The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results
The Automated ScoreBook
Game Results for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Game date Opposing team Score r h e/ r h e Inns Overall Conference Pitcher of record Attend Time
--------- ------------- ----- --------/-------- ---- ------- -------- ---------------------- ------ ----
*May 30, 2007 Petersburg 6-11 L 6 13 3/11 15 1 9 0- 1- 0 0- 1- 0 Campbell, B. (L 0-1) 3963 3:07
*May 31, 2007 at Petersburg W 7-4 7 11 2/ 4 8 5 9 1- 1- 0 1- 1- 0 Wendler, R. (W 1-0) 1311 3:10
*Jun 01, 2007 Outer Banks W 3-1 3 9 0/ 1 6 0 9 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 Wendler, R. (W 2-0) 2402 2:37
*Jun 02, 2007 at Outer Banks 7-8 L 7 11 2/ 8 12 2 9 2- 2- 0 2- 2- 0 Carter, D. (L 0-1) 681 3:00
*Jun 04, 2007 at Wilson 2-9 L 2 6 1/ 9 13 1 9 2- 3- 0 2- 3- 0 Schwalenberg (L 0-1) 701 2:20
*Jun 05, 2007 at Fayetteville 5-10 L 5 5 1/10 14 3 9 2- 4- 0 2- 4- 0 O'Hara, K. (L 0-1) 1518 3:00
*Jun 06, 2007 Wilson W 5-1 5 9 1/ 1 3 2 9 3- 4- 0 3- 4- 0 Curll, B. (W 1-0) 708 2:07
*Jun 07, 2007 at Edenton W 2-1 2 6 2/ 1 4 0 9 4- 4- 0 4- 4- 0 Bowman, M. (W 1-0) 437 2:30
*Jun 08, 2007 Thomasville W 6-5 6 11 1/ 5 11 4 (11) 5- 4- 0 5- 4- 0 Schwalenberg (W 1-1) 806 3:58
*Jun 09, 2007 Martinsville 5-9 L 5 9 3/ 9 12 1 9 5- 5- 0 5- 5- 0 Curll, B. (L 1-1) 3877 3:24
*Jun 11, 2007 Edenton 0-7 L 0 5 5/ 7 8 0 9 5- 6- 0 5- 6- 0 Campbell, B. (L 0-2) 561 2:47
*Jun 13, 2007 at New Bern W 9-0 9 10 0/ 0 5 6 9 6- 6- 0 6- 6- 0 Schwalenberg (W 2-1) 477 2:37
*Jun 14, 2007 at Wilmington W 8-1 8 13 1/ 1 5 0 9 7- 6- 0 7- 6- 0 Bowman, M. (W 2-0) 1487 2:25
*Jun 15, 2007 Petersburg 5-8 L 5 9 4/ 8 7 2 9 7- 7- 0 7- 7- 0 Carter, D. (L 0-2) 1906 3:06
*Jun 16, 2007 at Petersburg W 8-4 8 7 3/ 4 8 3 9 8- 7- 0 8- 7- 0 O'Hara, K. (W 1-1) 785 3:20
*Jun 17, 2007 Florence W 8-7 8 8 2/ 7 13 0 9 9- 7- 0 9- 7- 0 Shawler, A. (W 1-0) 1296 2:57
*Jun 18, 2007 Columbia 1-5 L 1 8 4/ 5 7 2 9 9- 8- 0 9- 8- 0 Walker, B. (L 0-1) 793 2:46
*Jun 20, 2007 Asheboro W 3-2 3 9 1/ 2 6 1 9 10- 8- 0 10- 8- 0 O'Hara, K. (W 2-1) 811 2:19
*Jun 21, 2007 at Petersburg W 10-8 10 14 2/ 8 10 4 9 11- 8- 0 11- 8- 0 Moreland, K. (W 1-0) 1053 3:00
*Jun 22, 2007 Wilson 1-5 L 1 5 0/ 5 9 1 9 11- 9- 0 11- 9- 0 Carter, D. (L 0-3) 2996 2:58
*Jun 23, 2007 Outer Banks W 3-0 3 10 1/ 0 2 4 9 12- 9- 0 12- 9- 0 Barham, T. (W 1-0) 2873 2:28
*Jun 25, 2007 Edenton 3-5 L 3 8 0/ 5 10 1 9 12-10- 0 12-10- 0 Walker, B. (L 0-2) 686 2:55
*Jun 26, 2007 at Spartanburg W 3-2 3 9 0/ 2 8 0 9 13-10- 0 13-10- 0 Schwalenberg (W 3-1) 380 3:12
*Jun 27, 2007 at Gastonia W 7-0 7 10 1/ 0 5 3 9 14-10- 0 14-10- 0 Bowman, M. (W 3-0) 400 2:40
*Jun 28, 2007 Petersburg 3-7 L 3 5 3/ 7 11 2 9 14-11- 0 14-11- 0 O'Hara, K. (L 2-2) 910 2:56
