at Thomasville W 6-3 6 8 2/ 3 5 0 7 15-35- 0 15-35- 0 Dorsett, J. (W 1-2) - 1:57 *Aug 05, 2007 at Thomasville 9-10 L 9 13 1/10 11 3 7 15-36- 0 15-36- 0 Jonas, E. (L 2-3) 721 2:23 *Aug 06, 2007 Spartanburg 5-10 L 5 7 2/10 12 1 9 15-37- 0 15-37- 0 Hill, C. (L 0-1) 450 2:43 *Aug 07, 2007 at Fayetteville 1-9 L 1 4 0/ 9 12 1 9 15-38- 0 15-38- 0 Bogaert, M. (L 3-7) 2872 2:25 *Aug 08, 2007 Spartanburg W 10-0 10 10 1/ 0 7 3 9 16-38- 0 16-38- 0 Hill, C. (W 1-1) 507 2:10 () extra inning game

Overall Statistics

The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games Sorted by Batting avg) Record: 16-38 Home: 7-19 Away: 9-19 Conference: 16-38 Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% Joseph Wade......... .345 11-6 29 2 10 0 0 0 1 10 .345 3 0 5 0 .406 0 0 0-0 31 5 2 .947 Edmund Locklear..... .294 19-14 51 7 15 2 1 0 7 19 .373 5 4 5 0 .400 0 0 0-0 43 8 1 .981 Seth Waller......... .289 49-49 190 23 55 13 0 7 38 89 .468 14 1 49 1 .340 1 0 0-0 207 20 7 .970 Zac Kennedy......... .281 51-50 192 40 54 6 1 1 15 65 .339 27 11 38 0 .395 3 3 22-24 88 134 26 .895 Wes Hobson.......... .266 54-54 229 34 61 11 4 4 29 92 .402 11 0 25 0 .298 2 7 1-1 109 123 8 .967 Evan Taylor......... .259 53-53 212 27 55 10 1 4 21 79 .373 9 3 51 1 .296 2 1 2-2 98 13 5 .957 David Rubinstein.... .259 47-45 166 24 43 7 1 3 20 61 .367 12 3 52 2 .317 2 1 10-15 92 3 1 .990 Reid Rollison....... .253 46-40 146 20 37 7 2 2 19 54 .370 15 2 42 0 .331 0 2 1-3 56 26 2 .976 Anthony Sosnoskie... .250 48-47 164 23 41 8 0 6 26 67 .409 17 9 38 0 .345 4 0 1-2 248 29 4 .986 Justin Frady........ .208 45-43 154 22 32 7 0 7 21 60 .390 19 4 56 1 .307 2 1 0-0 295 22 11 .966 Graham Chapman...... .195 27-24 82 9 16 1 0 0 10 17 .207 10 0 29 1 .283 0 3 1-1 17 43 10 .857 Derek Swilley....... .174 37-31 109 13 19 0 0 0 8 19 .174 15 0 20 0 .274 0 3 5-8 57 45 11 .903 Tyler Kirkpatrick... .151 30-28 93 10 14 1 1 3 9 26 .280 7 1 42 0 .218 0 2 0-0 31 60 4 .958 William Edwards..... .000 8-2 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 7 0 .000 0 0 0-0 4 2 1 .857 -------------- Samuel Pierce....... .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 2 2 0 1.000 Michael Bogaert..... .