*Jul 01, 2007 at Wilson 0-2 L 0 2 0/ 2 10 0 9 14-12- 0 14-12- 0 Walker, B. (L 0-3) 1252 2:15
*Jul 02, 2007 at Edenton W 5-1 5 6 0/ 1 6 1 9 15-12- 0 15-12- 0 Carter, D. (W 1-3) 590 2:50
*Jul 03, 2007 at Edenton 3-13 L 3 5 1/13 16 2 9 15-13- 0 15-13- 0 Barham, T. (L 1-1) 721 2:45
*Jul 04, 2007 at Petersburg W 5-4 5 11 0/ 4 10 0 9 16-13- 0 16-13- 0 Bowman, M. (W 4-0) 711 2:45
*Jul 05, 2007 Petersburg 2-3 L 2 2 0/ 3 8 2 9 16-14- 0 16-14- 0 Shawler, A. (L 1-1) 4117 2:39
*Jul 06, 2007 Edenton 3-5 L 3 10 2/ 5 10 0 9 16-15- 0 16-15- 0 Guida, G. (L 0-1) 1992 3:11
*Jul 07, 2007 at Outer Banks W 4-1 4 9 0/ 1 6 1 9 17-15- 0 17-15- 0 Walker, B. (W 1-3) 440 2:30
*Jul 09, 2007 Gastonia 6-10 L 6 12 3/10 14 2 9 17-16- 0 17-16- 0 Barham, T. (L 1-2) 319 2:47
*Jul 10, 2007 Spartanburg W 1-0 1 6 1/ 0 3 0 9 18-16- 0 18-16- 0 Guida, G. (W 1-1) 498 2:29
*Jul 11, 2007 at Petersburg W 9-5 9 19 2/ 5 11 4 (17) 19-16- 0 19-16- 0 Ray, S. (W 1-0) 120 5:25
*Jul 12, 2007 Petersburg W 4-2 4 9 2/ 2 4 4 9 20-16- 0 20-16- 0 Walker, B. (W 2-3) 823 2:16
*Jul 13, 2007 Outer Banks W 12-6 12 13 2/ 6 10 4 9 21-16- 0 21-16- 0 O'Hara, K. (W 3-2) 1297 3:13
*Jul 14, 2007 at Edenton 4-8 L 4 8 1/ 8 6 1 9 21-17- 0 21-17- 0 Carter, D. (L 1-4) 707 2:50
*Jul 18, 2007 Wilson 0-10 L 0 6 3/10 15 1 9 21-18- 0 21-18- 0 Barham, T. (L 1-3) 997 2:47
*Jul 20, 2007 at Florence W 13-8 13 13 1/ 8 10 0 9 22-18- 0 22-18- 0 Ray, S. (W 2-0) 1064 3:15
*Jul 21, 2007 at Columbia 4-7 L 4 8 1/ 7 12 2 9 22-19- 0 22-19- 0 Moreland, K. (L 1-1) 0 2:55
*Jul 22, 2007 at Asheboro W 1-0 1 7 2/ 0 5 2 9 23-19- 0 23-19- 0 Shawler, A. (W 2-1) 575 2:20
*Jul 24, 2007 Wilson W 3-2 3 5 2/ 2 5 2 9 24-19- 0 24-19- 0 O'Hara, K. (W 4-2) 696 225
Y*Jul 25, 2007 New Bern W 9-6 9 10 1/ 6 7 2 9 25-19- 0 25-19- 0 Ray, S. (W 3-0) 989 2:52
*Jul 26, 2007 Wilmington W 1-0 1 7 1/ 0 7 1 9 26-19- 0 26-19- 0 Walker, B. (W 3-3) 1203 2:13
*Jul 27, 2007 at Wilson 4-6 L 4 9 0/ 6 11 1 9 26-20- 0 26-20- 0 Schwalenberg (L 3-2) 1368 2:15
*Jul 28, 2007 Fayetteville 0-5 L 0 2 2/ 5 9 0 9 26-21- 0 26-21- 0 Shawler, A. (L 2-2) 3989 2:19
*Jul 31, 2007 Outer Banks W 2-1 2 10 1/ 1 6 0 7 27-21- 0 27-21- 0 Wendler, R. (W 3-0) 812 2:03
*Jul 31, 2007 Outer Banks W 9-0 9 14 0/ 0 2 3 7 28-21- 0 28-21- 0 Fleet, A. (W 1-0) 812 2:15
*Aug 01, 2007 at Martinsville W 2-1 2 5 1/ 1 4 2 9 29-21- 0 29-21- 0 Walker, B. (W 4-3) 649 2:14
*Aug 02, 2007 at Thomasville 3-7 L 3 7 2/ 7 9 4 9 29-22- 0 29-22- 0 Bowman, M. (L 4-1) 605 2:29
*Aug 03, 2007 at Wilson W 8-2 8 13 0/ 2 7 1 9 30-22- 0 30-22- 0 Shawler, A. (W 3-2) 2248 2:43
*Aug 06, 2007 at Petersburg 2-6 L 2 4 3/ 6 7 4 9 30-23- 0 30-23- 0 Schwalenberg (L 3-3) 675 3:00