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 0 16 0 1.000 Totals.............. .247 54-54 1828 255 452 73 11 37 224 658 .360 164 38 459 6 .320 16 23 43-56 1404 615 101 .952 Opponents........... .285 54-54 1859 345 529 106 6 36 302 755 .406 243 47 301 8 .378 17 36 112-129 1441 519 82 .960 LOB - Team (373), Opp (453). DPs turned - Team (31), Opp (37). IBB - Team (0), Opp (2). Picked off - Kennedy, Z. 7, Rubinstein, 3, Taylor, E. 2, Swilley, D. 1, Chapman, G. 1, Sosnoskie, A 1. (All games Sorted by Earned run avg) Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA Reid Rollison....... 0.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/1 0 3.0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 .000 0 1 0 0 0 David Rubinstein.... 2.61 0-1 9 0 0 0/1 0 10.1 12 8 3 6 9 2 0 1 45 .267 2 1 0 0 0 Bret Elliott........ 2.93 1-2 8 5 0 0/2 0 30.2 27 13 10 15 24 7 0 1 119 .227 0 3 0 0 0 Samuel Pierce....... 3.15 1-2 18 0 0 0/3 2 20.0 17 10 7 8 9 2 1 1 77 .221 4 5 0 0 3 Jordan Dorsett...... 3.80 1-2 19 0 0 0/2 1 23.2 22 16 10 14 8 5 0 1 80 .275 4 3 0 3 4 Keith Para.......... 4.18 2-4 10 10 0 0/1 0 60.1 62 37 28 20 26 10 1 9 237 .262 2 3 2 2 4 Matthew Layman...... 4.18 0-3 4 4 0 0/0 0 23.2 22 12 11 6 17 5 0 2 89 .247 1 5 0 0 4 Evan Jonas.......... 4.46 2-3 22 1 0 0/1 1 38.1 41 24 19 15 31 11 2 3 155 .265 4 3 1 2 2 Jonathan Dupski..... 5.34 2-3 11 10 2 0/0 0 64.0 86 45 38 14 36 15 0 3 264 .326 4 4 1 2 6 Michael Bogaert..... 5.34 3-7 12 11 0 0/1 0 64.0 72 48 38 32 48 13 0 5 258 .279 7 4 0 0 2 Tim Johnson......... 7.04 2-5 7 7 0 0/0 0 38.1 49 35 30 27 28 8 1 2 148 .331 1 6 0 2 5 Joey Cutler......... 7.98 1-2 12 1 0 0/2 0 14.2 20 14 13 12 14 3 1 2 60 .333 2 1 0 0 0 Charlie Hill........ 8.78 1-1 21 0 0 0/1 0 27.2 37 30 27 23 16 10 0 3 114 .325 0 1 0 1 3 David Ricker........ 9.00 0-1 21 2 0 0/1 0 36.0 40 38 36 42 19 10 0 2 143 .280 7 7 0 4 3 Evan Denton......... 10.12 0-2 5 3 0 0/1 0 13.1 22 15 15 9 13 5 0 1 61 .361 0 0 0 1 0 Totals.............. 5.48 16-38 54 54 2 4/4 4 468.0 529 345 285 243 301 106 6 36 1859 .285 38 47 4 17 36 Opponents........... 3.77 38-16 54 54 3 4/2 15 480.1 452 255 201 164 459 73 11 37 1828 .247 31 38 7 16 23 PB - Team (26), Sosnoskie, A 18, Wade, J. 5, Locklear, E. 3, Opp (25). Pickoffs - Team (11), Bogaert, M. 5, Dupski, J. 2, Sosnoskie, A 2, Locklear, E. 1, Johnson, T. 1, Opp (14). SBA/ATT - Sosnoskie, A (90-101), Bogaert, M. (33-35), Locklear, E. (9-14), Dupski, J. (12-13), Wade, J. (13-13), Hill, C. (12-12), Ricker, D. (11-11), Johnson, T. (8-10), Para, K. (7-10), Jonas, E. (6-8), Cutler, J. (6-7), Elliott, B. (4-7), Dorsett, J. (4-5), Pierce, S. (4-4), Layman, M. (2-3), Rubinstein, (1-2), Denton, E. (2-2).
The Automated ScoreBook Overall Statistics for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games Sorted by Fielding pct) Player C PO A E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI Michael Bogaert..... 16 0 16 0 1.000 0 33 2 .943 0 0 Tim Johnson......... 8 3 5 0 1.000 1 8 2 .800 0 0 Jordan Dorsett...... 6 1 5 0 1.000 1 4 1 .800 0 0 Matthew Layman...... 5 2 3 0 1.000 0 2 1 .667 0 0 Samuel Pierce....... 4 2 2 0 1.000 0 4 0 1.000 0 0 Joey Cutler......... 3 1 2 0 1.000 0 6 1 .857 0 0 Evan Denton......... 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0 David Rubinstein.... 96 92 3 1 .990 0 1 1 .500 0 0 Anthony Sosnoskie... 281 248 29 4 .986 0 90 11 .891 18 0 Edmund Locklear..... 52 43 8 1 .981 1 9 5 .643 3 0 Reid Rollison....... 84 56 26 2 .976 1 0 0 --- 0 0 Seth Waller......... 234 207 20 7 .970 14 0 0 --- 0 0 Wes Hobson.......... 240 109 123 8 .967 18 0 0 --- 0 0 Justin Frady........ 328 295 22 11 .966 16 0 0 --- 0 0 Jonathan Dupski..... 25 8 16 1 .960 0 12 1 .923 0 0 Tyler Kirkpatrick... 95 31 60 4 .958 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Evan Taylor......... 116 98 13 5 .957 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Joseph Wade......... 38 31 5 2 .947 1 13 0 1.000 5 0 Keith Para.......... 13 3 9 1 .923 0 7 3 .700 0 0 Derek Swilley....... 113 57 45 11 .903 9 0 0 --- 0 0 Evan Jonas.......... 10 2 7 1 .900 0 6 2 .750 0 0 Zac Kennedy......... 248 88 134 26 .895 22 0 0 --- 0 0 Graham Chapman...... 70 17 43 10 .857 1 0 0 --- 0 0 David Ricker........ 7 0 6 1 .857 0 11 0 1.000 0 0 William Edwards..... 7 4 2 1 .857 0 0 0 --- 0 0 Bret Elliott........ 11 4 5 2 .818 0 4 3 .571 0 0 Charlie Hill........ 8 1 5 2 .750 0 12 0 1.000 0 0 Totals.............. 2120 1404 615 101 .952 31 112 17 .868 26 0 Opponents........... 2042 1441 519 82 .960 37 43 13 .768 25 0

Category Leaders

The Automated ScoreBook Batting Leaders for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Batting avg ----------- 1. Seth Waller......... .289 2. Zac Kennedy......... .281 3. Wes Hobson.......... .266 4. Evan Taylor......... .259 5. David Rubinstein.... .259 Slugging pct ------------ 1. Seth Waller......... .468 2. Anthony Sosnoskie... .409 3. Wes Hobson.......... .402 4. Justin Frady........ .390 5. Evan Taylor......... .373 On base pct ----------- 1. Zac Kennedy......... .395 2. Anthony Sosnoskie... .345 3. Seth Waller......... .340 4. Reid Rollison....... .331 5. David Rubinstein.... .317 Runs scored ----------- 1. Zac Kennedy......... 40 2. Wes Hobson.......... 34 3. Evan Taylor......... 27 4. David Rubinstein.... 24 5. 2 tied at........... 23 Hits ---- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 61 2. Evan Taylor......... 55 Seth Waller......... 55 4. Zac Kennedy......... 54 5. David Rubinstein.... 43 Runs batted in -------------- 1. Seth Waller......... 38 2. Wes Hobson.......... 29 3. Anthony Sosnoskie... 26 4. Evan Taylor......... 21 Justin Frady........ 21 Doubles ------- 1. Seth Waller......... 13 2. Wes Hobson.......... 11 3. Evan Taylor......... 10 4. Anthony Sosnoskie... 8 5. 3 tied at........... 7 Triples ------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 4 2. Reid Rollison....... 2 3. 5 tied at........... 1 Home runs --------- 1. Seth Waller......... 7 Justin Frady........ 7 3. Anthony Sosnoskie... 6 4. Evan Taylor......... 4 Wes Hobson.......... 4 Total bases ----------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 92 2. Seth Waller......... 89 3. Evan Taylor......... 79 4. Anthony Sosnoskie... 67 5. Zac Kennedy......... 65 Walks ----- 1. Zac Kennedy......... 27 2. Justin Frady........ 19 3. Anthony Sosnoskie... 17 4. Derek Swilley....... 15 Reid Rollison....... 15 Hit by pitch ------------ 1. Zac Kennedy......... 11 2. Anthony Sosnoskie... 9 3. Edmund Locklear..... 4 Justin Frady........ 4 5. 