y*Aug 07, 2007 Outer Banks W 14-1 14 12 0/ 1 3 4 9 31-23- 0 31-23- 0 Ray, S. (W 4-0) 979 2:34
Y*Aug 08, 2007 Edenton W 3-1 3 5 1/ 1 4 1 9 32-23- 0 32-23- 0 Barham, T. (W 2-3) 1598 2:33
() extra inning game
Overall Statistics
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games Sorted by Batting avg)
Record: 32-23 Home: 16-13 Away: 16-10 Conference: 32-23
Anthony Coromato.... .333 5-4 15 2 5 1 0 1 1 9 .600 2 0 1 0 .412 0 0 0-1 7 0 0 1.000
Eddie Van Es........ .330 54-54 227 41 75 10 3 2 41 97 .427 19 2 38 3 .384 2 0 26-36 90 7 3 .970
Chance Gilmore...... .281 17-16 64 16 18 5 1 1 4 28 .438 9 0 19 1 .365 1 0 5-6 22 3 3 .893
Matt Payton......... .278 47-45 169 26 47 6 0 0 6 53 .314 18 4 49 1 .359 1 8 11-18 70 92 5 .970
Jose Iglesias....... .273 30-26 88 13 24 3 0 3 13 36 .409 7 1 18 5 .333 0 3 1-2 220 21 5 .980
Gil Zayas........... .270 43-43 163 15 44 11 0 6 33 73 .448 16 1 23 6 .337 1 0 0-0 40 42 6 .932
Ernie Banks......... .269 28-27 108 11 29 7 1 1 16 41 .380 12 2 20 2 .352 0 0 0-0 197 20 4 .982
Tom Ready........... .258 9-9 31 3 8 1 0 0 3 9 .290 1 0 6 0 .281 0 0 0-0 17 0 0 1.000
Bryan Cipolla....... .256 50-45 176 18 45 8 0 0 25 53 .301 25 0 21 2 .347 1 1 0-0 183 11 1 .995
Troy Frazier........ .254 31-30 118 13 30 3 1 1 13 38 .322 13 1 18 0 .333 0 2 5-5 44 0 1 .978
Ian Schwalenberg.... .250 1-1 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 .250 0 0 2 0 .250 0 0 0-0 6 10 3 .842
Mike Roberts........ .244 37-32 119 15 29 4 1 0 5 35 .294 17 2 24 4 .345 1 1 5-5 283 28 6 .981
Anthony Shawler..... .242 38-35 128 19 31 6 0 3 14 46 .359 20 0 33 2 .345 0 3 10-14 86 19 3 .972
Ryan Arcadia........ .213 48-44 164 31 35 3 0 1 9 41 .250 15 12 44 2 .323 1 2 13-16 73 97 10 .944
Jake McAloose....... .189 44-37 127 16 24 6 0 2 18 36 .283 16 2 26 2 .286 2 2 4-5 42 64 6 .946
Greg Maliniak....... .167 15-8 36 1 6 1 0 0 4 7 .194 3 2 15 0 .268 0 1 0-0 15 1 1 .941
Gino Matias......... .160 37-32 100 14 16 2 0 0 7 18 .180 18 4 18 1 .309 1 2 5-9 33 86 12 .908
Andrew Heard........ .111 8-5 18 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 .111 2 0 10 0 .200 0 1 0-0 11 1 1 .923
Gus Guida........... .000 3-1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 2 0 .000 0 0 0-0 2 8 0 1.000
John Boyd........... .000 1-1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 1 0 .333 0 0 0-0 10 0 0 1.000
Ryan Wendler........ .000 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 0 .000 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000
Brett Curll......... .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 2 2 0 1.000
Totals.............. .252 55-55 1863 256 469 77 7 21 212 623 .334 214 33 389 31 .338 11 26 85-117 1474 586 78 .964