2 tied at........... 3 Sac bunts --------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 7 2. Derek Swilley....... 3 Graham Chapman...... 3 Zac Kennedy......... 3 5. 2 tied at........... 2 Sac flies --------- 1. Anthony Sosnoskie... 4 2. Zac Kennedy......... 3 3. 4 tied at........... 2 Stolen bases ------------ 1. Zac Kennedy......... 22 2. David Rubinstein.... 10 3. Derek Swilley....... 5 4. Evan Taylor......... 2 5. 4 tied at........... 1 Caught stealing --------------- 1. David Rubinstein.... 5 2. Derek Swilley....... 3 3. Zac Kennedy......... 2 Reid Rollison....... 2 5. Anthony Sosnoskie... 1 Steal attempts -------------- 1. Zac Kennedy......... 24 2. David Rubinstein.... 15 3. Derek Swilley....... 8 4. Reid Rollison....... 3 5. 2 tied at........... 2 Stolen base pct --------------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 1.000 Evan Taylor......... 1.000 3. Zac Kennedy......... .917 4. David Rubinstein.... .667 5. Anthony Sosnoskie... .500 Strikeouts ---------- 1. Justin Frady........ 56 2. David Rubinstein.... 52 3. Evan Taylor......... 51 4. Seth Waller......... 49 5. 2 tied at........... 42 Grounded into DP ---------------- 1. David Rubinstein.... 2 2. Seth Waller......... 1 Justin Frady........ 1 Graham Chapman...... 1 Evan Taylor......... 1 Total plate appearances ----------------------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 249 2. Zac Kennedy......... 236 3. Evan Taylor......... 227 4. Seth Waller......... 206 5. Anthony Sosnoskie... 194 At bats ------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 229 2. Evan Taylor......... 212 3. Zac Kennedy......... 192 4. Seth Waller......... 190 5. David Rubinstein.... 166 Games played ------------ 1. Wes Hobson.......... 54 2. Evan Taylor......... 53 3. Zac Kennedy......... 51 4. Seth Waller......... 49 5. Anthony Sosnoskie... 48 Game starts ----------- 1. Wes Hobson.......... 54 2. Evan Taylor......... 53 3. Zac Kennedy......... 50 4. Seth Waller......... 49 5. Anthony Sosnoskie... 47 Games as sub ------------ 1. William Edwards..... 6 Reid Rollison....... 6 Derek Swilley....... 6 4. Edmund Locklear..... 5 Joseph Wade......... 5
The Automated ScoreBook Pitching Leaders for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games) Hitting minimums - 146 TPA Pitching minimums - 43 IP Earned run avg -------------- 1. Keith Para.......... 4.18 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 5.34 Michael Bogaert..... 5.34 Opposing bat avg ---------------- 1. Keith Para.......... .262 2. Michael Bogaert..... .279 3. Jonathan Dupski..... .326 Won-loss pct ------------ 1. Jonathan Dupski..... .400 2. Keith Para.......... .333 3. Michael Bogaert..... .300 Wins ---- 1. Michael Bogaert..... 3 2. Evan Jonas.......... 2 Jonathan Dupski..... 2 Keith Para.......... 2 Tim Johnson......... 2 Losses ------ 1. Michael Bogaert..... 7 2. Tim Johnson......... 5 3. Keith Para.......... 4 4. 3 tied at........... 3 Saves ----- 1. Samuel Pierce....... 2 2. Jordan Dorsett...... 1 Evan Jonas.......... 1 Innings pitched --------------- 1. Jonathan Dupski..... 64.0 Michael Bogaert..... 64.0 3. Keith Para.......... 60.1 Batters struck out ------------------ 1. Michael Bogaert..... 48 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 36 3. Evan Jonas.......... 31 4. Tim Johnson......... 28 5. Keith Para.......... 26 Appearances ----------- 1. Evan Jonas.......... 22 2. Charlie Hill........ 21 David Ricker........ 21 4. Jordan Dorsett...... 19 5. Samuel Pierce....... 18 Games started ------------- 1. Michael Bogaert..... 11 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 10 Keith Para.......... 10 4. Tim Johnson......... 7 5. Bret Elliott........ 5 Games finished -------------- 1. Samuel Pierce....... 14 2. Jordan Dorsett...... 9 3. Charlie Hill........ 6 4. 