Opponents........... .245 55-55 1832 243 449 87 11 19 208 615 .336 199 35 495 22 .328 14 43 93-116 1461 664 99 .955
LOB - Team (430), Opp (406). DPs turned - Team (30), Opp (44). IBB - Team (1), Van Es, E. 1, Opp (3). Picked off - Matias, G.
2, Van Es, E. 2, Cipolla, B. 2, Gilmore, C. 1, Banks, E. 1, Payton, M. 1, Shawler, A. 1, Zayas, G. 1.
(All games Sorted by Earned run avg)
Austin Fleet........ 0.00 1-0 3 1 0 0/1 0 7.0 2 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 21 .095 0 1 0 0 0
Brett Curll......... 1.20 1-1 6 3 0 0/0 0 15.0 10 8 2 8 8 3 0 0 53 .189 2 2 0 1 1
Brett Walker........ 1.59 4-3 9 8 1 1/0 0 56.2 46 15 10 13 31 4 1 1 209 .220 1 4 0 0 5
Ryan Wendler........ 1.80 3-0 25 1 0 0/3 0 35.0 28 10 7 9 42 8 2 1 130 .215 1 1 0 1 1
Kenny Moreland...... 1.95 1-1 22 0 0 0/3 12 27.2 15 6 6 8 36 2 1 0 97 .155 1 3 0 0 1
Anthony Shawler..... 2.57 3-2 11 5 0 0/1 0 42.0 37 14 12 19 52 5 0 1 153 .242 5 6 1 2 4
Dexter Carter....... 2.92 1-4 11 9 0 0/1 0 49.1 41 26 16 28 72 8 2 3 178 .230 3 2 0 2 8
Michael Bowman...... 3.23 4-1 10 10 0 0/2 0 55.2 51 22 20 12 55 9 1 0 208 .245 2 2 0 1 4
Sean Ray............ 3.52 4-0 16 1 0 0/1 1 23.0 18 13 9 22 25 5 2 1 82 .220 0 0 1 1 2
Gus Guida........... 3.76 1-1 24 0 0 0/2 1 26.1 22 11 11 8 28 6 0 1 95 .232 3 0 0 2 2
Ben Campbell........ 3.79 0-2 16 5 0 0/1 0 40.1 52 26 17 13 28 9 1 1 164 .317 2 3 1 1 2
Kevin O'Hara........ 4.23 4-2 19 3 0 0/0 0 38.1 39 26 18 19 43 9 0 3 147 .265 2 3 0 2 4
Sean Grieve......... 4.50 0-0 1 1 0 0/0 0 2.0 1 2 1 2 4 1 0 0 8 .125 0 1 0 0 0
Trey Barham......... 4.85 2-3 8 5 0 0/1 0 29.2 28 21 16 17 29 5 0 1 108 .259 2 4 0 0 4
James Niesuchouski.. 6.97 0-0 4 0 0 0/0 0 10.1 13 8 8 3 10 3 0 2 44 .295 0 1 0 1 0
Ian Schwalenberg.... 7.16 3-3 16 3 0 0/2 0 32.2 41 29 26 12 26 9 1 4 129 .318 1 2 0 0 5
Bryan Farrell....... 99.00 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 0.1 5 6 4 3 0 0 0 0 6 .833 0 0 0 0 0
Totals.............. 3.35 32-23 55 55 1 7/6 14 491.1 449 243 183 199 495 87 11 19 1832 .245 25 35 3 14 43
Opponents........... 3.29 23-32 55 55 4 4/3 9 487.0 469 256 178 214 389 77 7 21 1863 .252 34 33 2 11 26
PB - Team (31), Iglesias, J. 17, Roberts, M. 10, Boyd, J. 4, Opp (41). Pickoffs - Team (15), Campbell, B. 5, Roberts, M. 2,
Bowman, M. 2, Carter, D. 2, Iglesias, J. 1, Walker, B. 1, Guida, G. 1, Schwalenberg 1, Opp (11). SBA/ATT - Roberts, M.
(47-57), Iglesias, J. (44-55), Carter, D. (16-19), Walker, B. (12-16), Campbell, B. (10-12), O'Hara, K. (10-11), Schwalenberg
(7-10), Bowman, M. (7-8), Guida, G. (7-7), Ray, S. (7-7), Barham, T. (3-6), Moreland, K. (4-6), Curll, B. (3-4), Shawler, A.
(2-4), Wendler, R. (2-3), Niesuchouski (2-2), Boyd, J. (2-2), Grieve, S. (1-1).
The Automated ScoreBook
Overall Statistics for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games Sorted by Fielding pct)
Tom Ready........... 17 17 0 0 1.000 3 0 0 --- 0 0
Michael Bowman...... 16 3 13 0 1.000 0 7 1 .875 0 0
Trey Barham......... 10 1 9 0 1.000 0 3 3 .500 0 0
John Boyd........... 10 10 0 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 4 0
Gus Guida........... 10 2 8 0 1.000 0 7 0 1.000 0 0
Anthony Coromato.... 7 7 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Kenny Moreland...... 6 3 3 0 1.000 0 4 2 .667 0 0
Sean Ray............ 5 0 5 0 1.000 0 7 0 1.000 0 0
Brett Curll......... 4 2 2 0 1.000 0 3 1 .750 0 0
Ryan Wendler........ 2 1 1 0 1.000 0 2 1 .667 0 0
James Niesuchouski.. 2 0 2 0 1.000 0 2 0 1.000 0 0
Bryan Cipolla....... 195 183 11 1 .995 11 0 0 --- 0 0
Ernie Banks......... 221 197 20 4 .982 10 0 0 --- 0 0
Mike Roberts........ 317 283 28 6 .981 0 47 10 .825 10 0
Jose Iglesias....... 246 220 21 5 .980 0 44 11 .800 17 0
Troy Frazier........ 45 44 0 1 .978 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Anthony Shawler..... 108 86 19 3 .972 2 2 2 .500 0 0
Matt Payton......... 167 70 92 5 .970 12 0 0 --- 0 0
Eddie Van Es........ 100 90 7 3 .970 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Jake McAloose....... 112 42 64 6 .946 9 0 0 --- 0 0
Ryan Arcadia........ 180 73 97 10 .944 16 0 0 --- 0 0
Greg Maliniak....... 17 15 1 1 .941 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Ben Campbell........ 16 0 15 1 .938 0 10 2 .833 0 0
Gil Zayas........... 88 40 42 6 .932 6 0 0 --- 0 0
Andrew Heard........ 13 11 1 1 .923 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Gino Matias......... 131 33 86 12 .908 13 0 0 --- 0 0
Chance Gilmore...... 28 22 3 3 .893 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Brett Walker........ 23 8 12 3 .870 0 12 4 .750 0 0
Kevin O'Hara........ 7 2 4 1 .857 0 10 1 .909 0 0
Ian Schwalenberg.... 19 6 10 3 .842 1 7 3 .700 0 0
Dexter Carter....... 16 3 10 3 .813 0 16 3 .842 0 0
Sean Grieve......... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0
Bryan Farrell....... 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Austin Fleet........ 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 --- 0 0
Totals.............. 2138 1474 586 78 .964 30 93 23 .802 31 0
Opponents........... 2224 1461 664 99 .955 44 85 32 .726 41 0
Category Leaders
The Automated ScoreBook
Batting Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 146 TPA
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Batting avg
1. Eddie Van Es........ .330
2. Matt Payton......... .278
3. Gil Zayas........... .270
4. Bryan Cipolla....... .256
5. Anthony Shawler..... .242