3 tied at........... 5 Games in relief --------------- 1. Evan Jonas.......... 21 Charlie Hill........ 21 3. Jordan Dorsett...... 19 David Ricker........ 19 5. Samuel Pierce....... 18 Wild pitches ------------ 1. David Ricker........ 7 Michael Bogaert..... 7 3. 4 tied at........... 4 Balks ----- 1. Keith Para.......... 2 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 1 Evan Jonas.......... 1 Hit batters ----------- 1. David Ricker........ 7 2. Tim Johnson......... 6 3. Samuel Pierce....... 5 Matthew Layman...... 5 5. 2 tied at........... 4 Intentional BB allowed ---------------------- 1. Samuel Pierce....... 1 Jordan Dorsett...... 1 Runners picked off ------------------ 1. Michael Bogaert..... 5 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 2 Anthony Sosnoskie... 2 4. Tim Johnson......... 1 Edmund Locklear..... 1 Batters SO out looking ---------------------- 1. Michael Bogaert..... 14 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 11 3. David Ricker........ 8 4. Tim Johnson......... 6 5. 3 tied at........... 5 Sac bunts allowed ----------------- 1. Jonathan Dupski..... 6 2. Tim Johnson......... 5 3. Jordan Dorsett...... 4 Matthew Layman...... 4 Keith Para.......... 4 Sac flies allowed ----------------- 1. David Ricker........ 4 2. Jordan Dorsett...... 3 3. 4 tied at........... 2 Hits allowed ------------ 1. Keith Para.......... 62 2. Michael Bogaert..... 72 3. Jonathan Dupski..... 86 Runs allowed ------------ 1. Keith Para.......... 37 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 45 3. Michael Bogaert..... 48 Earned runs allowed ------------------- 1. Keith Para.......... 28 2. Jonathan Dupski..... 38 Michael Bogaert..... 38 Walks allowed ------------- 1. Jonathan Dupski..... 14 2. Keith Para.......... 20 3. Michael Bogaert..... 32 Doubles allowed --------------- 1. Keith Para.......... 10 2. Michael Bogaert..... 13 3. Jonathan Dupski..... 15 Triples allowed --------------- 1. Jonathan Dupski..... 0 Michael Bogaert..... 0 3. Keith Para.......... 1 Home runs allowed ----------------- 1. Jonathan Dupski..... 3 2. Michael Bogaert..... 5 3. Keith Para.......... 9
The Automated ScoreBook Fielding Leaders for Gastonia (as of Aug 9, 2007) (All games) Pitching minimums - 43 IP Fielding pct ------------ 1. Michael Bogaert..... 1.000 Tim Johnson......... 1.000 Jordan Dorsett...... 1.000 Matthew Layman...... 1.000 Samuel Pierce....... 1.000 Chances ------- 1. Justin Frady........ 328 2. Anthony Sosnoskie... 281 3. Zac Kennedy......... 248 4. Wes Hobson.......... 240 5. Seth Waller......... 234 Putouts ------- 1. Justin Frady........ 295 2. Anthony Sosnoskie... 248 3. Seth Waller......... 207 4. Wes Hobson.......... 109 5. Evan Taylor......... 98 Assists ------- 1. Zac Kennedy......... 134 2. Wes Hobson.......... 123 3. Tyler Kirkpatrick... 60 4. Derek Swilley....... 45 5. Graham Chapman...... 43 Errors ------ 1. Zac Kennedy......... 26 2. Justin Frady........ 11 Derek Swilley....... 11 4. Graham Chapman...... 10 5. Wes Hobson.......... 8 Fielding double plays --------------------- 1. Zac Kennedy......... 22 2. Wes Hobson.......... 18 3. Justin Frady........ 16 4. Seth Waller......... 14 5. Derek Swilley....... 9 Stolen bases against -------------------- 1. Anthony Sosnoskie... 90 2. Michael Bogaert..... 33 3. Joseph Wade......... 13 4. Charlie Hill........ 12 Jonathan Dupski..... 12 Caught stealing by ------------------ 1. Anthony Sosnoskie... 11 2. Edmund Locklear..... 5 3. Keith Para.......... 3 Bret Elliott........ 3 5. 3 tied at........... 2 Steal attempts against ---------------------- 1. Anthony Sosnoskie... 101 2. Michael Bogaert..... 35 3. Edmund Locklear..... 14 4. Joseph Wade......... 13 Jonathan Dupski..... 13 Passed balls ------------ 1. Anthony Sosnoskie... 18 2. Joseph Wade......... 5 3. Edmund Locklear..... 3 Catchers interference ---------------------