Slugging pct
1. Gil Zayas........... .448
2. Eddie Van Es........ .427
3. Anthony Shawler..... .359
4. Matt Payton......... .314
5. Bryan Cipolla....... .301
On base pct
1. Eddie Van Es........ .384
2. Matt Payton......... .359
3. Bryan Cipolla....... .347
4. Anthony Shawler..... .345
5. Gil Zayas........... .337
Runs scored
1. Eddie Van Es........ 41
2. Ryan Arcadia........ 31
3. Matt Payton......... 26
4. Anthony Shawler..... 19
5. Bryan Cipolla....... 18
1. Eddie Van Es........ 75
2. Matt Payton......... 47
3. Bryan Cipolla....... 45
4. Gil Zayas........... 44
5. Ryan Arcadia........ 35
Runs batted in
1. Eddie Van Es........ 41
2. Gil Zayas........... 33
3. Bryan Cipolla....... 25
4. Jake McAloose....... 18
5. Ernie Banks......... 16
1. Gil Zayas........... 11
2. Eddie Van Es........ 10
3. Bryan Cipolla....... 8
4. Ernie Banks......... 7
5. 3 tied at........... 6
1. Eddie Van Es........ 3
2. Chance Gilmore...... 1
Ernie Banks......... 1
Troy Frazier........ 1
Mike Roberts........ 1
Home runs
1. Gil Zayas........... 6
2. Jose Iglesias....... 3
Anthony Shawler..... 3
4. Jake McAloose....... 2
Eddie Van Es........ 2
Total bases
1. Eddie Van Es........ 97
2. Gil Zayas........... 73
3. Matt Payton......... 53
Bryan Cipolla....... 53
5. Anthony Shawler..... 46
1. Bryan Cipolla....... 25
2. Anthony Shawler..... 20
3. Eddie Van Es........ 19
4. Matt Payton......... 18
Gino Matias......... 18
Hit by pitch
1. Ryan Arcadia........ 12
2. Gino Matias......... 4
Matt Payton......... 4
4. 5 tied at........... 2
Sac bunts
1. Matt Payton......... 8
2. Anthony Shawler..... 3
Jose Iglesias....... 3
4. 4 tied at........... 2
Sac flies
1. Jake McAloose....... 2
Eddie Van Es........ 2
3. 7 tied at........... 1
Stolen bases
1. Eddie Van Es........ 26
2. Ryan Arcadia........ 13
3. Matt Payton......... 11
4. Anthony Shawler..... 10
5. 4 tied at........... 5
Caught stealing
1. Eddie Van Es........ 10
2. Matt Payton......... 7
3. Anthony Shawler..... 4
Gino Matias......... 4
5. Ryan Arcadia........ 3
Steal attempts
1. Eddie Van Es........ 36
2. Matt Payton......... 18
3. Ryan Arcadia........ 16
4. Anthony Shawler..... 14
5. Gino Matias......... 9
Stolen base pct
1. Ryan Arcadia........ .813
2. Jake McAloose....... .800
3. Eddie Van Es........ .722
4. Anthony Shawler..... .714
5. Matt Payton......... .611
1. Matt Payton......... 49
2. Ryan Arcadia........ 44
3. Eddie Van Es........ 38
4. Anthony Shawler..... 33
5. Jake McAloose....... 26
Grounded into DP
1. Gil Zayas........... 6
2. Jose Iglesias....... 5
3. Mike Roberts........ 4
4. Eddie Van Es........ 3
5. 5 tied at........... 2
Total plate appearances
1. Eddie Van Es........ 250
2. Bryan Cipolla....... 203
3. Matt Payton......... 200
4. Ryan Arcadia........ 194
5. Gil Zayas........... 181
At bats
1. Eddie Van Es........ 227
2. Bryan Cipolla....... 176
3. Matt Payton......... 169
4. Ryan Arcadia........ 164
5. Gil Zayas........... 163
Games played
1. Eddie Van Es........ 54
2. Bryan Cipolla....... 50
3. Ryan Arcadia........ 48
4. Matt Payton......... 47
5. Jake McAloose....... 44
Game starts
1. Eddie Van Es........ 54
2. Matt Payton......... 45
Bryan Cipolla....... 45
4. Ryan Arcadia........ 44
5. Gil Zayas........... 43
Games as sub
1. Greg Maliniak....... 7
Jake McAloose....... 7
3. Mike Roberts........ 5
Bryan Cipolla....... 5
Gino Matias......... 5
The Automated ScoreBook
Pitching Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Hitting minimums - 146 TPA
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Earned run avg
1. Brett Walker........ 1.59
2. Dexter Carter....... 2.92
3. Michael Bowman...... 3.23
Opposing bat avg
1. Brett Walker........ .220
2. Dexter Carter....... .230
3. Michael Bowman...... .245
Won-loss pct
1. Michael Bowman...... .800
2. Brett Walker........ .571
3. Dexter Carter....... .200
1. Sean Ray............ 4
Michael Bowman...... 4
Kevin O'Hara........ 4
Brett Walker........ 4
5. 3 tied at........... 3
1. Dexter Carter....... 4
2. Trey Barham......... 3
Brett Walker........ 3
Ian Schwalenberg.... 3
5. 3 tied at........... 2
1. Kenny Moreland...... 12
2. Sean Ray............ 1
Gus Guida........... 1
Innings pitched
1. Brett Walker........ 56.2
2. Michael Bowman...... 55.2
3. Dexter Carter....... 49.1
Batters struck out
1. Dexter Carter....... 72
2. Michael Bowman...... 55
3. Anthony Shawler..... 52
4. Kevin O'Hara........ 43
5. Ryan Wendler........ 42
1. Ryan Wendler........ 25
2. Gus Guida........... 24
3. Kenny Moreland...... 22
4. Kevin O'Hara........ 19
5. 3 tied at........... 16
Games started
1. Michael Bowman...... 10
2. Dexter Carter....... 9
3. Brett Walker........ 8
4. 3 tied at........... 5
Games finished
1. Kenny Moreland...... 20
2. Ryan Wendler........ 10
3. Sean Ray............ 6
4. Gus Guida........... 5
Anthony Shawler..... 5
Games in relief
1. Gus Guida........... 24
Ryan Wendler........ 24
3. Kenny Moreland...... 22
4. Kevin O'Hara........ 16
5. Sean Ray............ 15
Wild pitches
1. Anthony Shawler..... 5
2. Gus Guida........... 3
Dexter Carter....... 3
4. 5 tied at........... 2
1. Sean Ray............ 1
Ben Campbell........ 1
Anthony Shawler..... 1
Hit batters
1. Anthony Shawler..... 6
2. Brett Walker........ 4
Trey Barham......... 4
4. 3 tied at........... 3
Intentional BB allowed
1. Ian Schwalenberg.... 2
2. Kevin O'Hara........ 1
Runners picked off
1. Ben Campbell........ 5
2. Dexter Carter....... 2
Michael Bowman...... 2
Mike Roberts........ 2
5. 4 tied at........... 1
Batters SO out looking
1. Dexter Carter....... 16
2. Anthony Shawler..... 13
3. Kevin O'Hara........ 12
4. Kenny Moreland...... 11
Trey Barham......... 11
Sac bunts allowed
1. Dexter Carter....... 8
2. Ian Schwalenberg.... 5
Brett Walker........ 5
4. 4 tied at........... 4
Sac flies allowed
1. Gus Guida........... 2
Anthony Shawler..... 2
Dexter Carter....... 2
Kevin O'Hara........ 2
5. 6 tied at........... 1
Hits allowed
1. Dexter Carter....... 41
2. Brett Walker........ 46
3. Michael Bowman...... 51
Runs allowed
1. Brett Walker........ 15
2. Michael Bowman...... 22
3. Dexter Carter....... 26
Earned runs allowed
1. Brett Walker........ 10
2. Dexter Carter....... 16
3. Michael Bowman...... 20
Walks allowed
1. Michael Bowman...... 12
2. Brett Walker........ 13
3. Dexter Carter....... 28
Doubles allowed
1. Brett Walker........ 4
2. Dexter Carter....... 8
3. Michael Bowman...... 9
Triples allowed
1. Michael Bowman...... 1
Brett Walker........ 1
3. Dexter Carter....... 2
Home runs allowed
1. Michael Bowman...... 0
2. Brett Walker........ 1
3. Dexter Carter....... 3
The Automated ScoreBook
Fielding Leaders for Peninsula (as of Aug 09, 2007)
(All games)
Pitching minimums - 43 IP
Fielding pct
1. Tom Ready........... 1.000
Michael Bowman...... 1.000
Gus Guida........... 1.000
Trey Barham......... 1.000
John Boyd........... 1.000
1. Mike Roberts........ 317
2. Jose Iglesias....... 246
3. Ernie Banks......... 221
4. Bryan Cipolla....... 195
5. Ryan Arcadia........ 180
1. Mike Roberts........ 283
2. Jose Iglesias....... 220
3. Ernie Banks......... 197
4. Bryan Cipolla....... 183
5. Eddie Van Es........ 90
1. Ryan Arcadia........ 97
2. Matt Payton......... 92
3. Gino Matias......... 86
4. Jake McAloose....... 64
5. Gil Zayas........... 42
1. Gino Matias......... 12
2. Ryan Arcadia........ 10
3. Jake McAloose....... 6
Gil Zayas........... 6
Mike Roberts........ 6
Fielding double plays
1. Ryan Arcadia........ 16
2. Gino Matias......... 13
3. Matt Payton......... 12
4. Bryan Cipolla....... 11
5. Ernie Banks......... 10
Stolen bases against
1. Mike Roberts........ 47
2. Jose Iglesias....... 44
3. Dexter Carter....... 16
4. Brett Walker........ 12
5. 2 tied at........... 10
Caught stealing by
1. Jose Iglesias....... 11
2. Mike Roberts........ 10
3. Brett Walker........ 4
4. 3 tied at........... 3
Steal attempts against
1. Mike Roberts........ 57
2. Jose Iglesias....... 55
3. Dexter Carter....... 19
4. Brett Walker........ 16
5. Ben Campbell........ 12
Passed balls
1. Jose Iglesias....... 17
2. Mike Roberts........ 10
3. John Boyd........... 4
Catchers interference